Saturday, May 16, 2020

Lakewood Poskim: Outdor Minyanim should continue, Working on a Plan to Reopen Shuls

Photo: Credit  LNN


  1. Sadly it’s not about a plan .
    It’s about internal politics.

  2. the issue is practically that opening shuls to a maximum of 10 will leave others without options for minyanim children cant daven with their parents. Shuls should open for weekday only

    1. Unfortunately there are some shuls where even in regular times children can’t daven with Totty because there’s no space and the well connected people won’t let them build...

  3. With no guidelines/plan how can shuls open? This is total hefkeirus.

    1. The guidelines are very simple there are shuls open already. Not more than 10 people allowed in a room with proper social distancing. If there is a separate entrance in the same building to another room they can have another minyan there but not mingle or share a common area with the other minyan. There should be someone in charge making sure the rules are strictly enforced some places set up a registration for the 10 people that will daven in each minyan. A rebbe can daven with 9 of his students as well

    2. So stay home. What's your problem ?

  4. BH we're proper mature adults you trust us to go to the grocery stores we don't need your rules to tell us how to go to shull. each of our Shulls have our own Rabbonim we don't need your guidelines we can take care of ourselves. As long as you don't get in the way

    1. The askanim and vaad apparently don't think so as was evident of how they tried to control and deceive throughout this ordeal. They believed they can put out silly statements robo calls and fear mongering and expect mature adults to fall for it. It's embarrassing and condescending of how they treat the kehila of Lakewood

  5. Why haven’t wedding halls refunded deposits yet???
