Sunday, May 10, 2020

Letter from Doctors: Antibodies Does Not confirm Immunity

A group of Lakewood Physicians write letter to remain vigilant on social distancing and not relax the  rules even if tested with anti bodies for covid19


  1. Doctors need to show humility.
    Originally the Doctors said “There is no need to worry “
    Now they say “worry , worry “
    They have NO idea what they are talking about .
    Not than.
    Not Now !

  2. So the Dr.'s are saying they want the lockdown in place until a vaccine or treatments are available.

    Well the fact is that may never happen, and their has never, in modern history, been the quarantine of the healthy, to stop the spread of a virus.

    While I appreciate the Dr's works in treating people. Epidemiology is very different than the practice of medicine. The epidemiologists advising the governments of Germany, South Korea and Taiwan had a very different approach to handling this than those advising policy U.S., and it seems to have been more effective.

    Additionally, the CDC and NIH only proposed the lockdown as a means to flatten the curve, they never mentioned or stated a goal of eliminating the virus via a lockdown. This is a classic case of moving the goalposts, and not just moving the goal posts, but doing so to achieve a goal which is not reachable.

    Here is a link to an epidemiologist, and his view on the path forward.

  3. Letter is dated shabbos....

    1. could have been motzei shabbos but it was released before shabbos regardless

  4. This was not signed by ALL Lakewood doctors

  5. The numbers are going down there's no known case of reinfection what are they trying to scare everyone to stay home and cause depression no money there's already an uptick in suicides.

  6. Oy!! These comments here show why the doctors need to state the obvious and write this letter....

  7. Then how will a vaccine help?! Let us free now!

  8. Wondering what an optometrist and ob are doing one the list... at this point the general public following the cdc and other medical information is just as informed as these doctors. We don’t need their help reading.

  9. docs please tell us which antibody test is reliable

  10. Stop fear mongering! Only the naive are still being fooled

  11. If antibodies don't confirm immunity, how will a vaccine help?

  12. Where were the doctors before Purim or right after Purim they said nothing and when it hit Lakewood they told everyone to stay calm and not to worry. Patients at chemed were not tested and sent home. Now its too late and the doctors who failed to protect the community are fear mongering.

  13. Don’t drive a car. Your brakes might fail. Lockdown for the flu. Frum yidden passed away from the flu! It’s pikuach nefesh! Lives can be saved. Seriously speaking why shouldn’t we close Shuls during flu season? Lives can definitely be saved. If your response is it’s less people then my question is who gets to decide the number?! (HINT: Sugyos in shas discuss this.)

    1. Have you been to the Lakewood Bais Hachayim lately? Yup...looks like typical flu season.

  14. The stupidity of some people is truly overwhelming! How bankrupt of moral character can one become?! There is an unquestionable requirement in Jewish law to listen to doctors. It is supposed to be common sense but it seems like sense is lacking in many of the common folk. It would be one thing if the children would be the ones ignoring doctors, but it is so sad to see adults behaving without any regard or respect for the basics of social distancing. How can we expect to raise ehrliche children when many of our adults have no self discipline?

    It is a sad state of affairs when people think that the "עת צרה" is defined as not having a minyan.

  15. Rav Eli Ber And
    Rav Yerucham wrote and said it’s an Eis Tzora , Specifically because We don’t have Minyan .
    But you know better than them ??
    You must be a Doctor or an Askan .
