Thursday, May 21, 2020

Agudah Responds to Slander About Shul Guidelines

The Agudah, today, has released the attached letter signed by three senior members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rabbi Dovid Feinstein, and Rabbi Aharon Feldman, for purposes of clarification.

In English Translation:

We write in response to slander and to publicly declare that the Guidelines released by the leadership of Agudath Israel of America – on the subject of how and when to reopen the doors of our shuls and batei medrash for tefillah in a way that is in accordance with the law and in which there is no danger of the further spread of coronavirus – were fully accepted by us and were with the approval of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. The rumors that the leadership of Agudath Israel acted on this of their own discretion are complete fabrications.
It is appropriate to emphasize that all the activity of the Agudah’s leadership under the direction of Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel are for the sake of Heaven and are performed after consultation with gedolei Torah.

On this we sign on the 27th of Iyar, 5780,


  1. I think the question is bigger now

  2. Oh though this is a apology letter against the slander and lashon hora in the Agudah statement yesterday against chasidim on Brooklyn,apparently the moetzes approved that slander.

    1. Apparently you don't know the definition of slander.

    2. How are you any different from a regular antisemite?

      The Agudah never said anything about chassidim as a group. YOU DID. YOU are guilty of generalizing about an entire group of people, when all that was mentioned was one small school and its directors for publicly flaunting the דינא דמלכותא which is inexcusable in this case and creates tremendous amounts of איבה that the rest of Klal Yisrael has to suffer from.

      The leaders of that small school in Williamsburg were selfish and only thought about themselves. They could care less about the consequences they bring about to the greater Jewish community.

      They should be put in חרם and get מלקות.

    3. Slander is when you trust everything in the news and publicly Bashmutz an entire cheder its hanhala and chasidus without reaching out to them asking to hear their side of the story. Did the aguda invite them and listen to what they did before publicly attacking them in a statement.

    4. Agudah is 1000% correct. Stop slandering them. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. The school and its hanhalah were totally wrong.

    5. How come “not hearing their side of the story” is a problem here, but it’s never been a problem when it comes to ripping apart families, stopping shuls from building, calling DYFS, pseudo therapists inciting children against parents, accusing parents of molestation...etc
      Why are people in this town so two faced and hypocritical?

    6. Again. Yidden are supposed to think before they act about how their actions will affect not just themselves, but also the rest of Klal Yisrael. We have a Halacha of Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh Bazeh. We must act responsibly or we bring about great displeasure to HKB"H. The satan/yetzer-hora knows how to fool us into thinking that we're doing a mitzvah, when it's in fact a terrible aveirah! Hashem Yishmereinu.

    7. Exactly, Agudah put out a statement attacking President Trump one of the best friends the Jewish community had as a president. Where was Agudas responsibility for the klal for potential nekama whew is their arvus.

    8. There are litvush yeshivas that are open just like the chasidish school why is aguda not calling them out publicly for the chilul hashem they are making. Does it matter if they get caught or not

    9. Anon 10:29 -

      Why can't you hold a normal discussion. You attack and throw around innuendos and expect people to know what you're talking about. Please stop babbling, talk like a mentch, and don't talk chutzpadik about gedolei hador!

    10. Anon 10:31 - You sound like a farbissene chusid. Please tell us which litvishe yeshiva was publicized across the international news media for being מתגרה באומות and flaunting the Governor's Executive Order. None.

      Besides, why are you so hell bent on creating division between litvishe and chassidishe? The "Agudas" Yisrael is exactly that - an אגודה of all types of yidden. Ashkenezim, Sefardim, Chassidish, Litvish. You're just trying hard to be a בעל מחלוקת. Stop it already!!

    11. Your problem is only because they got caught?

    12. There were lots of news reports in the media about Lakewood yiddin violating social distancing the aguda did not say boo. double standard!

  3. Its missing half the signatures of the moetzes why didn't the Lakewood rosh yeshiva sign it. If its a machlokes haposkim everyone is entitled to follow their Rabbonim and Roshei yeshiva.

  4. This is just another bluff by Agudah laymen leadership. They keep pulling the wool over the eyes of these gedolim with various tricks, and elicit letters from them . The Agudah is a defunct , obsolete organization.

  5. Hey, Agudah , every yeshiva is closed and you only plead with the governor about camps. Not one word about a yeshiva. Oops, sorry , they did mention yeshiva; the letter condemned a yeshiva for actually opening.

  6. Where is Rav Malkiel Kotler Shlitas Name ??

  7. RSK allowed a minyan in a lakewood shul to stay open throughout

    1. When asked at the start of this RSK was very sceptical about closing shuls. I know this for a fact. This letter is another shenanigan by the Agudah leadership. Never trust them.

  8. Agudah was hell bent all along on keeping shuls closed. They have not once pleaded with the governor to open yeshivahs; all they did so far was condemn the ones that did. But as long as they had that kaddish with 90,000 people. Yeah, that's what's important.

  9. LAKEWOOD YESHIVAH MANMay 21, 2020 at 9:46 AM

    Still they can’t make reference to Hashem.
    Not even בס"ד at the top.
    These are our leaders?
    What are we coming to???

    1. That's false it mentions G-d at least a couple times.

    2. LAKEWOOD YESHIVAH MANMay 21, 2020 at 1:56 PM

      Where exactly??
      NOT ONCE

    3. Page 2:
      "or even revert to a previous
      level of social distancing if, G-d forbid, medical trends mandate it."

      Page 5:
      "A single ill baal korei or gabbai can, G-d forbid, infect the entire congregation."

      Page 5:
      "To be determined as the
      situation, with G-d’s help,


    4. "L'shem shomayim" is clearly stated

  10. MTJ is open for mincha today limited minyanim of 10 each on separate floors

  11. Damage control. Problem is that all know that the guidelines were not seen by these three signatories, its a retroactive haskamah.
    Also telling is the missing signatures of other six members, though one of the missing wouldve signed, but then the other omissions would be even more glaring...

  12. I think this letter confirms everything that R Frankel said is true there are 10 Rabbonim on the Moetzes and they could only get 3 to sign?! Not even on stationary?! The mere fact that they felt the need to respond is also very telling.


    2. where can i get the audio of rav frankel drasha?

  13. Agudah has to stop trying to copy the OU and RCA all these statements that they put out has only backfired. The Statement against Trump was only because all other MO organizations attacked them and Agudah instead of keeping quiet put out a statement attacking. Same with the shul guidelines they should have left it up to each individual community and rav and not impose one set of rules

  14. Cabin fever is really getting to the olam, Please help us get out, quick!

  15. They called a moetzes meeting last night for 12 am and when no one could attend they took these 3 signatures and put out the letter

  16. where can i get the audio of rav frankel speaking?

    its been hard to find

    1. here
