Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sunday May 17/2020 News Updates Lakewood

Donate to Corona Campaigns over $18 million raised for 58 families

- Maariv/  Sefiras Haomer   היום תשעה ושלשים יום שהם חמשה שבועות וארבעה ימים לעומר/בעומר

-Bikur Cholim anti body testing today at Lake terrace for Plasma donation
-Lakewood: 39 new cases total 2138/128 deaths, Toms River 1350/108, Brick 989/87,Jackson 767/44
-Live Shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
9:10- Inyanei Tefilla Rav Mordechai Potesh
9:45-10:30 Divrei Chizuk for B'nei Torah- Rav Uren Reich shlita

- In a video Cuomo said he will likely let 14-15 people gather for a religious ceremony take place in for the upcoming holiday (Shavuos) with proper social distancing. He will make a decision tomorrow or Tuesday before memorial day weekend.
-NY State Reassessing Summer Camps Opening in Light of New Inflammatory Disease in Children
 in light of the new cases of Kawasaki-like inflammatory disease that has presented itself in children, with New York State reporting over 100 such cases, there is a need to reassess the possibility of allowing the camps to open. (Hamodia)

-Strong and passionate video  by Dr. Zelenko to the residents of Monroe about how they are taken  for granted and treated by the political leadership watch HERE
- Belzer Rebbe returned to the main bais medrash tonight for maariv they first took the sifrei Torah out and danced with it.
- NJ: 146,334 cases and 10,356 deaths including 107 overnight. Hospitalizations are down to a 6 week low.
-Viral photos from Belmar NJ of lines stretching around the block 50 people deep waiting to purchase season beach pass.

-E"Y: For first time there are 0 cholim admitted to hospitals for Corona, The Ger Rebbe davened with a minyan of 50 chasidim all keeping social distancing.
-This evening at 5:00 pm EDT there will be a Pirchei Sunday Live event. Rabbi Yosef Pruzansky of Wonder Words will join at 5:00 pm and Rabbi Avi Pekier, menahel of Torah Day School of Dallas, will join at 5:30 pm EDT. The call in number is 425-436-6277, pin 533200.

-Lakewood BOE announces expansion of special  Ed Services live stream 7:45 pm here
-1:25 pm Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita 10 minute daily bitachon shiur  205-825-9057
- After 3 rounds  of  election Israel's knesset swears in new Government
- Jackson Mayor Mike Reina angrily called on Gov. Phil Murphy to resign, saying that he is on a "power trip" after shooting down the township's plan to allow youth athletic teams to train on municipal ballfields.

-Toms River Mayor Mo Hill announced on Sunday morning that Town Hall, which has been closed to the public since March 22, will be reopened on Monday May 18 with similar hours of 8:30 am until 4:30 pm. (wobm)

-Lunch distribution available at Pizza on wheels 11;00am
- Yarchei Kallah shiur hachana 11:00 am, 12:00 pm Rabbi Asher Weiss, ברכת המזון: כדי שביעה - 2 ......
1:00 pm Rav Ezriel Erlanger Divrei Chizuk via zoom here or call 1646-558-8656 ID# 83528677424
-Groups  of  frum businesses join together calling on Gov Cuomo to open up small businesses
Lunch distribution today at Toras Zev on  Cross street
- Shavuos sale at Gourmet  Glatt Farmer  Cheese 16 oz  $4.29 limit 5, New item whipped  Cream cheese $2.79 case of  100 9x13 aluminum pans $12.99
-Bingo: Shavuos sale with Mesamchei Lev  side of salmon $6.99

-NJ Sen. Joe Pennacchio: Murphy’s Vote-by-Mail Decision Feeds into Despair  instead of giving our residents hope, this is a message of despair. July 7 is more than 50 days away, but in Murphy’s mind, the virus will still be controlling us and we will not have any semblance of normalcy returning to the state. here

-Audio Rabbi Knopfler interview about arrest on the Zev Brenner show here

-Bde: Reb Hershel Held z"l 77 years old of Monsey was the owner of Mayim Chaim beverages the first kosher beverage company  in the US.  He started the business under the advice of the previous Satmar Rebbe. He was niftar on shabbos  from the virus.


  1. - Jackson Mayor Mike Reina angrily called on Gov. Phil Murphy to resign, saying that he is on a "power trip" after shooting down the township's plan to allow youth athletic teams to train on municipal ballfields.

    I live in Westgate overlooking Jackson Liberty High and I've seen sports games being played on the grounds there. Perhaps not daily but they certainly have been going on recently.

  2. If only we showed that tefillah was as important as sports is to them

  3. Why can't we all get together and decide to simultaneously go to Yeshiva and shop in our suffering small businesses? They aren't going to arrest everyone. If we all do it together. Thousands

    1. Why 9:37am ?

      Because BMG got 6 million bucks and they dont want to lose it.

    2. Stop spewing stupidity!

    3. As the saying talks

    4. To Anonymous 11:03- The money allocated to BMG (that was not yet received and is full of regulations and restrictions as far as what is can be used for and which students are eligible for it) is from the federal Dept of Education so nothing to do with the State so stop saying silly things that make zero sense.

    5. The “money askanim” are all into keeping things shut as long as possible. The longer the shutdown the more grant $$$$. Its not stupidity or silliness.

    6. Because not everybody wants their parents dead.

    7. Strange unAmerican belief and wish. True Americans like dead parents. Liberty is the only value. Brains can’t adapt to the idea of two values, that are both important

  4. Who cares About Minyan . Or schools .
    Beaches are open that’s all our Askonim care about !

  5. why is there zero communication from Lakewood politicians they dont put out any statements on social media or on the township website they only talk to the friendly vaad PR machine. The citizens of Lakewood deserve better after paying the highest property taxes they should have a system of updating and sharing information. The town website id from the dinosaur age. Politicians from Toms River and Jackson communicate to their constituents through various platforms but in Lakewood it is all under strict control

    1. The vaad is your representative to accept communications from the officials they told you to vote for. All you need to do is vote and they will arrange everything for you. They really make it so easy. Please send these heroes a nice Thank You card!

  6. All this comparison between beaches and shuls did no one see the research on the difference between indoor and outdoor transmission of the virus

    1. So why did they tell us to stay at home ?? Huh, smartypants ?

    2. They only told us to stay home because they are planning a coup! The vaad plans on taking over the state! Also, did you look at Murphy’s recent financial statements? He needs the free lunches!
      Lol. You people are funny

  7. This shut down is all political are we so stupid to think that Murphy and Cuomo who are pro abortion and patient suicide bill all of a sudden care so much about lives?

  8. wow The doctors video sounds like hes talking about another town were askanim control the resources and money that are intended for the public but it never makes it to the bottom. Look at how millions millions of dollars came flowing via grants and other sources only because of the size of the population but the funds go to the powerful on top who take advantage of the numbers.

    1. Yeah, that’s how The vaad all afford their 30 million dollar mansions, from all the state grants.

    2. I’m not aware of any 30 million dollar mansions in Lakewood. Are you?

  9. Same askanim pushing everyone to take the Census because it will increase funding, well taxes still going up and the funding not helping the average Joe. It only helps the establishment and those in control to lobby for money using the power of the population for themselves

    1. So... the vaad breaks into the townships safe every night and takes the money for the sanitation department? Ahh, that makes sense!
      Do you understand how funding works?

    2. Your trying to deflect from what has gone on on Lakewood with grants that were diverted to other pet projects when it was desperately needed for other parts that would have benefited Lakewood residents. For example a DOT grant that could have fixed up roads and built sidewalks had a million dollars diverted to cedarbride in 2008 when nobody lived there. They had sidewalks when untill today main roadways don't have any sidewalks and people are forced to walk on dangerous roads.

    3. Thev Blue claws stadium paid for with tax payer money $30 million dollars thst saw no return on investment but was used to get favors.
      Tax free homes from vaaf members who tell others who to vote for and whose policies caused major tax increases on Lakewood homeowners and poor kollel guys and rebbeim

    4. BTW. Most vaad members live in tax exempt housing. They only take we pay the bill!

    5. If they are entitled to it legally that is fine but they should in no way have a right to be in any position that make decisions and forces taxes on others

  10. Tonight, Live for B'nei Torah:
    8:45 - Practical Halacha l'maaseh Rav Shlomo Stein
    9:10 - Shiur b'inyanei Tefilla Rav Mordechai Potesh
    9:45-10:30 Divrei Chizuk for B'nei Torah- Rav Uren Reich
    Call in Number 646.726.9977 no pin necessary

  11. Refusing to build sidewalks in industrial park for safety concerns because the town did not want people walking which will chase the businesses away because the trucks complained. Denying residential and schools in the industrial park but leaving a caveat for a research facility looking to approve 100 kollel apartments with little kids running around on a major intersection of Airport Rd and the GSP. What happened to the safety concerns

  12. Perhaps we can borrow the idea of a rent strike and use it to arrange a local taxes Strike to the township of Lakewood at 16K plus a year and no income coming in I can’t pay this quarters taxes
    The “Asskonim“ didn’t say bu about the recent board of Ed tax increase to each of us
    Nor have they done anything to alleviate the average Lakewood households taxes
    It’s time for a strike on our home taxes
    The amount we pay vs the services received don’t balance out where is the money going???

  13. How much is LSTA saving by not having busing for 3 and a half months where's the money.

    1. Why do you post the same drivel every day?? As was posted many times the companies are getting paid...

    2. Why would the companies get paid if they are not providing service?

    3. Where’s the LSTA money???? They lost all the checks this year the same as they lost them last year AND the year before! And yes I know what I’m talking about because THREE YEARS RUNNING they had to ask me for a new check!

  14. your link isn't working I found it here.
