Saturday, May 9, 2020

Motzei Shabbos May 9 News Updates Lakewood

Donate to the CoronaCampaigns $17.5 million raised for 57 families

- CARES Act funding to the Lakewood Resource and Referral Center/CHEMED received additional  $819,484 for corona testing a total so far of $2,191,100 for chemed from various grants. OHI in Lakewood also received an additional $575,404 totaling $1,848,236 in grants since covid19.

- Dr. Anthony Fauci, member of the White House coronavirus task force will do a “modified” self-quarantine after two White House staffers, a  valet to the president, and Vice President Mike Pence’s press secretary Katie Miller, tested positive for coronavirus.
-Those with NJ SNAP benefits up for renewal in March or April and due in May or June have been extended for 6 months.
-Agudah issues a Roadmap HERE for safely reopening our kehilos -Klal Yisroel is wonderfully diverse. However, the rabbonim of each city or community should communicate and collaborate with
each other and with local, respected infectious disease doctors and medical professionals.
Phase 1 begons After 14 days with positive metrics Local and state governments have allowed this practice Confirmed 14 day downward trend in COVID-19 cases as described and Local rabbonim have jointly condoned this practice.
Areas where large backyards or open areas are prevalent may hold backyard, shul parking lot, or porch minyanim:  Only 12 individuals may attend (but no more than 14 if needed).
 Minyanim should be organized under the auspices of a local shul and Rav.

-R' Avrohom Jeremias is discharged from the hospital after spending 6 weeks on a vent he  thanked the nurses for all their care in saving his life and was cheered  by the staff on after being discharged.The family in a statement thanks klal yisrael for their many tefilos "Every tefillah that each of you said has the power to help you too. May Hashem send everyone their own personal yeshuos and brochos".

-Lakewood cases 1990 deaths 109, Toms River 1286/91, Brick 952/89, Jackson 716/29
- Murphy: We are not out of the woods yet. The faster we can break the back of the public health crisis, the faster we can reopen the economy.” Daily number of cases and hospitalizations keeps dropping. But the state risks the numbers jumping again if reopening is rushed.

- NY Gov Cuomo extended New York’s stay-at-home restrictions to June 7, though regions of the state will be able to phase in re-openings sooner if they meet a series of benchmarks.

-N.J. coronavirus cases 137,085 deaths at 9116 including 166 new deaths.

-Two young children and a teenager have now died in New York State from a possible complication from the coronavirus involving swollen blood vessels and heart problems, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday. At least 73 children in New York have been diagnosed with symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease — a rare inflammatory condition in children — and toxic shock syndrome. Most of them are toddlers and elementary-age children. There is no proof that the virus causes the mysterious syndrome. Cuomos the children had tested positive for COVID-19 or the antibodies but did not show the common symptoms of the virus when they were hospitalized.

- 110 cases of remdesivir headed to New Jersey contain a total of 4,400 vials and represent a donation from Gilead Sciences, the California-based company that makes the anti-viral drug.

Officials are working on a plan to distribute the drug on an equitable basis, “consistent with need.


  1. Aguda yk,shiur 12 pm rav asher Weiss ,divrei chizuk 1pm,tab moshe tuvia lieff

  2. The Agudah is an excellent advocacy organization and deserves our support. However, when it comes to making a statement affecting Halacha and/or Torah Hashkafa, they NEED to have their letters signed by Torah authorities. With the demise R”L of the Novominsker ZTVK”L, who is running the show over there? Where does the “buck stop?”

    1. The letter says it has the support and guidance of the moetzes.

    2. The Agudah has consistently shown itself to be spineless, never taking a position that jeapordizes their stature or connections. In the Agudah worldview, maintaining and furthing its reputation and status takes precedent over all matters. There are countless issues where they refuse to get involved and use their connections (see metzitza b'peh - which to a large percentage of its constituency is a huge deal....). This is exactly what R' Chaim Brisker anticipated would be the result of creating an organization instead of individual shtadlanim, and why he was opposed to creating the Agudah.

      So it should come as no suprise to anyone that these "mah yafis'niks" didn't defend their own, and are busy with chanifa to curry favor in the eyes of the elected officials....

  3. After the OU made their statement, the Agudath plays catch up.
    Where have they been until now?

  4. Now it makes sense why Agudah put out a statement that defended Deblasio and attacked the chasidim in Williamsburg

    NY post Mayor Bill de Blasio was personally involved in a deal with Orthodox Jewish leaders to delay a long-awaited report on shoddy yeshivas in exchange for an extension of mayoral control of city schools, emails obtained by The Post show.

    When everyone called out the mayor for blaming the Jews agudah defended him and blamed the yidden for the levaya that got out of control

    1. The chassidim in Williamsburg were at fault for the major debacle caused by the levaya. The organizers knew from the outset the every condition they agreed to would be immediately violated. They just wanted to use their police contacts to make it look kosher. All that klal yisroel got instead was a massive chilul hashem and lots of nekamah.

      There were plenty of big tzadikkim that in normal circumstances would’ve had huge levayos, but their organizers were smarter and took every effort to keep it extremely small, so that no chilul hashem and aivah would ensue.

      I hope the Williamsburger’s learned their lesson..

    2. And what lesson is that? Not to trust officials? The original plan allowed for distance guidelines. Once the mayor was on the way they shrunk the area and everyone was forced close together.
      Sinas chinum is alive and well. And then you wonder why the Lakewood community is suffering at the hands of the goyim. If you can't build a bridge to chasidim, then you will be hated by goyim.

    3. While you may be dying to believe and repeat everything Resoyim like N Moster say the actual article gives no proof of anything. The emails shown don't actually say what they are alleged to be saying

    4. This is the true account written in yated Neeman

      Following the passing of a local rebbe, Williamsburg askonim met with leaders of the local police precinct, with whom they had a fine working relationship, to let them know that the rebbe had died. They discussed how to hold a respectable funeral while maintaining social-distancing. The police set up cones and barricades, closing several blocks to accommodate a small crowd. Speakers were set up along the way for people to be able to listen to the hespeidim.

      Something went wrong, the speakers were shut off, and the large crowd began surging forward toward the shul. The people were no longer separated, and police began trying to break up the gathering. Word reached the hard-working mayor and he decided to go to the scene himself and make sure that the Jews were dispersed. Apparently, that didn’t go well.

      The furious mayor got home, and as politicians are wont to do nowadays, he went mad tweeting

    5. Forgetting about what De Blasio said, why were 100s of yidden in one place? You are only worried about the legality of the gathering, but that’s not the main thing! The main thing is preventing yidden from dying! So even if the police allowed it was still a bad idea! It’s beyond comprehension. Hundreds of people gathering together During May at a Levaya for someone who died of Corona! Are they lacking intelligence? Stop worrying about De Blasio! Even if De Blasio is a virulent anti-Semite, the Levaya is still not ok!

      And just some food for thought: why is the Williamsburg/Boro Park area the only Jewish area that had big levayas? Hmmm....

  5. Aguda guidelines are a moot point in NY/ NJ. The governors will dictate the rules and our Askanim will not challenge them on anything.

    1. The point of agudas guidelines, as the paper itself says, is without the governors. It’s what the gedolim that they asked said we have to do in regards to hatzalas nefashos.

  6. too bad agudah put out a hastily statement with out checking the facts and criticized the chasidim

  7. What is chemed doing with all this money now that the virus has declined in Lakewood. When it counted and people were sick there was no testing and the infection spread

  8. Levaya rebbetzin ausband call in numbers 857-356-3300 or 612-398-0330 - no access code required.
    Alternate call in numbers 701- 802-5148 access code 2229583
    701- 802-5153 access code 4088754
