Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday Erev Shabbos May 15, News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Sunshine high of 86 Thunderstorms possible in the evening.

-Minaynim in shuls can open with up to 10 with proper social distancing at all times. There are concerns though about leaving people out  and each Rav has to decide what is best for his mispalelim or talmidim.
-Igud Harabonim of Toms River issues guidelines for minyanim. Anyone who is sick or immune compromised  should not go outside to daven with a minyan at  all.  There is no chiyuv at this point to daven with a minyan even though the mageifa has decreased. Those who are conducting minyanim outdoors must be limited to 10 and no children under Bar Mitzva and there should be someone in charge.
-Cuomo: Rare Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome- We are studying 100 cases where children are, in fact, affected by the virus, and some of them very serious "I’ll wager that is going to only go up, and it is going to be much more widespread than anyone thinks.”
- A kol Korei pertaining to shul minyan guidelines expected to be released today
-LPD Tweets photos of candy platters and donuts sent as  messages of support from the community.
-NJ is committing $50 million in federal CARES Act funding to directly support small businesses impacted by COVID-19 through the New Jersey Economic Development Authority. dDetails next week
-NJSP Colonel Callahan: 2 individuals in Lakewood received a citation for gatherings in their homes
-Shabbos Box all locations are cleared out
-N.J. coronavirus deaths surpass 10,000 to 10,138, with 143,905 cases. Officials report 201 new deaths. 285 people were admitted to hospitals yesterday for covid19, 357 discharges yesterday
-Murphy: The July 7th primary will be a primarily vote-by-mail election. ALL registered Democratic and Republican voters will receive a postage-paid vote-by-mail ballot. ALL unaffiliated and inactive voters will receive a postage-paid vote-by-mail ballot application. A limited number of in-person polling places in each county 1 per municipality. (In Lakewood R' Hershel Herskowitz will be running in the republican ticket against committeeman Mike Delia).

-B"H: Dr. Kawelblum is no longer in intensive care, However, he is still on a ventilator and very much in need of tefilos. Please be mispalel  for Chaim Ben Sarah among all other cholim (LNN)

-Possible updated guidelines  pertaining to shul minyanim will be announced today
-Toms River graduating Students and Businesses Sue Gov Murphy for violating their constitutional rights: A lawsuit, filed Thursday in Superior Court in Ocean County on behalf of a car wash, hair and nail salon, golf shop and representatives of the three high school students, seeks an injunction to bar the governor and state officials from enforcing the executive orders issued amid the COVID-19 public health emergency claiming his executive orders are preventing them from operating and graduating in public violate their constitutional rights. (APP)

-Lakewood schools receive $11.7 million Covid education grant if divided equally among all students in public and private schools it comes out to approx $325 per student.

Live shiurim this afternoon on Bnei Torah Phone line 646-726-7799
11:45 am Vaad by Rav Simcha  Bunim  Cohen shlita
12:30 pm Chumash Shiur by Rav Gershon  Ribner  shlita
1:15 pm Vaad by the Rosh Yeshihva Harav Dovid Schustal shlita
4:30 pm Vaad by Rav Baruch  Hirschfeld  shlita

-Children need summer camp now more than ever Executive director of the American Camp Association of NY and NJ says  While camps don’t open until June, it is important for Gov. Phil Murphy to provide a future start date for camps to prepare and for parents to know they can rely on their summer childcare plans. read here

- NY Gov Cuomo extends stay at home order to June 13 for regions that don't meet reopening standards includes the Catskills all the way down to NYC.

-Murphy says he’ll ‘pull the brakes’ on N.J. beaches if coronavirus cases start to spike. ‘We’ll have no choice.’

-School lunch shabbos food/box will be given at the distribution locations. Bnos Devora Oak street 9:20, Toras Zev Cross street 9:30 , Bnos Yaakov in Pine Park 11-1 other locations open to the public as well. (School district  website says weekend meal boxes are available at the public school locations starting next week  from the kosher vendor too).

-Tehillim for the Rosh HaYeshivaof Telshe Chicago  HaRav Chaim Dov keller shlita situation extremely critical name Chaim Dov Ben Kraindel.

-BDE: Petirah of Harav Yosef Weinberg, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivas Slonim, at age 65.
Rav Weinberg was the son in law of ybl”c Harav Moshe Wolfson, shlita, Mashgiach of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and Mara D’asra of Beis Medrash Emunas Yisrael in Boro Park. Rav Weinberg came to America Purim Time, staying near his esteemed father in law. He took ill with COVIS-19, and succumbed to the illness after several weeks. The aron was transported to Eretz Yisrael for kevurah. Yehi zichro baruch. (Hamodia)


  1. Didn’t mr. Inzelbuch day at the meeting last night that the public sites will start giving weekend meals starting next week?

  2. Heavy traffic on Oak street

  3. These daily board of ed videos cost $500 an hour to live stream is it needed does the town have a surplus of cash

    1. Fake news. Your just a hater.

    2. it says $490 an hour for boe meetings is this not a meeting is it done for free

    3. This is not an official BOE meeting. It is voluntary.

    4. More like free propaganda and making fun of the food at other locations who are giving out lunch meals.

    5. I DO NOT want my tax money going to these videos. They are raising taxes !! This isn’t wanted.

  4. Plz stop with all your fake news about minyanim. We all wish we can go back to normal... in one the few states that are allowing religious services it was allowed at 25% occupancy... NJ is far off from that point .. you are giving people false hope at this time. Regarding minyanim, Nothing will be legally happening from the governors office on the next month.

  5. Wheres the letter
