Friday, May 8, 2020

News Updates Erev Shabbos Pesach Sheni 5780 May 8 Lakewood

-Weather: Rain showers early  a more steady rain for the afternoon. High 57F
Friday night a low of 33 degrees some parts of Eastern Pa and NJ may see a dusting of snow.

-NJ National Guard will do a flyover honoring healthcare workers next week they will fly up the Jersey shore from Seagirt and make the way around to Atlantic City.

- OU and RCA release guidelines on the eventual reopening of communal davening. It is simply a framework to guide the choices that leadership will need to anticipate and plan for. The first phase will be gradual with limited seating no kiddushim or communal simchas
Outdoor Minyanim should also not be allowed until the successful and verified safe completion
of the local government’s first stages of communal reopening. Every outdoor Minyan should be specifically authorized by the communal leadership that ensures compliance - even outdoors - with standards of masking, social distancing, and with limiting the Minyan to a small and consistent cohort of attendees. see full list HERE

-Snow in the Catskills: Those who are upstate for shabbos will be seeing some snow in the forecast as temps dip to 27  on shabbos on a brighter note, Orlando, FL will be 88 degrees shabbos day.

-NYC: Some parks will see stepped-up policing to stem the spread of the coronavirus, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Friday. He also announced that 2,500 members of a “test and trace corps”  to identify people who have the virus, isolate them in hotel rooms if needed and determine whom they’ve had contact with

-Yeast shortage: Local stores are out of dry yeast its not only a local issue but due to pandemic baking the manufacturers of Fleischmann’s Yeast, are reporting high demand as shoppers stocked up. They and have increased production it will take 2-3 months to restock.

-N.J. coronavirus cases 135,454 Deaths 8,952 including 162 new deaths, 1,985 hospitalizations continue to decline

-A School in Lakewood sent letter to parents offering to work with  them on tuition if they are currently  going through financial difficulty. Many schools received the PPP loans which is to protect payroll and the loans are forgiven.

-Bill To Establish Temporary Rental Assistance Program For Those Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic Clears NJ assembly Committee assembly. Lakewood township is working on a similar plan tp provide relief to tenants.

-More than 50% of those who have died in Ocean County were residents of long-term care facilities, said Freeholder Gerry P. Little. As of Wednesday, 254 coronavirus deaths out of 485 in the county had been patients in such places as nursing homes or assisted living facilities. (app)
-Live on Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
10:45 am Vaad from Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita
12:30 pm Chumash shiue RavGershon Ribner shlilta
1:15 pm Chumash shiur Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita

-Plasma donors: Red Cross change in policy- if you only had a antibodies test for covid19 but not a positive test you must wait 28 days from the test result before you can donate Plasma.

-Murphy on Summer Camps:  he “can see very clearly a lot of degrees of freedom in an outdoor camp what I can’t see are 50 kids and counselors jammed into a bus to get there in the morning and get back at the end of the day,” Murphy said. “Particularly given folks can spread this virus even when they’re asymptomatic unwittingly to a generation that’s more at risk or somebody with other health challenges.”

-Lunch distribution will be giving a shabbos box at some locations expect heavy traffic on Oak Street as schools are also giving lunch to students.

-Lakewood BOE approved the school budget that raised taxes and if the state accepts the 60 million loan request Lakewood will owe 140 million dollars to the state which the budget director called unsustainable. Board members did not say a word besides a unanimous yes vote to approve the budget.

-Bikur Cholim of Lakewood arranged a salute parade to the healthcare workers at Kimball hospital. Emergency vehicles from Lakewood first responders participated.


  1. Not Yashrus people are waiting in line for 45 minutes on oak Street and cars are cutting into the line from Funston street chutzpah!!

    1. That’s so wrong.
      For which location? Wondering if shayach for me to even go, was going to leave the house now

    2. So go to Funston st. Same thing happened to people coming from Albert getting before people coming from the 9. And people cutting in from Cypress ahead of people coming from the 9. Unless there is a preapproved roadmap, this will happen.

    3. The Albert approach took almost an hou waiting people coming from funston should either take vine and make a left into Oak or make a left on oak and turn around at the end of the line.
      Its disgusting to do that when people sat and waited for an hour and to just push in and cut the line

  2. People have been reduced to waiting on food lines . Like beggars .
    The Askonim are continually pushing us down .

  3. Amazing no Propaganda about the school budget or breaking updates about its passing only about the township rental plan to give out money for tenants so landlords can get paid that has nothing to do with the Board of Ed and propaganda about lunches that are paid by the federal govt nothing to do with the boe. The people see right through all this smoke and mirrors

    1. What is this thing about rental assistance? Where do I get more information on this?

  4. More than 700 thousand dollars for legal fees now you know

    1. And those are the best spent funds in order to keep making sure that, given our Twp’s unique situation, everything else stays legal and works in the most optimal way it can the way it can.

    2. Its not only about legal, How many millions are spent on other programs including salaries just to keep "the best spent funds", how much does the promotion cost
      what happened to all the lawsuits for special ed students is the town doing everything legal what changed

  5. The LSTA is pressuring schools to get the parents to pay the $150 fee for next years transportation. The LSTA should have a surplus for not having to provide bussing for these 4 months and all this money should go to sponsor the non mandated busing for yeshiva parents the same way the township pays for the public schools non mandated bussing.
    The public should be informed about the surplus where is the oversight committee where is the transparency with the tax money

    1. Right, they must have savings in gasoline that they are not buying, at least. Idk if they areaying workers, but the gas itself should cover the 'fee'.

    2. Really? are they paying the drivers to sit home all day, even the meal runs are once a day and that's not from the LSTA budget so there's a savings of millions. The bulk of the large mosdos are not sending meals on the buses either. The drivers can also collect unemployment.

  6. Which school sent out the letter re tuition?

    1. That is so Menchy! It’s really a hard time now for families. I think the schools are trying the best that can but this IS NOT working instead of school. I’m praying my kids schools do the right thing!!!

  7. The OU and RCA have anointed their new Mara D'Asra. Rabbi Dr. Faucci. He has already declared that Rosh Hoshana and yom Kippur minyanim will be effected.

  8. The BOE spending is irresponsible. How can anyone justify salaries so high and still ask for a loan from the state?

  9. Who anointed the RCA spokesperson of orthodox jews
