Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tuesday Lag Baomer 5780 News Updates Lakewood

                                תורתו מגן לנו היא מאירת עינינו ימליץ טוב בעדנו רבי שמעון בר יוחאי
-Weather: Sunshine and a few afternoon clouds. High around 60F

-Hatzolah- thon raises $14.4 million in 24 hours on lag Baomer United for Protection campaign a total 79732 donors. Lakewood Hatzolah leads fundraising with $1.9 Million

-The Young Israel of Deerfield Beach in Florid express disgust in a letter against  some of its mispalelim who blatantly violated the Shul policy by davening in a private minyan on shabbos calling it a rogue Minyan. The shul said that the members who participated  will be stripped of any current positions in the shul and denied any forms of kibudim including aliyos, balei kriah, Shluchei Tzibur and  magidei shiur. (see on Matzav)

-Lakewood numbers: 2032/112, Toms River 1301/91, Brick  964/92, Jackson 734/36
- Jackson council begins process to  repeal  Jackson dorm ban ordnance but residents online complained they want a proper public hearing next time so they can be there physically they asked what is the rush now. The next meeting is scheduled for May 25th which will probably take place virtualy,
-Maariv/Sefiras Haomer היום ארבעה ושלשים יום שהם ארבעה שבועות וששה ימים לעומר/בעומר
-9:00 pm,
- Second round of Stimulus checks coming under new bill proposed The bill would provide another $1,200 payment to every American, up to $6,000 per household.
- 7:30 pm Night Seder America special Lag Baomer program ZOOM  ID: 8970634419 or 71913589090 (Password for both is 5780)  Call in option  929-436-2866 followed by 8970634419  or 929-205-6099 followed by second meeting id  (Pirchei Aguda)
- Hatzolah-Thon Live HERE
-Lakewood Fire District Meeting 7:00 pm watch live here
-Dr, Fauci: You'll Still Be Homeschooling Your Kids This Fall he said on Tuesday morning that a return to school in the fall "would be a bit of a bridge too far," during a Senate Committee hearing.

- VaHashayvosa Foundation Live Lag Ba'omer Event 6:30 pm Livestream HERE
-Lag Baomer drive thru event at Bais Tova 555 Oak street 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm Live Music, Pekelach

-Jackson township will repeal the 2 ordinances that banned the construction of schools and dormitories  The township council will meet tonight  Tuesday and to vote on two new ordinances repealing the original bans,  see Agenda HERE the Meeting is at 6:00 pm on Zoom HERE

-Murphy: Assuming the curves continue to go in the right direction, the administration would “gently, to begin to reopen things.”New Jersey will not take a regional approach when it comes time to lift restrictions, Murphy said, citing the population density in the Garden State.

“We’re not New York," Murphy said. "We’re all packed in together. It’s the densest state in the nation.” He said he’s not in a rush to reopen and the process would be done in steps.
-Murphy: “We are not out of the woods yet,”“No state is currently as impacted as ours. An untold number more will perish.”
-NJ positive cases at  140,743 total cases and 9,508 deaths including 190 overnight. Murphy said “The numbers of new cases are down 60%. The progress is undeniable.
-LPD arrests a Rabbi last night for having a bonfire on his property. He was released a few hours later and received summonses. There has not been an official press release by authorities as was previously done with covid19 violations. The Rabbi has recently joined a lawsuit with a priest against gov  Murphy claiming the lock down on religious gatherings is unconstitutional. Some bystandards   alleged that it was in retaliation for the suit according to media reports.

-12:00 pm Yarchei kallah shiur Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon עיקר וטפל: Coffee via  zoom here or by phone call 1646-558-8656 log in #83528677424
-Hundreds got through police barricades this afternoon Lag Baomer and entered the kever of Rashbi in Meron the cops are trying to disperse and remove the crowds
-The New Jersey Air National Guard flies over New Jersey this morning will take off from Sea girt at 11:30 am PNC Arts Center - 11:35 a.m. Will probably not be visible in Lakewood
- Murphy said that he will unveil the strategy for “two key metrics to our reopening strategy.”  the state may need to have an “army” of up to 7,000 contact tracers.

-Lakewood Planning board meeting today 6:00 pm Agenda HERE  watch live-stream here
-New phone line opened for younger yeshiva bochurim by the Bnei Torah phone line. It will feature shiurim Stories and Divrei Chizuk the number is 646-378-11
-Some schools will have drive by Lag Baomer events

-The federal government has approved a plan to provide $248 million in special food assistance benefits to nearly 600,000 New Jersey children who normally receive free or reduced-price school meals as part of the response to COVID-19 school closures.⁣ Under the plan EBT benefits will be provided to recipients of the state’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and non-SNAP households with children who normally receive free or reduced-price school meals.⁣ The plan will provide each eligible student with $416.10. No application is necessary to receive this benefit. Human Services is working with schools to identify students who were receiving free or reduced school meals. Eligible students already participating in SNAP will receive the Pandemic-EBT on their household’s existing Families First card. All other Pandemic-EBT eligible households will be mailed a P-EBT card. Human Services expects these benefits to be issued no later than June.⁣


  1. Lakewood police are to be commended for acting with great restraint during an arrest last night.

    1. Is that comment from the moiser?

    2. According to the video the police did NOT act with great restraint. They made demeaning, sarcastic comments throughout.

    3. According to the video the police DID act with great restraint. They ignored demeaning, sarcastic comments throughout.

  2. They should be an example for all of us. Unfortunately some people misbehaved, having picked up some nasty middle eastern habits

    1. Surely you mean having picked up some nasty middle eastern habits from the israeli police who treat the charedim worse than dogs


  3. calling officers names is uncalled for but people react when they watch their rabbi violently arrested and dragged into a car.

    1. It is not their rabbi, calm down. This is a Shul in someone’s basement, nobody appointed him as a rabbi, and he does not have a flock.

  4. I general the cops are respectful and vis versa from the residents but since covid19 Lakewood residents were targeted with enforcement of social distancing and the cops issued full media reports and press releases on minor violations and Lakewood got a bad rap. In one case the family was keeping social distancing laws with a drive by engagement party ad wrote that a 99 year man was arrested a totally made up fact

  5. MURPHY! Half of the deaths were from nursing homes! Why do we all have to go through this? Please report on the protests in Trenton demanding a opening from the governor! Where is Senator Singer on this? Why isn't he doing anything? Insane!

  6. Speak with store owners. Cops keep barging in asking why the lights are on. One store had 8 cops come in at once (4 from front + 4 from back) as if it was a drug bust!

  7. and the self appointed askanim give the cops assurances on what they do
    How was that basketball game by the way looks like it really improved relations

  8. Waiting for the vaad statement calling out the bad apples again

  9. It used to be askanim were people that had relationships but there was also an accountability and if anyone acts out of line there is someone that needs answering up to. The job is to advocate and protect the community. now an askan is someone who is looks out for himself and gets to suck up

  10. the sarcasm by the cops was totally uncalled for will there be an outcry on this behavior? will all the big askanim call out this action. If it would be to any other community there would be an outrage

    1. Stop being a snowflake. So they spoke sarcastically, boo hoo hoo. Grow up and focus on real problems

    2. I’d love to see the public outcry if the cops spoke like that to any other minority sect!!!

  11. Cops and fire department in Westgate

  12. askanim are appointed by a few powerful people who abuse the koach harabim granted to them and use it for themselves but pretend that they have the interest of the rabbim this is what has been going on this is what the navie Amos has spoken about.

  13. If anyone is wondering what Napoleon Syndrome is, may I introduce Dr. Fauci as Exhibit A

  14. The avlah is that the powers to be have for years used law enforcement to go after their adversaries.The corruption runs through the committee. Yechidim have been targeted for violations in their stores and homes directed by askanim who felt threatened.

  15. As I drive through town I see many stores with signs that they are open for 1 customer at a time w/ a mask, yet many are closed. Why do some get a pass and others not. And these are not "essential" stores. I am talking about silver stores, clothing stores, shoe stores, etc. I am assuming like everything else in this town, it's all about who you know.
