Wednesday, May 6, 2020

News Updates Wednesday May 6, 2020 Lakewood

Live shiur on Bnei Torah Phone Line 646-726-9977
- 9:30 pm - Shiur in Halacha in Even Haezer on the topic of Kol Isha by HaRav Shmuel Felder Shlita
10 pm - Divrei Chizuk by Maran HaMashgiach HaRav Don Segal Shlita 

Maariv/Sefiras Haomer      היום שמונה ועשרים יום שהם ארבעה שבועות לעומר/בעומר

-An initial survey by the New York State Department of Health has found 64 cases of children presenting with a new pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome likely linked to COVID-19. NBC

-12 new cases in Lakewood since yesterday. 1921, deaths 97, Toms River 1225/81, Brick 922/86, Jackson 686/28, Manchester 538/62

-Tomorrow night Lakewood  BOE vote on School budget of  $278,460,861 million, which  $107,522,840 will be paid by local property taxes. The district is asking for a additional $60 million loan from the state. Will cost tax payers average increase of $150. Public questions 6:00 pm-7:00 P.M. (Email to:,) district also approves $750,000 in legal expenses. Meeting is virtual will be live streamed.

-Murphy warns that the state will need "billions more from Washington to make up for lost revenue," and warns that without it, he will be "forced to make enormous cuts to our schools and health care facilities."

- NY Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York said Wednesday that he was "shocked" to find that 84% of novel coronavirus hospitalizations were occurring in people largely sheltering in place; staying at home 66% from “nonessential” or retired workers and 18% from nursing homes.

-Lakewood Planning board meeting today 6 pm agenda HERE watch live-stream HERE

-Satmar in Monroe in talks with health officials  looking into plan to open shuls and yeshivos only for survivors who have recovered from coronavirus or have antibodies against covid19.

-Israel officially bans all bonfires for lag baomer in all open areas even in private properties. In Lakewood the fire marshall said as of now they will not issue any permits

-Gov. Phil Murphy announced today he's extending the public-health state of emergency in New Jersey for another 30 days. Murphy said 439 new hospitalizations have been reported  a number that is up meaningfully from the past couple of days.

-N.J. coronavirus  cases at 131,890 and 8,549 deaths including another 308 fatalities
-Ocean county Freeholders: singles tennis/pickleball will be allowed at Ocean County Park, Lakewood

-Shiur by Harav Nissan Kaplan at 12:00 pm Yarchei Kallah on Brachos of Breads Mezonos Rolls,Pas Haba Bekisnin via zoom HERE via phone  call 1646-558-8656 log in #83528677424

- Petition here to NJ Gov officials for unemployment disaster as many are  unable to receive any COVID19 relief from unemployment and/or stimulus checks. They have filed for unemployment as far back as 2 months ago and are yet to receive any sort of disaster relief compensation.

-Yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael reopen today under the capsule plan with limited groups of bochurim.  yeshiva campuses will be divided into completely separate zones, for each "capsule" of students, so that the various groups do not come in contact with each other at all. In the first stage, to last 3 weeks, studies will be allowed only in selected institutions, those which have a closed campus allowing students to remain at the yeshiva without leaving its walls.

-BDE: Petira of Reb Menachem Halpert Z"L in his 50's who went into cardiac arrest at his home last night on Katie court  Levaya will take place at 11:30 am zoom link here ID 84067899151 Password 472668

-Lakewood Viznitz Rebbe Rav Lazer Hager shlita was temporarily told not to come back to Mt. Sinai Hospital in NY until the pandemic is over, Israeli media reports. The Rebbe has been a liaison and advocate for Jewish patients for 30 years. The story began when the rebbe made sure covid19 patients could communicate with their families through tablets. This angered the nurses who did not want to have a second set of eyes watching them. They told the rebbe not to set it up but he ignored them. Yesterday they had security tell the rebbe to leave. When upper management of the hospital found out what happened they apologized to the rebbe and asked him to return.

-BMG lending shtenders to talmidim learning at home. Schools also let students take home desks for at home learning.

-Viznitz Bais Olam in Monsey will be closed to the public on Lag B'omer

-Lakewood Planning board approved  an extension of Edgecomb Avenue to Argyle Avenue, off Vine Street. 19 duplexes 38 units will be built in addition to a shul and a Rabbi's residence.


  1. I signed the petition.
    Thank you.

  2. NJ has quite a large tech team managing the non working website! I am sure they are getting compensated nicely now while we are all still waiting.

  3. Tell Murphy to open the Botei Knesset and Botei Medrash in that zchus the state will be blessed with an abundance of $$$

  4. You mean to say tell the Askonim to open the Shuls and Yeshivos !
    There are safe and legal ways to open the Shuls .
    But “Frum” Askonim are the reason Our Shuls are shut .

    1. Follow the money. There are many askunim making money on this crisis.

      Obviously quarantining is not working if deaths are up. Extending it 30 days is not the solution.

      The new hospitalizations are mostly old age home patients, and there is no justification for this.

      Murphy is using the virus as a tool to force the Feds to bail out NJ, so that we won't see his incompetence.

  5. Frum askonim like those who file lawsuits against the Absolute authoritarians thinking they can force the powerhouse to bend. Good luck. He's asking for more visits by LE

  6. -Gov. Phil Murphy announced today he's extending the public-health state of emergency in New Jersey for another 30 days. Murphy said 439 new hospitalizations have been reported a number that is up meaningfully from the past couple of days.

    If despite the lockdown hospitalizations are anyway meaningfully up over the past few days how does that lead to the conclusion the state has to be closed for another thirty days?

    1. Since yomtov, people have been lax about the rules. Ergo, more cases.
      Simple math. But ideology trumps math, with some people,

  7. It’s Sick !
    Lockdowns don’t help at all .
    Open up the State !!

  8. Why Walmart an d Home depot but not the mom and pop?

    1. How many lobbyists do mom and pop stores have?

  9. .....but he ignored them.....they apologized to.....

    Ignore then (demand) apology....

  10. Where are the brains of the commenters posting to open up the state? Are they blind to what is happening before their eyes? Did we not suffer from enough deaths?

    1. Err, did you hear Cuomo state today that "66% of new admissions related to the virus are people who were at home" ?

      So if doesnt help staying at home, why keep on killing th eeconomy?

  11. 12 new cases in Lakewood since yesterday.

    Ouch. I thought we were past that. Which community were they from?

  12. Anyone know how to get a bmg shtender?

  13. The new cases are results from tests taken a month ago at Dr Liebowitz's floor(post levaya)

  14. No more tax increase! The BOE is out of control with its spending!!

  15. Need help filing for unemployment? We file for for you! Discounts for playgroup Morahs.
    Call 732-305-0148 or email

  16. Why is Inzelbuch, an unelected board of ed attorney running these live stream meeting with scoop? Where is the board President? rest of the board who were elected... What is going on here? Whats going on with our tax money?

  17. All getting paid by the tax payers 13g for a official media of the BOE $900 to live stream the BOE meetings and the biggest salary of a public employee in nj

  18. how much is all this promotion costing the tax payers
