Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sunday Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5780 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Mostly cloudy. High 61F. Winds  at 10 to 15 mph.

-President Trump: Tweets Schools in our country should open ASAP

-Tehilim for Rav  Chaim  Dov Keller shlita  Rosh HaYeshiva Telshe  Chicago Chaim Dov ben Kreindel very critical

- Maariv/Sefiras Haomer היום ששה וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות וארבעה ימים לעומר/בעומר

Live shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
8:45 pm shiur on hilchhos Eiruv Tavshilin  by RavShlomo Stein  shlita
9:45 pm Divrei Chizuk for matan Torah by Rosh Hayeshihva Harav Yisroel Neuman shlita
10:15 pm Harav Dovid Breslauer shlita Rosh  Kollel S. Fallsburg Divrei CHizuk

-8:30 pm Pre Shavuos Live cooking  show on Zoom ID 938 6658 9711 Password CHEESE
-Traffic starts again with more people on the road and talmidim going to outdoor class meetings
-Lakewood 17 new cases since yesterday total  2256/142 deaths
- NYC Police close down stores in Williamsburg that opened in defiance of lock down order
-Bingo will be open this week 9:00 am -12:00 am every day
-Schools will be giving a Shavuos box instead of the shabbos box for lunches
-More shuls and minyanim opening
-A Class-action suit is brought against Rutgers seeks refunds for remote classes saying Online college isn’t worth $15K seeking refunds for tuition, fees and room and board after the school moved classes online to cope with the coronavirus pandemic.
-Walmart in Howell now offering do it yourself Covid19 test with a drive thru system The sites are open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays weekly from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., weather permitting. The sites will be closed for Memorial Day, Monday and open for Tuesday this week.
-Child day-care centers could reopen “sooner than later” in New Jersey as the state continues to roll back restrictions Gov. Phil Murphy said Sunday on CNN.

- Lunch pick up at Pizza on wheels 11am pizza. Vine Street park Deli sandwiches 11:00 am
- Yarchei Kallah  shiur 12:00 pm Rav Asher Weiss on Birchas Hatora, 1:00 pm Harav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi on Shavous via Zoom here  or call 1646-558-8656 log in #83528677424
-Groceries and supermarkets restock with Cream Cheese
-Lunch pick up today at Toras Zev/Cross street Circa pancakes
-Media and fellow democrats go after murphy It’s time for Murphy to stop ordering and start explaining.“If they did such a bad job with the less than 1 percent of the people who had more than half the fatalities,(Nursing homes) how could they be trusted to secure the safety of the other 99 percent?” he asked.  see more here 
-Mesivtas setting up outdoor learning in groups of 25
-Oorah auction winners here
-7000 entered raffle to daven netz at the  kosel Shavuos morning 1200 will be picked

-Ocean County Freeholders  call for Reopening of Small Businesses Stressing They Can Operate Within Guidelines. However, Vicari said it’s now difficult to justify the continuing closure of small businesses when the aisles of box stores like Target are filled with consumers purchasing non-essential items.⁣

- Overseas Bachurim and Avreichim Allowed to Return to Israel, If They Have Place to Quarantine
Interior Minister Rabbi Aryeh Deri announced that he is allowing overseas kollel families and yeshivah students to return to Israel, under the condition that the yeshivah can affirm that the students and/or families have a place to quarantine according to the health ministries guidelines.
Each request will need to be submitted personally by the Rosh Yeshivah to the Interior Ministry.

As per the Interior Ministry, yeshivah bachurim in quarantine can only be one student in a room, with separate facilities for each bachur. and the yeshivos will need to provide food for the bachurim. (Hamodia)


  1. Why is the "scoop" publishing articles in support of reopening businesses but making sure shuls and yeshiva stay closed? Why were askanim trying to shut down shuls over shabbos? Why are letters from the Rosh Yeshiva regarding opening shuls not being published, but the forged ones shutting down shuls were? Why are there no urgent robocalls calling on people to daven with minyan? If anyone doesn't believe there was a concerted effort against shuls, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell them.

    1. For this 7000 people trying to go to Kosel on shevous - They can make a early baitz minyan and a late naitz minyan and get double the amount of people in?!?!?

    2. I agree shulls should reopen but allot of people are not wearing any masks.

  2. The olam has to reach out directly to the politicians via a letter writing campaign and let them know that the self appointed askanim do not represent most of Lakewood or our interests that is the only way to get a serious change. The politicians think that they are talking to some Rabbis that they are Representative of the needs of the Lakewood kehila. Until there is a proper system by vote that appoints anyone these self appointed askanim have no right to present themselves as representatives or advocates.

  3. There are big differences between shuls and shopping:
    longer exposure between same people, up to 2 hours.
    staying in same place for longer.
    shopping with masks, shul with no mask.
    in shul people are davening and talking loudly, expelling droplets.
    shul more socializing.
    stores tend to be bigger, more airy, small stores are still closed to foot traffic for this reason.
    shuls share coatrooms, restrooms, and books.
    the outbreak in New York started with one peron who infected the entire shul there, including the rabbi.
    This is why in Israel shuls are opening last.

    1. Why can't the frum people keep the rules? For the shuls that are open and outside minyanim, keep the rules. Don't walk around during davening. Respect peoples 6 feet.
      Even if you don't believe in this virus, respect someone else who does.

    2. I went to Wal-mart today, and it was jam packed, No one was keeping 6 feet, it was not possible. you are exposed to a lot more people there then you are in any shul

    3. Good question. Wall mart Shoppers should also be careful

  4. If shuls open with distancing, then those concerns are irrelevant. The essential workers were not getting infected in huge percentages, although they worked 8+ hr shifts, in closed areas, recirculating "infected " air, coming into contact with the public, socializing with coworkers and the public. The outbreak did not start with the shul, although early media reports believed so. Subsequent research shows that it was circulating earlier.

  5. I am happy to write to our politicians explaining the real story in Lakewood!
    POST THE Phone number and address for Murphy and the others . ( or a link )
    We will call and write !!

      Office of Governor PO Box 001
      Trenton, NJ 08625

    2. Ever since the outbreak the governors commet lines in not being answered. Governor has no care for people this is all a apolitical ploy.

  6. There was a serious attempt to shut down the mikva nashim during the pandemic this is what askanim are busy with? fighting against all aspects of yahadus shutting down the mikvos closing shuls preventing tefillah betzibur not advocating for yehivos to open do they have no shame? These are things that throughout our history people were moser nefesh for and now someone drunk with power has the shoulders to see these gezeiros through?? are they not sensitive to the spiritual dangers that they are playing with. The non stop mesira which rav eliyahu Levin wrote anyone who masseres has put themselves on the level of a nochri.

    On the other there was a rebbetzin volunteered to clean a designated mikva for corona patients after each use that is the beauty of klal yisrael.

  7. We are being bombarded with anti-asskanim messages, yet none of us have any clue who these asskanim are. Nameless faceless figures who seem to exist only for the sake of being bashed by anonymous commenters on this blog

    1. Ask the rabbonim who were threatened ask the poskim who were coerced to sign under pressure ask who tried shutting down the mikvas
      ask the Rosh yeshiva who yelled at him these askanim should be happy they are anonymous otherwise they would be embarrassed to show their face in public. Ask the cops who snitched to them.

  8. Ask Rav Eliyahu Levin why he wrote a very strong letter against the mesira in Lakewood that is going on now against other frum yidden who are in shuls or making simchas

    1. 1. He did not mention simchos.
      2. Although he did sign the letter, he didn’t write it.
      3. Others argue with him, it is not clear cut

  9. Ask The rav who was threatened that hatzola will not service his development yes it actually happened

    1. Good. In fact hatzolah is probably not allowed to come on shabbos to any development that had Minyanim throughout, since that development clearly holds that sofek pikuach nefesh is not doche mitzvos.

    2. actually even if someone is negligent and was goirem himself a matzav of pikuach nefesh one is still MECHUYAV to be mechalel shabbos even though he was oiver on the fact he was a posheia, pls dont say something like that even as a joke
