Saturday, May 23, 2020

Motzei Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5780 May 23 News UpdatesLakewood

ואני ברב חסדך אבוא ביתך
-B"H Mispalelim headed back to shuls after rabbonim opened up this shabbos with the permitted guidelines and social distancing. 

-Simcha Felder asks Cuomo to open schools in phase 1. As you are aware, New York’s non-public schools face some additional challenges. In my district, many of the students who attend private schools do not have internet access. Remote learning is exceedingly difficult for families that eschew technology and these students do not have the ability to use Zoom, Google classroom or other online learning tools. I request that you consider allowing private schools to open as soon as possible, perhaps on a case by case basis.

-According to reports the Stamar Rebbe Rav Aaron Teitelbaum was instrumental with getting President Trump to make his announcement to open shuls. The Rebbe spoke early this week with a white house liaison who closed the shuls back in April and now the Rebbe asked that the president reopen them. see story on Matzav

-The number of patients currently hospitalized in New Jersey for the coronavirus fell below 3,000 on Friday night, marking the first time it has been that low since at least early April.

-Lakewood positive cases 2239 deaths 142, Toms River 1427/115, Jackson 784/52, Brick 1030/104

-New Porkers New York State on Saturday reported its lowest number of daily coronavirus deaths at 84  Gov. Andrew Cuomo eased the state’s ban on gatherings in time for the Memorial Day weekend.

-A group of 200 stores in Boro Park are opening Sunday with masks and distancing to protest the closure. (Kol Haolam)

-There was a State Police-involved fatal shooting on the Garden State Parkway between Ocean and Burlington counties  on Saturday morning that has left one male civilian dead.


  1. Askanim must take a hard look in the mirror and realize they are worthless in controlling the people or the narrative. The olam is feifing them un and not intimidated anymore no matter what dirty tricks they are trying with help from a complacent vaad controlled media pretending that shuls did not open or not allowed to open

  2. Ask yourself why a certain website, which claims to be "the" Lakewood website, had no mention of the Poskim and RY letter telling people to Daven responsibly in Shuls.

  3. the relationship with Murph is more important that HKBH

  4. like this weeks tvol trump bashing article

  5. the powers that be are living in their own bubble thinking that they still have control they are surrounded by yes men who don't challenge them and they keep the charade going meanwhile most shuls are open and the askanim look bad when they cant control the olam yet they pretend to show murphy and the politicians that they have control over Lakewood.

    This is why they are working desperately to keep minyanim from opening and shutting down the yeshivos. Because itss all about their power and some gelt but nothing about yiddishkeit or the eibishter

    1. Name one shul that's following guidelines. Masks? Social distancing?

      Forget about askanim not being able to control the olam. Rov of the tzibur seems unable to control themselves or their families.
      Any time there has been a lightening of the takanos the general public has taken them 2 steps further.
