Thursday, May 21, 2020

Video: Misguided Mesira on Minyanim


  1. He is so right !!
    Woe to the modern Rabbonim who are strangling us .

  2. Unfortunately Mesira is not a New Phenomenon..Mesira already became Mutar in Lakewood Ihr Hatorah more than 2 Decades ago with the Feminest Litvshe Rabbonim who would give A Heter Arkous to any Women who requested one to Have her Husband
    .the Father of her Children Get locked up in Jail with nonsense Restraining orders that these woman can have the upper hand in Custody Child Support alimony and Turn their Ex Husbands into Criminals and frain them of all their Money and Possessions and not allow them to see their Children

  3. Can someone please post the original link to this shiur

  4. thats the orignal shiur its like 33 min in

    1. -- also worth listening to this shiur from Rav Brog from 20 minute on.

  5. Rabbi Yisroel Brog shlita

  6. The exact same argument can be made in the reverse with the same frustrated inflections
    Here it goes
    How dare people who have zero , absolutely Zero medical knowledge, people who have never opened a medical journal in their lives even have the heAza to voice a medical opinion
    On top of that people who in any other area shy away from psak Halacha and if you ask them about an Sefer torah eiruv kesuba get kviyus misah halacha lemaseh will refuse to give a psak But have no compunctions about demanding their voice be the only one heard on this issue
    And then these same people go and give a chiyuv misa beyedei odom to others with just a look it up in Shulchan Aruch? No sources no Lomdus not one nada of a chazal

    1. Yup , your very right. Unfortunately he's spewing nonsense.

  7. Maskim, but why don't all these rabbanim that are now denying saying closing shuls just reopen?

  8. It sis NOT mesira to stop someone who is a mazil the rabim. My- how quickly we forget about all those we lost...............…v
