Monday, May 4, 2020

Gov Murphy- All Schools in New Jersey Will Remain Closed for Remainder of School Year, Private Schools at least to June 30.


  1. Murphy has no opinions of his own .
    He simply follows Coumo . Whatever Coumo says . Murphy Does . SAD

    1. He isn't following Cuomo. He is doing it for the same reason as Cuomo, because the teachers Unions want him to close it down.

      So he thinks he has secured the teachers unions by closing schools (which he probably does), and he thinks he has the Lakewood vote, because he paid off a specific school (he doesn't).

  2. This is terrible the kids are having a very hard time with the phone learning.
    Primary kids are regressing in kriah and can not sit by a phone at all.
    Parents will have to stay home even when businesses will reopen.

    Good luck for the yeshivos trying to collect tuition

  3. What does that mean about summer camps?

    1. Summer camps will be allowed to open since counselors don't have a powerful union telling him to shut it down


    1. The vaad tells us who to vote for we can not use our own brains and they endorsed him

  5. The yeshivos will open for 2 weeks in July if Murphy wont change his mind by then.

  6. Stop the Conferences!!
    Everyone of us Needs to hire a Rebbe for his son .
    A local Rebbe .
    He will teach in his yard .
    A Minyan Metzutzam .
    Our Children will learn Much More this way !!

  7. Summer camps will likely open in July assuming nothing changes

  8. This is about politics and not science. The current deaths are mostly from old age home patients. There is no justification in keeping schools or businesses closed. Every Murphy's tweet is pointing a finger to the Feds to bail out NJ. NJ made a series of bad financial calculations and now we are suffering. Murphy is hoping that the Feds bail him out, so next election he won't have to answer.

    We are sheeps being led by the blind. It's time to rise up and force change.

  9. will there be a property tax refund

    what about the LSTA they are saving a lot of money will they charge everyone next year the 150 fee are they refunding for this years 4 months of no transportation

  10. The schools need to charge less tuition for these months

    1. The schools need to stop living in the land of make believe and start using Zoom

    2. My son is on zoom it is not the utopia you are making it sound. It has its own problums

  11. Guided by safety and science, this is the best course of action

    Translation. Guided by politics and the example of NYS Governor Cuomo.

    He may be correct that schools should remain closed for the time being but why does he have to rule out reopening for the next two months?

  12. School cashed this months tuition check today
    The poskim should issue a psak for the remainder of tuition for this year and camp deposits

    1. I don't mean to sharf in any way but what is the question? expenses have possibly been reduced by a maximum of 5%. Schools in Lakewood have always graciously given a 35% discount below cost to all parents. So why should there be any discount just because learning is continuing in another format. The few full paying tuition parents, should receive a 5% discount if they request one. Psakim are given to shailos.

    2. I don't know where some people keep getting this discount idea from. Some schools sure (Lakewood Cheder has very low tuition), other schools, definitely not, unless they are paying insanely high mortgages.

  13. why should schools not cash headchecks

    1. Because in absence of a clear Psak - it is Geneivah, plain & simple.

  14. Almost all school are getting the PPP 'forgiven loan' for payroll, so why do parents have to pay tuition? Title One is giving he schools money for technical requirements for the students but none of the schools are giving phones,ipads or laptops so why are parents not getting a credit/discount in these difficult times?
    I also think we need some change and the idea to have a local rebbi instead of school over the phone should be implemented. This is not working for the rebbeim/moros and for most students. PARENTS do have a voice

    1. Fundraising is at $$Z E R O$$ right now. PPP mo ey will be covering The deficit this year not the fundraising

  15. Parents are now the Principals and the everything else .
    Children are barely learning !
    Why are we continuing a broken thing ?
    Learn with your children .
    Stop paying the schools !!

  16. Rabbeim should start teaching small groups of students in their homes. If the child sees the rebbi once or twice a week it be an enormous toeles in the limud. Some children who need more time should go more often. The rebbi could give his regular conference class while the group is in his house.
    If the rebbi is at risk (over 50 or other issue) this obviously wouldn't apply, or if a student has someone in his house that is at risk they shouldn't attend. I suspect that this wouldn't apply to many students who would benefit greatly from this arrangement.
    Let the doctors from Brooklyn and 5 Towns denounce it online.
    Let the police come and give tickets.
    Let the media and anti semites in Jackson yell their heads off.
    This is our children's chinuch we're talking about, it's our future. We cannot play games.

    1. sorry, some people actually listen to doctors and rabbanim and aren't letting anyone into their homes.

  17. Take responsibility for your Own Children !!
    Hire a private Rebbe !!

  18. the LSTA should be saving millions of dollars the big schools did not use it for lunch delivery even the ones who did its minimal once a day.
    ill that money go back to parents or will it lower taxes for next year how much of a surplus is there

  19. It should be both ways when you ask for a scholarship the board goes through your finances and way of life how many vacations and type of cars you lease. Now it should be the other way around the schools should show how much money they saved during this time how much they got from loans or grants before they charge parents full tuition for these months

  20. People are struggling to put bread on their table Tomchei shabbos is very busy how can people pay tuition

    1. I agree. At least we feel the pain of the people that didn't have any schools accept their children.

  21. I am going to pay full tuition, to my wife...

  22. Sorry to say this maybe the schools are being run like businesses instead of das torah but das baleh batim... is the money that schools receive from the government for the students being given to/for the students? Halls that are on schools and had weddings/bar mitzvahs cancelled did the security deposit get returned? Where is the das torah? Is it a business? Or a school that follows torah?
