Thursday, May 7, 2020

Tonight: BOE Budget Hearing Tax Increase plus $60 Million Loan

Lakewood Board Of Ed public hearing on the budget for the 2020-2021 school year. Tonight May 7, 2020 Virtual meeting. Watch Live stream HERE  7:10 PM
Total budget is  $278,460,861
Taxes levied on  Lakewood property owners  $107,522,840. ($150 average yearly tax increase to Lakewood homeowners whose home is assessed at 300k but most homes will pay much more)
Request for a loan of $60 million against state aid district already owes $80 Million in previous loans
Watch Live stream HERE
Agenda HERE
Approved expenses:
Legal Services $750,000  Audit Services $100,000  Architectural Services $100,000

Notice from the BOE: This budget has not been approved by the Executive Ocean County Superintendent of Schools and will be revised upon approval. Recognition of the Public questions can be submitted by emailing to:, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

-The Township of Lakewood gave permission for the Lakewood School District to
utilize carryover funds, in the amount of $439,828.46


  1. Once again, the township giving away our money for non mandated services and courtesy bussing of public school kids but charges the people who actually pay the property taxes for courtesy bussing.

  2. The "average increase" is baloney. It assumes a house assesed at $300,000. Almost no one has a house that price (except older townhouses). Most are at least $500k. Plus this is just the BOE increase. The township also voted to increase taxes. So all together, a house assesed at $500k will go up by over $500 per year.

  3. Robin Hood robbed from the rich and given to the poor. here its robbing the poor and becoming rich

  4. whatever happened with the lawsuit by Mr Lang to get more state funding and change the formula for Lakewood

  5. How much surplus does LSTA have by not paying for busing for these months
    are they giving a prorated credit for the 150 fee

  6. I vote absolutely NO! NO more increases! NO to iPads for all preschoolers and 1st graders. NO to insane law costs! ENOUGH!!! I live within my budget and so does the BOE. NO more increases . Also- why does the township raise my taxes but always seems to have MILLIONS to give out for “special” projects.

  7. LSTA has an oversight committee it's called the igud

  8. Until we are willing to vote out those that keep increasing our taxes, we only have ourselves to blame.

  9. Why is Inzelbuch, A non elected Board of Ed attorney running meetings with staff almost every night on the scoop? Where is the elected Board? the board President? Shouldn't they be the ones making all the decisions? Something is not right.. What other town has the BOE attorney running the show? Where is all our tax money going?

  10. board members have no conscious and approved it with a simple yes vote

  11. They Follow orders like puppets this board is a joke it should be abolished and replaced with sesame street
