Thursday, May 21, 2020

Info: Indoor Minyanim and Playing Outside

From A Lakewood Doctor to his patients

Davening Inside a Building or Shul with a Minyan
Q. When the Poskim permit indoor minyanim again, is there anything that we would need to know?
A minyan indoors is entirely different than a minyan outdoors with respect to the potential for the COVID-19 to spread from person to person. The air inside a room has the potential to be filled with the invisible virus if an infected person or people spend time in the room.

By way of explanation, the virus leaves the mouth of someone who is infected with COVID-19 as the person breaths and speaks, and certainly as the person coughs or sneezes. During davening the air inside the room will silently fill with the virus if a Mispalel is infected with the virus.

To make matters worse, one of the most contagious times for someone infected with COVID-19 is the day before the symptoms develop — before the person feels ill or even has any idea that he is sick.

Important Medical Points Regarding Indoor (Shul) Minyanim
When Permited by the Government and Poskim
• A distance of at least six feet, optimally 8 feet, between Mispalelim is crucially important indoors.

• Masks should ideally be worn by anyone davening indoors. However, a Mispalel who did not have the COVID-19 illness or anyone who may not be immune to the virus should not daven indoors without a mask.

• Care should be taken to maintain social distance between Mispalelim when entering and leaving the building.

• Interactions with another Mispalel before or after the minyan should be limited indoors. Bring the interaction outside with social distancing.

• Have a habit of washing your hands well when returning from a minyan.
Children Playing Outside Safely

Q. We see children playing together outside — with no social distancing! Is this safe? What are we supposed to do?! How are we supposed to avoid it? Our children need to play!

Children gravitate to each other to play together with each other. This is a distinct challenge for us. Although social distancing with children is especially challenging, we need to continue to be vigilant to protect our loved ones and Kehilla from the potentially dangerous risks of COVID-19 illness.

At the same time...
Our children need to go outside and have physical activity, fun, and play!
So, please, take your family outdoors!

Here are guidelines to keep you and your loved ones safe outdoors:
Important Medical Points Regarding Safe Outdoor Play

• Children need physical activity, fun and socialization. Take your family outdoors!

• With social distancing the outdoor air is safe. The virus does not live in the outdoor air.

• When your family is outdoors stay at least six feet away from other families. This will make spread of the virus from one person to another unlikely.

• Biking, scootering, and rollerblading (with helmets) are healthy activities in which a social distance can be easily maintained.

• Local parks in Ocean County are open. Families are encouraged to go to parks to walk, hike, bike, scooter or rollerblade. Township regulations require masks and strict social distancing between families. Public park playgrounds are not open at this time.

• Open outdoor areas such as open parking lots, fields, or other open public spaces are ideal for outdoor family activities. Stay physically separate from other families and let your children run, bike and play!

• "Six-Feet Rule Games:"
Parents should instruct and encourage children to play "Six-Feet Rule Games" with children from neighboring families whose parents have also instructed and encouraged their children to play
"Six-Feet Rule Games."

A "Six-Feet Rule Game" is any outdoor game played among neighboring children in which every child knows from his or her parents that he or she is expected to maintain a 6-foot distance among children who are not their family members. Parents should periodically remind children that it is a Six-Feet Rule Game and supervise this type of fun group play.

• Older children and adolescents may interact with other neighbors as long as they stand at least 6 feet back, (and optimally 8 feet back) and maintain this physical distance at all times.

• Adults may interact with neighbors while maintaining social distance of at least 6 feet, better 8 feet.

• Children and adults should regularly wash their hands before and after they play outside.


  1. The Doctors Have been way off the whole time !
    Why will this be different??

  2. My minyan in Boro Park never stopped. Strictly 6 ft apart, except for the oleh and baal korei by kriyas hatorah. Nobody wears masks, nobody got sick.

    1. It's certainly possible that that's true. It's also certain that if everyone had followed your lead we would have had many more fatalities. The only question now is if you were right in what you did. While I'm sure you had who to be someich on and wouldn't have made such a decision without a psak from an adam gadol, many of us believe based on our Rabbonim,that what you did was wrong.



    Many countries have closed schools and kindergartens to minimise COVID‐19, but the role that children play in disease transmission is unclear.

    A systematic literature review of the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases and medRxiv/bioRxiv preprint servers to 11 May 2020 identified published and unpublished papers on COVID‐19 transmission by children.

    We identified 700 scientific papers and letters and 47 full texts were studied in detail. Children accounted for a small fraction of COVID‐19 cases and mostly had social contacts with peers or parents, rather than older people at risk of severe disease. Data on viral loads were scarce, but indicated that children may have lower levels than adults, partly because they often have fewer symptoms, and this should decrease the transmission risk. Household transmission studies showed that children were rarely the index case and case studies suggested that children with COVID‐19 seldom caused outbreaks. However, it is highly likely that children can transmit the SARS‐COV‐2 virus, which causes COVID‐19, and even asymptomatic children can have viral loads.

    Children are unlikely to be the main drivers of the pandemic. Opening up schools and kindergartens is unlikely to impact COVID‐19 mortality rates in older people.


    Children are unlikely to be the main drivers of the pandemic. Opening up schools and kindergartens is unlikely to impact COVID‐19 mortality rates in older people.

  4. This whole thing is crazy already. I know places where shuls remained open and no one got sick and vice versa. It seems thar the Dr's and government know no better than the average person.

  5. What are the credentials of these Dr's in relation to Covid. Many of them are just repeating what they on the internet with no data to back it up. The CDC after weeks of saying how the virus lives on items for days now says it doesn't. The Governor of NY laughed at Trump when he suggested using UV lights, and now NYC spends 1Million $ for UV lights to disinfect the trains. We were told we will need 100,000s of thousands of ventilators and we didn't, we were told that it spreads so quickly that if there are levayas that people attend, hundreds will die, and they didn't, etc..

    1. The CDC acted out of caution. Given the relatively short time with this (novel)Virus,the CDC felt that it would be best to take precautionary measures. As our knowledge increases, our guidelines will adjust accordingly. In order to really engage with credibility on how to deal with this virus, you really need to be a scientist. There is a certain hierarchy based on our respective understanding that is similar to our reverence and loyalty of our Gedolim.

    2. How about counting your blessings that we didn't need all the ventilators, instead of criticizing what happened. Very easy to knock other people. The fact is many many people died from the virus. Too many. To speak down at a doctor is easy. What is your credentials? Did you go to medical school? Or all you do is troll websites and spit out nonsense from your mouth that you heard it read on the internet.
      Next time you go to a doctor don't trust the doctor. Why take medicine for strep? Ever heard someone dying from it?? Why take vaccinations? (Calling all the anti vaxors?). The fact is as a frum person we value life. We value even an unborn fetus and are mechabad shabbos by doing any and all melachos to save a potential baby, even if the likelihood is very small.
      Follow the rules... It's meant to help you not hurt you.

    3. And how is deeming pot dispensaries being declared essential helping me? How is abortion helping me? No, not all rules are meant to help you, they are meant to help those in power stay in power.

  6. The question, all those who were niftar r'l -- were they niftar because of the pandemic, or were they niftar from the malach hamuves because it was nigzar on yom kippur?

  7. Most People died from Neglect !
    Not the virus .
    If the democratic governors and CDC etc wouldn’t have scared the people so much ,
    hospitals would have allowed people in
    AND SEVENTY PERCENT of the Frum patients would have lived !
    Fear indirectly caused most of the death !
