Weather: Mostly sunny. High 72F. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 mph.
-Murphy expected to loosen restrictions on restaurants and nonessential retail that have been long been limited to curbside pickup and delivery he said we’re going to announce a whole lot more tomorrow, which will be effective sometime over the next couple of weeks
-Chatter on social media of a protest in the Lakewood area on June 6th otherwise pretty quiet.
-Peaceful Atlantic City protests turn to looting and damage. Hours of peaceful protests in Atlantic City gave way to destruction Sunday evening as a crowd smashed windows and looted stores, leading officials to issue a citywide curfew.
-School lunch programs are losing millions feeding hungry kids; they could be broke by fall (usa today)
-Gov. Murphy said Sunday he hopes Atlantic City casinos can be reopened around July 4, but stressed that strict social distancing and occupancy limits will have to be enforced.
-TJP Live game show tonight at Gourmet Glatt parking lot Madison location 9:00 pm interactive from the comfort of your car and streaming live on
-NJ 160,445 positive cases. 11,698 deaths including 66 overnight
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00pm HaRav Asher Weiss 'ברכת התורה חלק ב on Zoom HERE or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-Lunch distribution locations closed today
-Chasdei Hashem: Rav Yitzchok Dweck shlita was released from the hospital on erev Yom Tov after a 2 months stay with covid 19
-Lakewood school District intent to enter into an Emergency Rental Agreement of $800,000 for Tents/Chairs/Tables, as many Nonpublic Schools have expressed an interest in utilizing a portion of their designated CARES Act funds to maintain the operation of their Schools and provide continuity of education services during the months of June, July and August, which is an allowable expense under the CARES Act..
-Hertz Rental car went bankrupt. $25Billion debt. If any of your family or friends are looking for used cars, ask them to go check out Lots of cars are getting loaded there starting this morning and they are $10K or so less than blue book. Deals as low as $7K in small and mid size cars. Straightforward no haggle price. Share with all.
-Gov. Phil Murphy announced the administration will be applying at least $100 million for a short-term rental assistance program for low- and moderate-income families. First in line are those who are at risk of becoming homeless they will get up to 12 months rent. The remainder of the participants will be selected through an online lottery system that will open up in July See more here
-BDE: Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm zl he was 92
A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
$11.7 Million CARES Funds allocated to Lakewood Schools
List of CARES Allocations for the following Lakewood Schools:
From BOE agenda. The District's intent to enter into an Emergency Rental Agreement of $800,000 for Tents/Chairs/Tables, as many Nonpublic Schools have expressed an interest in utilizing a portion of their designated CARES Act funds to maintain the operation of their Schools and provide continuity of education services (1) during the months of June, July and August, which is an allowable expense under the CARES Act..
From BOE agenda. The District's intent to enter into an Emergency Rental Agreement of $800,000 for Tents/Chairs/Tables, as many Nonpublic Schools have expressed an interest in utilizing a portion of their designated CARES Act funds to maintain the operation of their Schools and provide continuity of education services (1) during the months of June, July and August, which is an allowable expense under the CARES Act..
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Motzei Shavuos 5780 News Updates Lakewood
-Shabbos/YT in LA riots were present in the frum neighborhoods some Jewish owned businesses were looted and vandalized
- Cuomo said on Friday that NYC will reopen on June 8 In Phase 1 of reopening, retail stores can open for curbside or in-store pickup and nonessential construction and manufacturing can resume
-Tents were pitched across Lakewood to allow more room for outdoor minyanim
-Bnos Devora lunch distribution switching to weekly by the case from daily.
-The US supreme court rejected a California church's challenge to the lock down in a 5-4 decision chief justice John Roberts joined the 4 liberals om the bench claiming the restrictions are similar or comparable to secular gatherings were large groups of people gather for an extended period of time. Justice Kavanaugh wrote in a dissenting opinion that the state can not assume the worst in people go to worship but assume the best when people go to work or their daily lives in permitted social settings.
-Israeli schools will remain open despite a COVID-19 outbreak at the Gymnasia high school in Rechavia, Yerushalayim, the Health Ministry said on Motzoei Shabbos, but Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned that coronavirus curbs would be reimposed if infection rates increase.
-Botei Medrash and shuls and yeshivos were open for Torah and tefila overYT within the guidelines,
-NJ will allow day camps as of July 6
-Murphy says he is looking to allow larger indoor gatherings for houses of worship by June 12
-Lakewood 31 new cases over YT total 2345/153 including 3 deaths. Some of the cases are at a local nursing home facility.
-NJ: Day care centers can begin and open as of June 15 with guidelines. Good news for Playgroups and Morah's should be able to start as well
- Riots grow across the nation in big cities while hundreds of people converged on the White House for a second straight day Saturday to protest the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and President Donald Trump’s response.
Ocean County Sherriff Statement: Our office led by Sheriff Michael Mastronardy are angered and saddened by the video of this horrible crime. No officers under our roof condone this conduct or would allow this to go on. We are trained to save lives, not take them. We want the public to know in NO WAY does this act represent who we are and what we stand for. We believe in treating EVERYONE fairly and Justice for ALL. God Speed George Floyd.....”
- Cuomo said on Friday that NYC will reopen on June 8 In Phase 1 of reopening, retail stores can open for curbside or in-store pickup and nonessential construction and manufacturing can resume
-Tents were pitched across Lakewood to allow more room for outdoor minyanim
-Bnos Devora lunch distribution switching to weekly by the case from daily.
-The US supreme court rejected a California church's challenge to the lock down in a 5-4 decision chief justice John Roberts joined the 4 liberals om the bench claiming the restrictions are similar or comparable to secular gatherings were large groups of people gather for an extended period of time. Justice Kavanaugh wrote in a dissenting opinion that the state can not assume the worst in people go to worship but assume the best when people go to work or their daily lives in permitted social settings.
-Israeli schools will remain open despite a COVID-19 outbreak at the Gymnasia high school in Rechavia, Yerushalayim, the Health Ministry said on Motzoei Shabbos, but Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned that coronavirus curbs would be reimposed if infection rates increase.
-Botei Medrash and shuls and yeshivos were open for Torah and tefila overYT within the guidelines,
-NJ will allow day camps as of July 6
-Murphy says he is looking to allow larger indoor gatherings for houses of worship by June 12
-Lakewood 31 new cases over YT total 2345/153 including 3 deaths. Some of the cases are at a local nursing home facility.
-NJ: Day care centers can begin and open as of June 15 with guidelines. Good news for Playgroups and Morah's should be able to start as well
- Riots grow across the nation in big cities while hundreds of people converged on the White House for a second straight day Saturday to protest the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and President Donald Trump’s response.
Ocean County Sherriff Statement: Our office led by Sheriff Michael Mastronardy are angered and saddened by the video of this horrible crime. No officers under our roof condone this conduct or would allow this to go on. We are trained to save lives, not take them. We want the public to know in NO WAY does this act represent who we are and what we stand for. We believe in treating EVERYONE fairly and Justice for ALL. God Speed George Floyd.....”
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Erev Shavuos 5780 Lakewood Zmanim Sidrei Tefila
כד יתבין ישראל ועסקין בשמחת התורה, קודשא בריך הוא אומר לפמליא דיליה חזו בני חביבי דמשכחין לצערא דילהון ועסקין בחדוותא דילי
Thursday, May 28, 2020 / ה׳ סיון תש״פ ערב שבועותReminder Eruv Tavshilin this year Erev Shavuos see HERE
Yizkor candle
-Candle lighting 7:59 pm להדליק נר של יום טוב /שהחיינו ( it is preferable for women to wait until it is night to light candles and say Shehechiyanu on Shavuos night -Luach R' Yechiel Michel Tukatchinsky, Piskei Tshuvos 494:2 .)
-Shkiah/sunset 8:17 pm
1st night Yom Tov
Maariv 1st night Minhag Hayeshiva to wait 72 minutes 9:30 pm for Temimos
Friday Morning 1st day Yom Tov
-Alos Hashachar 3:48 am
-Mishayakir earliest time to put on Talis/Tzizis 4:31 am
-Netz: 5:31 am
-SZ Krias shema Mg'a 8:21 am Gra 9:112 am S"Z Tefila 10:26 am
-Shachris full Halel
-Krias Hatorah- י'ג מדות Akdamus Milin, Kriah in Parshas Yisro, (Shmos 19:1-20:23 טעם עליון) Maftir Bamidbar 28: 26-31
Haftorah Yechezkel 1: 1-28, 3:12
Thursday Erev Shavuos 5780 News updates Lakewood
Weather: cloudy. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 73F. Dense fog until 11:00 am
Reminder: Eruv Tavshilin today
-Bikur Cholim delivered 2500 meals to patients and their families for Yom Tov
-Lakewood 18 new positive cases total 2314/150
-Dr. Zev Zelenko wishes klal yisrael a gut yom tov and a kabolas hatorah Besimcha with Pnimiyus. IN a video message he said next week a lot of very important information will be revealed that will start a avalanch of truth and change the worlds approach on how to deal with this virus. I have been preparing for the final battle in this war. The major counteroffensive is beginning. The whole world will hear us and be turned upside down.
-Murphy: Overall, our trajectory remains POSITIVE. The key metrics we’re tracking continue to move in the right directions. We’re not out of the woods. We must continue to practice our social distancing. Another 66 people died overnight bringing our statewide total to 11,401.
-NJ Labor Dept saw a nearly 20% decline in the number of new claims being filed – roughly 34,400 claims. Roughly 1.17 million New Jerseyans have filed unemployment claims since COVID19 began. As of this past Saturday, 911,000 of these claims have been fulfilled.
-11:45 Vaad R' Simcha Bunim Cohen
12:30 Kabolas Hatorah R' Gershon Ribner
-Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00PM HaRav Dovid Schustal יסוד דין תלמוד תורה: הירהור, ברכה ופסק דין
1:00PM HaRav Elya Brudny Divrei chizuk on Zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-There is a segula for one that wants to have a son to separate 91 perutahs on Erev Shavuos and then add more till he gets to 104, the gematria of 2 times בן , and then give it to a humble, worthy talmid chacham. (R’ Yaakov Falagi, Father of R’ Chaim Falagi) Shevuos is a good time to daven for barren woman. It is brought down from mekubolim that when the Mishna in Roshana says that we are judged on fruits of the tree, it refers to children, because man is called a tree and the fruits are the children.
-Bnos Melech Shavuos box distribution for the public 12:30 pm James street
-Flowers for Shavuos
Pearl Blau flowers will be available at NPGS and Feldmans Grocery on Thursday Erev Shavuos Boquet for you exquisite flowers at Seasons
Florist on Premises at Super stop rt 9 south 1161 River
Flowers at Gourmet Glatt
Flowers at Shop Rite
Better Blooms Bouquets for $12 at Epsteins Meats Lakewood commons,Chateau park,Westgate
-No lunch distribution today at Toras Zev
- A few Covid patients have been hospitalized recently.
- The Verizon communications tower installed last month, was installed by request of the police department and Hatzolah, and although the tower does require a use varience by the zoning board a zoning permit was issued due to public health emergency. The contractors are expected to apply for a use variance which will be heard at a public meeting of the zoning board, at which time, all interested members of the public may speak
-Tips for reducing the spread of the virus indoors
-Open windows.
-Set up a strong fan to circulate the room air.
-Set up a ventilating fan in an open window.
-Set the HVAC fan to the “on” position.
Reminder: Eruv Tavshilin today
-Bikur Cholim delivered 2500 meals to patients and their families for Yom Tov
-Lakewood 18 new positive cases total 2314/150
-Dr. Zev Zelenko wishes klal yisrael a gut yom tov and a kabolas hatorah Besimcha with Pnimiyus. IN a video message he said next week a lot of very important information will be revealed that will start a avalanch of truth and change the worlds approach on how to deal with this virus. I have been preparing for the final battle in this war. The major counteroffensive is beginning. The whole world will hear us and be turned upside down.
-Murphy: Overall, our trajectory remains POSITIVE. The key metrics we’re tracking continue to move in the right directions. We’re not out of the woods. We must continue to practice our social distancing. Another 66 people died overnight bringing our statewide total to 11,401.
-NJ Labor Dept saw a nearly 20% decline in the number of new claims being filed – roughly 34,400 claims. Roughly 1.17 million New Jerseyans have filed unemployment claims since COVID19 began. As of this past Saturday, 911,000 of these claims have been fulfilled.
-11:45 Vaad R' Simcha Bunim Cohen
12:30 Kabolas Hatorah R' Gershon Ribner
-Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00PM HaRav Dovid Schustal יסוד דין תלמוד תורה: הירהור, ברכה ופסק דין
1:00PM HaRav Elya Brudny Divrei chizuk on Zoom or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-There is a segula for one that wants to have a son to separate 91 perutahs on Erev Shavuos and then add more till he gets to 104, the gematria of 2 times בן , and then give it to a humble, worthy talmid chacham. (R’ Yaakov Falagi, Father of R’ Chaim Falagi) Shevuos is a good time to daven for barren woman. It is brought down from mekubolim that when the Mishna in Roshana says that we are judged on fruits of the tree, it refers to children, because man is called a tree and the fruits are the children.
-Bnos Melech Shavuos box distribution for the public 12:30 pm James street
-Flowers for Shavuos
Pearl Blau flowers will be available at NPGS and Feldmans Grocery on Thursday Erev Shavuos Boquet for you exquisite flowers at Seasons
Florist on Premises at Super stop rt 9 south 1161 River
Flowers at Gourmet Glatt
Flowers at Shop Rite
Better Blooms Bouquets for $12 at Epsteins Meats Lakewood commons,Chateau park,Westgate
-No lunch distribution today at Toras Zev
- A few Covid patients have been hospitalized recently.
- The Verizon communications tower installed last month, was installed by request of the police department and Hatzolah, and although the tower does require a use varience by the zoning board a zoning permit was issued due to public health emergency. The contractors are expected to apply for a use variance which will be heard at a public meeting of the zoning board, at which time, all interested members of the public may speak
-Tips for reducing the spread of the virus indoors
-Open windows.
-Set up a strong fan to circulate the room air.
-Set up a ventilating fan in an open window.
-Set the HVAC fan to the “on” position.
Weather Forecast Shavuos in Lakewood
First night shavuos- Cloudy in the evening. Scattered thunderstorms developing after midnight. Low 66F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
First day Yom Tov- Friday: Cloudy early with partial sunshine expected late. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 81F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph.
Friday night -Scattered thunderstorms. Low 66F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
2nd day Yom Tov- Shabbos Scattered thunderstorms in the morning, then partly cloudy late. High 82F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
First day Yom Tov- Friday: Cloudy early with partial sunshine expected late. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 81F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph.
Friday night -Scattered thunderstorms. Low 66F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
2nd day Yom Tov- Shabbos Scattered thunderstorms in the morning, then partly cloudy late. High 82F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Oif Simchas Lakewood ד׳ סיון תש״פ
Engagements courtesy of Daily Vivaser to receive Vivaser via email daily send a request to:
Wednesday May 27 Lakewood, News Updates
הרחמן הוא יחזיר לנו עבודת בית המקדש למקומה במהרה בימינו אמן סלה
-Maariv/Sefiras Haomer היום תשעה וארבעים יום שהם שבעה שבועות לעומר/בעומר
-Bingo open till 12:00 am
-Harav Yechiel Moskowitz will be giving a his weekly Shiur, at 10:30 PM. Phone # is 605-313-5894 access code is 783618-Live teleconference Shiurim tonight Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
8:20 pm - Divrei Chizuk for Matan Torah Rosh Yeshivas Ohr Zecharia HaRav Uren Reich Shlita
9:45 pm - Shiur on Hilchos Yom Tov by HaRav Shmuel Felder Shlita
10:20 pm - Shiur B’Inyanei Yom Tov by HaRav Elya Chaim Swerdloff Shlita
Additional divrei chizuk
8:00 pm - Divrei Chizuk V’Hisorirus by HaRav Dovid Goldberg Shlita
Call in: 646-558-8656 pin: 645-534
10:05pm - Divray Chizuk V’Hisorirus by The Mashgiach HaRav Don Segal Shlita call-in: 712-832-5656 pin: 500#
- Antibody tests used to determine if people have been infected in the past with Covid-19 might be wrong up to half the time, the US CDC said in new guidance posted on its website.
Antibody tests, often called serologic tests, look for evidence of an immune response to infection. They are not accurate enough to use to make important policy decisions, the CDC said.
-Harav Chaim Mendel Brodsky will give a shmuz to the Alumni tonight at 9:15 PM. Dial in numbers: CA: 1 (867) 292 3030 US: 1 (712) 832 8330 Access code: 111 3295
-Toll Increase: NJ Turnpike Authority voted unanimously 7-0 to increase tolls as planned on both the NJ Turnpike and Garden State Parkway. The increases, from $1.50 to $1.90 at Parkway barriers, $0.50 to $0.90 at Parkway on/off ramps and $3.50 to $4.75 on average drives on the turnpike, will go into effect September 13 The governor implied he won't override the increases, noting that it's been "a long time" since the last increase, the new increases will fund $25 billion in capital construction projects over the next 10 years
-Camp Agudah Midwest Girls will be relocating to the Indiana campus
-Camp Kol Torah in Cleveland expects to open parents have until Tonight to back out with refund
otherwise they assume to be keeping a slot.
-6:30 pm Watch Live Venismach Relive the Siyum Hashas HERE
-Mikvaos will be open Erev YT by appointment
-Murphy says he has a "high degree of confidence" that Camps and day care will be allowed to open this summer, assuming the numbers stay where they are.
-Available at shloimy's Kosher world, masks, and face visors. An excellent option for those learning b"chavrusa.
Flowers for Shavuos
Pearl Blau flowers will be available at NPGS and Feldmans Grocery on Thursday Erev Shavuos Boquet for you exquisite flowers at Seasons
Florist on Premises at Super stop rt 9 south 1161 River
Flowers at Gourmet Glatt
Flowers at Shop Rite
Better Blooms Bouquets for $12 at Epsteins Meats Lakewood commons,Chateau park,Westgate
-Lakewood 20 new cases 5 deaths 2296/147 Toms River 1459/121, Brick 1044/108 Jackson 793/53
-To Hear a Recording of Rav Ephraim Wachsman Drasha and song dial 732-363-6713 press 1 than 67# for the song and 66# for the drasha
-Yarchei kallah shiur 12:00pm HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff שלא ברכו בתורה תחילה: חידוש וחשק בתלמוד תורה
1:00 pm Divre chizuk Harav Berel Povarsky via Zoom HERE or call 1646-558-8656 log in #835-286-77424
-Shavuos Box today:
Toras Zev/Circa at Cross street 9:30 am
Bnos Yaakov at 11:00 am Pine Park
Bnos Devora/ 2:00 pm Cheese cake, rugelach, mini cheese items Cinnamon buns, Bintzes, Choc milk,fruits, Cheese latkes
-Tehilas Chaya Sarah Fleishig box 4:15 pm kugel, shnitzle, challah, rugelach other items
Gelbsteins distribution Tomorrow 9 am at the public schools
TBY distribution tomorrow
Bnos Melech 12:30 pm erev YT
-Dr. Fauci in CNN interview says a second wave of the coronavirus "is not inevitable,"I feel better about it."
-The mayor of Toms River and the township council called on Gov. Phil Murphy yesterday to allow small businesses and restaurants to reopen, saying if the shutdown continues, businesses could lose out on the vital summer tourist season.
Audio: Rav Ephraim Wachsman Song for Shavuos תש''פ
For shavuos 2021 song click Here
To Hear a Recording of Rav Ephraim Wachsman Drasha and song on the phone dial 732-363-6713 press 1 than 67# for the song and 66# for the drasha
To Hear a Recording of Rav Ephraim Wachsman Drasha and song on the phone dial 732-363-6713 press 1 than 67# for the song and 66# for the drasha
Lakewood has Robust sales of Charles Tyrwhitt Shirt
Meet the man whose dress shirts are all the rage among Orthodox Jews Nicholas Wheeler, the founder of men’s clothier Charles Tyrwhitt, has become an accidental fashion king in the Jewish community . For his part, Wheeler, who isn’t Jewish, is appreciative that his shirts are so deeply loved by the Orthodox community a phenomenon he became aware of at least five years ago, he estimated.
Wheeler said that Lakewood, N.J. home to a sizable Orthodox Jewish population has particularly robust sales. Periodically, he said, his company will receive a bulk order of 500 to 1,000 shirts in the U.S. read full interview at
Wheeler said that Lakewood, N.J. home to a sizable Orthodox Jewish population has particularly robust sales. Periodically, he said, his company will receive a bulk order of 500 to 1,000 shirts in the U.S. read full interview at
BDH: Hagaon Harav Shmuel Hakohen Miller Zatzal
The levaya is taking place now. To access via conference call, dial 848-220-3300 and enter access code 2587400# or 25874001#
ברוך דיין האמת
Petirah of Hagaon Harav Shmuel Miller ZT"L Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gefola Bais Yisroel. He was niftar last night the Levaya is in Brooklyn this morning. His Rebbetzin was nifteres a month ago from the virus R"L.
The Rosh yeshiva a son of Rav Avigdor Miller ztl founded yeshiva gedola Bais Yisrael it was originally in Flatbush for many years and briefly in Bays Water Queens beofre it was relocated to Lakewood 10 years ago. He was a talmid of Harav Aharon Kotler ztl.
Matzav article- Rav Miller was a son of Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l. He led his yeshiva for decades in Brooklyn, NY before relocating it to Lakewood several years ago.
Rav Shmuel, an outstanding talmid chochom, was a son of Rav Avigdor and Rebbetzin Ettil Miller zt”l. When he became of marriageable age, he married his wife, Rebbetzin Miriam, a daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Pancer.
ברוך דיין האמת
Petirah of Hagaon Harav Shmuel Miller ZT"L Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gefola Bais Yisroel. He was niftar last night the Levaya is in Brooklyn this morning. His Rebbetzin was nifteres a month ago from the virus R"L.
The Rosh yeshiva a son of Rav Avigdor Miller ztl founded yeshiva gedola Bais Yisrael it was originally in Flatbush for many years and briefly in Bays Water Queens beofre it was relocated to Lakewood 10 years ago. He was a talmid of Harav Aharon Kotler ztl.
Matzav article- Rav Miller was a son of Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l. He led his yeshiva for decades in Brooklyn, NY before relocating it to Lakewood several years ago.
Rav Shmuel, an outstanding talmid chochom, was a son of Rav Avigdor and Rebbetzin Ettil Miller zt”l. When he became of marriageable age, he married his wife, Rebbetzin Miriam, a daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Pancer.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
From Shanghai to East New York: Stories of Bais Hatalmud
Jewish History Soundbites with Yehuda Geberer.
From Shanghai to East New York: Stories of Bais Hatalmud When a senior group of the lions of the Mir got together in the late 1940's, they formed one of the most unique creations in the annals of the Yeshiva movement. Bais Hatalmud evokes memories of individuals like Rav Leib Malin, Rav Chaim Visoker, Rav Shmuel Charkover and so many other greats from the "Alteh Mir".
From Shanghai to East New York: Stories of Bais Hatalmud When a senior group of the lions of the Mir got together in the late 1940's, they formed one of the most unique creations in the annals of the Yeshiva movement. Bais Hatalmud evokes memories of individuals like Rav Leib Malin, Rav Chaim Visoker, Rav Shmuel Charkover and so many other greats from the "Alteh Mir".
Tuesday May 26 News Updates Lakewood
שלושת ימי הגבלה
מובא מהגאון ר' שלמה וולבה זצ"ל כי הלומד בימים אלו בהתמדה רבה ובלי ביטול לרגע, סגולה היא שיצליח כל השנה בעליה בתורה
Maariv/ Sefuras Haomer היום שמונה וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות וששה ימים לעומר/בעומר
Kiddush Levana
Live shiurim Bnei Torah Phone line- 646-726-9977
-10:00 pm Harav ElyaBer Wachtfogel shlita in English-11:00 pm Harav Dovid Cohen Chevron RoshYeshiva Divrei Chizuk
For ladies Mrs. R Sorotzkin 9:30 pm 712-832-5656 pin 500#
- 8:30 pm Rav Ephraim Wachsnan shlita will deliver his annual pre Shavuos Drasha and song via teleconference 718-258-2008 or 646-726-9977 or 929-219-1199
- Shavuos in a Box $250 option HERE
-Some children will be spending yom tov meal at their parents after doctors said both should have either tested positive or have anti bodies and avoid any physical contact and keep social distancing
- Jackson Township votes on final reading to repeal their 2017 ordinance that banned dormitories. The repeal on the ban on yeshivos, was tabled until later in June, after they have an opportunity to speak the Justice Department about their lawsuit. Jackson's council said that The Justice Department falsely misrepresented Jackson in its press release and lawsuit, and they look forward to speaking with them to express how diverse and welcoming their township really is. They noted that Orthodox Jews make up 10% of their population. (LNN)
-A Judge orders a hearing for June 4th in Lawsuit against Murphy The Center for American Liberty on behalf of the churches throughout New Jersey, filed a lawsuit in federal court against Governor Murphy and others for unconstitutionally shutting down houses of worship statewide.
-Backyard minyanim started today in Passaic, NJ
-Lakewood 13 new cases totaling 2276/142 deaths
-Tehillim Rav Shmuel Miller Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedola Bais Yisroel is in very serious condition, a name has been added. Reuven Shmuel ben Chana Ettel
Tehillim conference at 1:15pm 848-220-3300 code 2587400# (LNN)
-Chasunas: No guidance issued about weddings but an indicator may be allowing graduations to take place outdoors as of July 6.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Video:Turn Milk Into Cream Cheese
The Lunch distribution milk is low fat and wont be as creamy this recipie is for whole milk
LNN: Lakewood Tax Increase chart
Courtesy of Lakewood News Network or (IG LNN) The chart below shows the exact amount the tax increase that was passed by the Lakewood township last week as well as the BOE School and fire tax increase. Officials used a lower number of only $10 a month for the increase but that's based on a average home in Ocean county most of Lakewood will be paying much more than that. The Ocean county tax portion has decreases and residents will see a savings from last year. But the local increase for a home worth $417,000 is $315 while the county tax portion decreased by $204
Monday May 25, 2020 News Updates Lakewood
-Weather: Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy this afternoon. High 69F. chance of rain 10%
- California on Monday allowed places of worship to reopen for religious services must limit attendance to 25% capacity or a maximum of 100 visitors, whichever is lower. Congregants should be screened for high temperatures and other COVID-19 symptoms they should be asked to use hand sanitizer and wear face coverings. Religious institutions were also asked to “strongly consider” discontinuing singing and group recitations since they can increase likelihood of people spreading respiratory droplets. But if they can’t be avoided, churches and other settings should limit the number of those reciting or singing, and space people more than 6 feet apart, according to the new guidance.
- Tonight 7:00 pm the Mir At Home Dinner register HERE for access
- Rebbetzin Rena Tarshish will be speaking for women tonight, Monday at 9:30 PM
Call in: 732-806-8139
-Live Shiurim today Bnei Torah phone line 646-76-977
8:30 pm - Daily Chofetz Chaim Shiur on Hilchos Lashon Harah by HaRav Dov Kahan Shlita
8:45 pm - Shiur on how to do an עירוב תבשילין, by HaRav Shlomo Stein Shlita
9:10 pm - Shiur in Sefer Hamitzvos by HaRav Chaim Tzvi Gorelick Shlita
10 pm - HaRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin Shlita
- Tefilos for HaRav Shmuel Miller shlita, Shmuel Ben Chana Ettil
-Robo call in the Name of prominent Lakewood posek shlita anyone who massers looses his chelek in yisrael can not be counted in a minyan and if they write an ois in sefer Tora it is passul
- 7 New cases in Lakewood 2263/ 142 Toms River 1444/117 Brick 1039/104, Jackson 787/52
-Got Extra Milk? today at the lunch distribution locations flyers were given out with a recipe how to make home made cream cheese with all the extra milk
-Murphy: We will get to the houses of worship sooner than later
-Tefillos for Rav Dovid Soloveitchik shlita who fell tonight in his home and is hospitalized under observation משולם דוד בן אלטע הענדל
-Murphy: "I don’t begrudge their right to protest, but they don’t sway me,” about protesters in the state demanding that gyms, hair salons and other businesses be allowed to reopen.
-A Lakewood man has been charged with attempted kidnapping after he showed up at the home of a Howell nurse who had treated him at the hospital the night before in Kimball hospital. Howell police said. Leonardo Larrarte, 37, of Lakewood, was arrested following the incident that happened Friday, Howell police said.
- N.J. coronavirus 155,092 total cases deaths increase to 11,144 with only 16 new reported in the last 24 hours but officials say the weekend numbers may lagi n reporting. The outbreak continues to show signs of slowing with a steady decline in patients being treated at hospitals.
-Tonight the Mir At Home Dinner register HERE for access
-Shop local Campaign launched to help Lakewood businesses see HERE
-Shavuos boxes 12:00pm Tehilas Chaya Sara 1115 Cross Street., 2:00pm Bnos Melech 550 James Street.
- Yarchei Kallah shiur Rav Dovid Cohen shlita R"Y Chevron 12:00 pm on והגית בו יומם ולילה, Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita divrei chizuk at 1:00 pm on Zoom HERE or call 1646-558-8656 log in #347-309-834
-Rally today at Point Pleasant Beach 11:00 am calling for Gov. Phil Murphy to fully allow New Jersey’s non-essential businesses to reopen At least two state legislators, including one Democrat, plan to attend
-President Trump tweeted late Sunday night that "Schools in our country should be opened ASAP."
"Much very good information now available,"
-Memorial day today No USPS mail FedEx or UPS,Groceries may have limited hours, Banks closed. Shop Rite Howell, Brick open till midnight, Costco is closed see more info HERE
-The Woodbourne shul in the Catskills has officially opened for the Summer season with Minyanim Sign says wearing mask inside is mandatory
-School Lunches: Circa at Cheder Toras Zev 1000 Cross street 9:30 am or Bnos Yaakov at Pine Park the last playground at 11:00 am for all children 18 and under - Out to lunch distribution at Bnos Devorah 360 Oak street 9:30 am - 11:30 am, 4 corners at John Patrick sports park off vine 11:00 am.
Pizza on wheels at rt 9 and Chestnut 11:00am
Menu Circa Cheese Wheel, Bnos Devora Hot Pretzel
Memorial Day Special at public school locations kosher meals from Gelbsteins. Hot dogs on a bun from Snaps Kosher restaurant 8:30m-11:00 am at spruce, middle school, Clifton 7th, Piner E County Line. for all children 0-18
- California on Monday allowed places of worship to reopen for religious services must limit attendance to 25% capacity or a maximum of 100 visitors, whichever is lower. Congregants should be screened for high temperatures and other COVID-19 symptoms they should be asked to use hand sanitizer and wear face coverings. Religious institutions were also asked to “strongly consider” discontinuing singing and group recitations since they can increase likelihood of people spreading respiratory droplets. But if they can’t be avoided, churches and other settings should limit the number of those reciting or singing, and space people more than 6 feet apart, according to the new guidance.
- Tonight 7:00 pm the Mir At Home Dinner register HERE for access
- Rebbetzin Rena Tarshish will be speaking for women tonight, Monday at 9:30 PM
Call in: 732-806-8139
-Live Shiurim today Bnei Torah phone line 646-76-977
8:30 pm - Daily Chofetz Chaim Shiur on Hilchos Lashon Harah by HaRav Dov Kahan Shlita
8:45 pm - Shiur on how to do an עירוב תבשילין, by HaRav Shlomo Stein Shlita
9:10 pm - Shiur in Sefer Hamitzvos by HaRav Chaim Tzvi Gorelick Shlita
10 pm - HaRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin Shlita
- Tefilos for HaRav Shmuel Miller shlita, Shmuel Ben Chana Ettil
-Robo call in the Name of prominent Lakewood posek shlita anyone who massers looses his chelek in yisrael can not be counted in a minyan and if they write an ois in sefer Tora it is passul
- 7 New cases in Lakewood 2263/ 142 Toms River 1444/117 Brick 1039/104, Jackson 787/52
-Got Extra Milk? today at the lunch distribution locations flyers were given out with a recipe how to make home made cream cheese with all the extra milk
-Murphy: We will get to the houses of worship sooner than later
-Tefillos for Rav Dovid Soloveitchik shlita who fell tonight in his home and is hospitalized under observation משולם דוד בן אלטע הענדל
-Murphy: "I don’t begrudge their right to protest, but they don’t sway me,” about protesters in the state demanding that gyms, hair salons and other businesses be allowed to reopen.
-A Lakewood man has been charged with attempted kidnapping after he showed up at the home of a Howell nurse who had treated him at the hospital the night before in Kimball hospital. Howell police said. Leonardo Larrarte, 37, of Lakewood, was arrested following the incident that happened Friday, Howell police said.
- N.J. coronavirus 155,092 total cases deaths increase to 11,144 with only 16 new reported in the last 24 hours but officials say the weekend numbers may lagi n reporting. The outbreak continues to show signs of slowing with a steady decline in patients being treated at hospitals.
-Tonight the Mir At Home Dinner register HERE for access
-Shop local Campaign launched to help Lakewood businesses see HERE
-Shavuos boxes 12:00pm Tehilas Chaya Sara 1115 Cross Street., 2:00pm Bnos Melech 550 James Street.
- Yarchei Kallah shiur Rav Dovid Cohen shlita R"Y Chevron 12:00 pm on והגית בו יומם ולילה, Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita divrei chizuk at 1:00 pm on Zoom HERE or call 1646-558-8656 log in #347-309-834
-Rally today at Point Pleasant Beach 11:00 am calling for Gov. Phil Murphy to fully allow New Jersey’s non-essential businesses to reopen At least two state legislators, including one Democrat, plan to attend
-President Trump tweeted late Sunday night that "Schools in our country should be opened ASAP."
"Much very good information now available,"
-Memorial day today No USPS mail FedEx or UPS,Groceries may have limited hours, Banks closed. Shop Rite Howell, Brick open till midnight, Costco is closed see more info HERE
-The Woodbourne shul in the Catskills has officially opened for the Summer season with Minyanim Sign says wearing mask inside is mandatory
-School Lunches: Circa at Cheder Toras Zev 1000 Cross street 9:30 am or Bnos Yaakov at Pine Park the last playground at 11:00 am for all children 18 and under - Out to lunch distribution at Bnos Devorah 360 Oak street 9:30 am - 11:30 am, 4 corners at John Patrick sports park off vine 11:00 am.
Pizza on wheels at rt 9 and Chestnut 11:00am
Menu Circa Cheese Wheel, Bnos Devora Hot Pretzel
Memorial Day Special at public school locations kosher meals from Gelbsteins. Hot dogs on a bun from Snaps Kosher restaurant 8:30m-11:00 am at spruce, middle school, Clifton 7th, Piner E County Line. for all children 0-18
Sunday, May 24, 2020
JHS: Uncompromising Zealot: The Life and Times of the Minchas Elazar Yartzeit ב סיון
Jewish History Soundbites With Yehuda Geberer: R'Chaim Elazar Shapira of Munkacz, the Minchas Elazar (1871-1937)
Oif Simchas 2 Sivan Lakewood
Engagements courtesy of Daily Vivaser to receive Vivaser via email daily send a request to:
Sunday Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5780 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Mostly cloudy. High 61F. Winds at 10 to 15 mph.
-President Trump: Tweets Schools in our country should open ASAP
-Tehilim for Rav Chaim Dov Keller shlita Rosh HaYeshiva Telshe Chicago Chaim Dov ben Kreindel very critical
- Maariv/Sefiras Haomer היום ששה וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות וארבעה ימים לעומר/בעומר
Live shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
8:45 pm shiur on hilchhos Eiruv Tavshilin by RavShlomo Stein shlita
9:45 pm Divrei Chizuk for matan Torah by Rosh Hayeshihva Harav Yisroel Neuman shlita
10:15 pm Harav Dovid Breslauer shlita Rosh Kollel S. Fallsburg Divrei CHizuk
-8:30 pm Pre Shavuos Live cooking show on Zoom ID 938 6658 9711 Password CHEESE
-Traffic starts again with more people on the road and talmidim going to outdoor class meetings
-Lakewood 17 new cases since yesterday total 2256/142 deaths
- NYC Police close down stores in Williamsburg that opened in defiance of lock down order
-Bingo will be open this week 9:00 am -12:00 am every day
-Schools will be giving a Shavuos box instead of the shabbos box for lunches
-More shuls and minyanim opening
-A Class-action suit is brought against Rutgers seeks refunds for remote classes saying Online college isn’t worth $15K seeking refunds for tuition, fees and room and board after the school moved classes online to cope with the coronavirus pandemic.
-Walmart in Howell now offering do it yourself Covid19 test with a drive thru system The sites are open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays weekly from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., weather permitting. The sites will be closed for Memorial Day, Monday and open for Tuesday this week.
-Child day-care centers could reopen “sooner than later” in New Jersey as the state continues to roll back restrictions Gov. Phil Murphy said Sunday on CNN.
-President Trump: Tweets Schools in our country should open ASAP
-Tehilim for Rav Chaim Dov Keller shlita Rosh HaYeshiva Telshe Chicago Chaim Dov ben Kreindel very critical
- Maariv/Sefiras Haomer היום ששה וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות וארבעה ימים לעומר/בעומר
Live shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
8:45 pm shiur on hilchhos Eiruv Tavshilin by RavShlomo Stein shlita
9:45 pm Divrei Chizuk for matan Torah by Rosh Hayeshihva Harav Yisroel Neuman shlita
10:15 pm Harav Dovid Breslauer shlita Rosh Kollel S. Fallsburg Divrei CHizuk
-8:30 pm Pre Shavuos Live cooking show on Zoom ID 938 6658 9711 Password CHEESE
-Traffic starts again with more people on the road and talmidim going to outdoor class meetings
-Lakewood 17 new cases since yesterday total 2256/142 deaths
- NYC Police close down stores in Williamsburg that opened in defiance of lock down order
-Bingo will be open this week 9:00 am -12:00 am every day
-Schools will be giving a Shavuos box instead of the shabbos box for lunches
-More shuls and minyanim opening
-A Class-action suit is brought against Rutgers seeks refunds for remote classes saying Online college isn’t worth $15K seeking refunds for tuition, fees and room and board after the school moved classes online to cope with the coronavirus pandemic.
-Walmart in Howell now offering do it yourself Covid19 test with a drive thru system The sites are open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays weekly from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., weather permitting. The sites will be closed for Memorial Day, Monday and open for Tuesday this week.
-Child day-care centers could reopen “sooner than later” in New Jersey as the state continues to roll back restrictions Gov. Phil Murphy said Sunday on CNN.
Covid19 Update: Why We Still Need Social Distancing Now
From a Lakewood Pediatric practice email sent to their patients
5/21/20 Why We Still Need Social Distancing Now
B’chasdei Hashem, the situation in Lakewood is much better now than it has been at any time since the COVID-19 Pandemic began. New cases of COVID-19 infection in our Kehilla have, B’H, dropped drastically — to the point that it may seem like the illness is out of our Kehilla.
This has many people asking a similar question:
In fact, the COVID-19 virus and illness is not prevalent right now in Lakewood. Everyone can see that our Tefillos and Hishtadlus have had a great impact. However, even though we do not see the illness amongst us now, it is definitely not entirely gone. The COVID-19 virus still poses a great danger for our Kehilla were it to flare up again — even briefly.
While there are specific ways that we can responsibly loosen some of the restrictions on ourselves, it is important to understand what is happening now, what could happen, and what we expect to come.
Here are two key points:
5/21/20 Why We Still Need Social Distancing Now
B’chasdei Hashem, the situation in Lakewood is much better now than it has been at any time since the COVID-19 Pandemic began. New cases of COVID-19 infection in our Kehilla have, B’H, dropped drastically — to the point that it may seem like the illness is out of our Kehilla.
This has many people asking a similar question:
“If the virus is not in Lakewood anymore, why do we need to continue
these drastic restrictions? Why can’t things go back to normal, to the way it
was before COVID-19? How long are we supposed to be locked down like this?!”
In fact, the COVID-19 virus and illness is not prevalent right now in Lakewood. Everyone can see that our Tefillos and Hishtadlus have had a great impact. However, even though we do not see the illness amongst us now, it is definitely not entirely gone. The COVID-19 virus still poses a great danger for our Kehilla were it to flare up again — even briefly.
While there are specific ways that we can responsibly loosen some of the restrictions on ourselves, it is important to understand what is happening now, what could happen, and what we expect to come.
Our responsible actions as individuals now — while still very difficult for us —
may likely mean the difference between life and, Chas V’Sholom, death
for vulnerable members of our Kehilla.
Here are two key points:
Rosh Chodesh Sivan a gutten chodesh!
ויחן שם ישראל נגד ההר -כאיש אחד בלב אחד
Rosh Chodesh Sivan is distinguished as the day on which the Jewish people arrived and camped before Har Sinai. May we have that same achdus as we ready for kabbolas haTorah.
חדש עלינו את החודש הזה לטובה ולברכה. ותתן לנו חיים ארוכים. חיים של שלום. חיים של טובה. חיים של ברכה. חיים של פרנסה. ונאמר אמן״
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Motzei Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5780 May 23 News UpdatesLakewood
ואני ברב חסדך אבוא ביתך
-B"H Mispalelim headed back to shuls after rabbonim opened up this shabbos with the permitted guidelines and social distancing.
-Simcha Felder asks Cuomo to open schools in phase 1. As you are aware, New York’s non-public schools face some additional challenges. In my district, many of the students who attend private schools do not have internet access. Remote learning is exceedingly difficult for families that eschew technology and these students do not have the ability to use Zoom, Google classroom or other online learning tools. I request that you consider allowing private schools to open as soon as possible, perhaps on a case by case basis.
-According to reports the Stamar Rebbe Rav Aaron Teitelbaum was instrumental with getting President Trump to make his announcement to open shuls. The Rebbe spoke early this week with a white house liaison who closed the shuls back in April and now the Rebbe asked that the president reopen them. see story on Matzav
-The number of patients currently hospitalized in New Jersey for the coronavirus fell below 3,000 on Friday night, marking the first time it has been that low since at least early April.
-Lakewood positive cases 2239 deaths 142, Toms River 1427/115, Jackson 784/52, Brick 1030/104
-New Porkers New York State on Saturday reported its lowest number of daily coronavirus deaths at 84 Gov. Andrew Cuomo eased the state’s ban on gatherings in time for the Memorial Day weekend.
-A group of 200 stores in Boro Park are opening Sunday with masks and distancing to protest the closure. (Kol Haolam)
-There was a State Police-involved fatal shooting on the Garden State Parkway between Ocean and Burlington counties on Saturday morning that has left one male civilian dead.
-B"H Mispalelim headed back to shuls after rabbonim opened up this shabbos with the permitted guidelines and social distancing.
-Simcha Felder asks Cuomo to open schools in phase 1. As you are aware, New York’s non-public schools face some additional challenges. In my district, many of the students who attend private schools do not have internet access. Remote learning is exceedingly difficult for families that eschew technology and these students do not have the ability to use Zoom, Google classroom or other online learning tools. I request that you consider allowing private schools to open as soon as possible, perhaps on a case by case basis.
-According to reports the Stamar Rebbe Rav Aaron Teitelbaum was instrumental with getting President Trump to make his announcement to open shuls. The Rebbe spoke early this week with a white house liaison who closed the shuls back in April and now the Rebbe asked that the president reopen them. see story on Matzav
-The number of patients currently hospitalized in New Jersey for the coronavirus fell below 3,000 on Friday night, marking the first time it has been that low since at least early April.
-Lakewood positive cases 2239 deaths 142, Toms River 1427/115, Jackson 784/52, Brick 1030/104
-New Porkers New York State on Saturday reported its lowest number of daily coronavirus deaths at 84 Gov. Andrew Cuomo eased the state’s ban on gatherings in time for the Memorial Day weekend.
-A group of 200 stores in Boro Park are opening Sunday with masks and distancing to protest the closure. (Kol Haolam)
-There was a State Police-involved fatal shooting on the Garden State Parkway between Ocean and Burlington counties on Saturday morning that has left one male civilian dead.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Friday May 22 Erev Shabbos News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Cloudy with occasional showers this afternoon. High 71F, rain on shabbos too
-LPD Shuts down a shul right before shabbos in the raintree area.
-Israel Interior minister Deri is working on a plan to let American yeshiva bochurim and youngeleit return to yeshivos in EY as of next week. They will have to quarantine and yeshivos will have to provide a safe residence to do so
-El Al, airline, announced that it is extending its suspension on commercial flights until June 20, though would continue with cargo and special passenger flights.
-Bingo will restock Cream Cheese this coming Sunday
-Pennsylvania Issues Guidance On Summer Camps, they can open if they are in "green" or "yellow" counties, looks promising for overnight camps too see HERE
-Live Shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
4:35 pm - Shiur/Vaad on Hilchos Talmud Torah by HaRav Baruch Hirschfeld Shlita
5:00 pm - Reciting of Shiur HaShirim & Tehilim by Tenokos Shel Beis Raban with opening Divray Chizuk by R’ Aaron Burstowsky
-Trump said today houses of faiths Synagogues Mosques churches are essential and should all be open he will override governors that are not letting them open.
-Florida will allow summer camps without covid19 restrictions
-Heavy traffic on James street at Bnos Melech shabbos distribution
-NY- Cuomo said today Long Island and the Hudson Valley could begin reopening next week The Hudson Valley region includes Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester counties.
-Rebbeim can now teach their whole class outside with new rule allowing group of 25 outdoors minyanim can expand too.
-Murphy: Lifts limit on outdoor gatherings from 10 to 25 individuals, Recreational campgrounds – both public and private – are allowed to reopen, effective Immediately. Social distancing must be adhered to. Indoor gatherings remain limited to 10 people.
- Gelbsteins shabbos box all given out police turning people away at Spruce location
-NPGS sold out of all cream cheese
-LPD Shuts down a shul right before shabbos in the raintree area.
-Israel Interior minister Deri is working on a plan to let American yeshiva bochurim and youngeleit return to yeshivos in EY as of next week. They will have to quarantine and yeshivos will have to provide a safe residence to do so
-El Al, airline, announced that it is extending its suspension on commercial flights until June 20, though would continue with cargo and special passenger flights.
-Bingo will restock Cream Cheese this coming Sunday
-Pennsylvania Issues Guidance On Summer Camps, they can open if they are in "green" or "yellow" counties, looks promising for overnight camps too see HERE
-Live Shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
4:35 pm - Shiur/Vaad on Hilchos Talmud Torah by HaRav Baruch Hirschfeld Shlita
5:00 pm - Reciting of Shiur HaShirim & Tehilim by Tenokos Shel Beis Raban with opening Divray Chizuk by R’ Aaron Burstowsky
-Trump said today houses of faiths Synagogues Mosques churches are essential and should all be open he will override governors that are not letting them open.
-Florida will allow summer camps without covid19 restrictions
-Heavy traffic on James street at Bnos Melech shabbos distribution
-NY- Cuomo said today Long Island and the Hudson Valley could begin reopening next week The Hudson Valley region includes Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester counties.
-Rebbeim can now teach their whole class outside with new rule allowing group of 25 outdoors minyanim can expand too.
-Murphy: Lifts limit on outdoor gatherings from 10 to 25 individuals, Recreational campgrounds – both public and private – are allowed to reopen, effective Immediately. Social distancing must be adhered to. Indoor gatherings remain limited to 10 people.
- Gelbsteins shabbos box all given out police turning people away at Spruce location
-NPGS sold out of all cream cheese
Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת במדבר שבת מברכים חודש סיון תש''פ
Friday, May 22, 2020 / כ״ח אייר תש״פ ערב שבת פרשת במדבר
Rosh Chodesh Sivan is on Sunday the molad was this morning
Shavuos is Friday and Shabbos
Candle lighting: 7:54 pm
Shkia/sunset:8:12 pm
Sefiras haomer 44
-Weather shabbos day considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers. High 67F.
-Netz shabbos day: 5:34
-S"Z Krias shema- Mg"a: 8:24 am Gra: 9:14 am
-S"Z Tefila 10:27 am
-Molad: Friday morning, 42 minutes and 13 chalakim after 11:00 am.
דער מולד איז געווען פרייטאג אין די פרי צווי און פערציג מינוי מיט דרייצן חלקים נאך עלעף
- מפטירין מחר חדש הפטרה לער''ח שחל בשבת ואומרים אב הרחמים
פרקי אבות פרק ו
One should be mindful to avoid any shailos of saying Yaaleh Veyavo by benching on Shalashoudos.
We do not say ויהי נועם on Motzei shabbos
Rosh Chodesh Sivan is on Sunday the molad was this morning
Shavuos is Friday and Shabbos
Candle lighting: 7:54 pm
Shkia/sunset:8:12 pm
Sefiras haomer 44
-Weather shabbos day considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers. High 67F.
-Netz shabbos day: 5:34
-S"Z Krias shema- Mg"a: 8:24 am Gra: 9:14 am
-S"Z Tefila 10:27 am
-Molad: Friday morning, 42 minutes and 13 chalakim after 11:00 am.
דער מולד איז געווען פרייטאג אין די פרי צווי און פערציג מינוי מיט דרייצן חלקים נאך עלעף
- מפטירין מחר חדש הפטרה לער''ח שחל בשבת ואומרים אב הרחמים
פרקי אבות פרק ו
One should be mindful to avoid any shailos of saying Yaaleh Veyavo by benching on Shalashoudos.
We do not say ויהי נועם on Motzei shabbos
Trump Calls On Governors To Reopen Houses Of Worship "I Will Override the Governors"
The president called it an “injustice” that churches, synagogues and mosques aren’t open.
President Donald Trump on Friday announced that he was designating churches, synagogues and mosques as “essential places that provide essential services” as the nation continues to combat the coronavirus, despite having little legal sway over state governance.
“Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential, but have left out houses of worship. It’s not right,” Trump said. “So I’m correcting this injustice by calling houses of worship essential.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expected to issue guidance to places of worship on how to reopen safely. “If they don’t do it, I will override the governors,” the president threatened.
President Donald Trump on Friday announced that he was designating churches, synagogues and mosques as “essential places that provide essential services” as the nation continues to combat the coronavirus, despite having little legal sway over state governance.
“Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential, but have left out houses of worship. It’s not right,” Trump said. “So I’m correcting this injustice by calling houses of worship essential.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expected to issue guidance to places of worship on how to reopen safely. “If they don’t do it, I will override the governors,” the president threatened.
Oorahthon This Motzei Shabbos
With a jam-packed program pulling together singers the likes of Joey Newcomb and Eli Levin with inspiring speakers including Rabbi Shmuel Blech, Rabbi David Ozeri and Rebbetzin Esther Reisman, featuring comedy from Pinchos Lurkowitz together with nonstop entertainment hosted by the inimitable Elchanan Shwarz, Oorahthon 2020 THIS Motzai Shabbos is not to be missed.
A highlight of the night, the Legacies of Leaders segment will pay tribute to some of the remarkable leaders of klal Yisrael we recently lost, from the Novominsker Rebbe, zt’l, to Rabbi David Jemal, Rabbi Aaron Rubashkin and BYA’s beloved Morah Blau.
Starting with Fiveish Hour at 10 pm EST, there will be entertainment throughout the night including Kumzitz and Stories with Eitan Katz, Moshe Storch, Joey Newcomb and Eli Levin and all-new comedy with Pinchos Lurkowitz of the Crockpot Show. Take the hilarious “Is It Just Me Or is
A highlight of the night, the Legacies of Leaders segment will pay tribute to some of the remarkable leaders of klal Yisrael we recently lost, from the Novominsker Rebbe, zt’l, to Rabbi David Jemal, Rabbi Aaron Rubashkin and BYA’s beloved Morah Blau.
Starting with Fiveish Hour at 10 pm EST, there will be entertainment throughout the night including Kumzitz and Stories with Eitan Katz, Moshe Storch, Joey Newcomb and Eli Levin and all-new comedy with Pinchos Lurkowitz of the Crockpot Show. Take the hilarious “Is It Just Me Or is
A Tax Increase At The worst Possible Time
The Lakewood township committee voted to raise taxes for the second year in a row for the municipal portion the school board also raised taxes recently which will cost taxpayers between $300 - $500 annually. Committeeman Issac Ackerman was the only one who voted NO.all other 4 voted for the tax increase. .Officials did not comment or say anything when they voted on the budget.The mayor responded to a question that was sent in in which he acknowledged that raising taxes now is probably at the worst possible time
Question sent in : Why are you giving millions of dollars of non mandated services to the public schools when you are raising taxes beyond the 2% cap I have to pay for non mandated services and im paying twice for others. They mismanaged the money they asked for 1.3 last year for sports and didnt even use $500,000 of it they just rolled it into this years budget so even if they are mismanaged or.. have extras they dont have to officially ask twice..
With all the building in town why do you keep raising the taxes?
our tax bills are getting worse and worse each year and its becoming affordable for us tax payers.
Question sent in : Why are you giving millions of dollars of non mandated services to the public schools when you are raising taxes beyond the 2% cap I have to pay for non mandated services and im paying twice for others. They mismanaged the money they asked for 1.3 last year for sports and didnt even use $500,000 of it they just rolled it into this years budget so even if they are mismanaged or.. have extras they dont have to officially ask twice..
With all the building in town why do you keep raising the taxes?
our tax bills are getting worse and worse each year and its becoming affordable for us tax payers.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21/2020 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Plentiful sunshine. High 61F.
Maariv/ Sefiras Haomer היום שלשה וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות ויום אחד לעומר/בעומר
-BMG Roshei Yeshiva call on all shuls to adapt the no cell phone in B"M takana just like in yeshiva
-Lakewood poskim issue guidelines to reopen shuls here
Live shiurim Bnei Torah Phone line 646-726-9977
9:30 pm Halacha Lmaaseh Rav MoOshe Chaim Kahn Hilchos Tefila
10:30 pm HaRav Eliyohu Chaim Swerldloff Divrei Chizuk for men & Women
11:30 pm Harav Yeruchom Olshin Chumash Shiur
-Chasunas in Cleveland: Ohio will allow wedding receptions of up to 300 people starting June 1
-Officials to allow up to 14 per minyan lekavod Shavuos
- Lakewood Township cancels July 4th fire works and night out against crime
-Lakewood school district was sent a letter by law firm on behalf of the LEA local union that having in person evaluations for students to determine if they are eligible for services violates the Governors Executive order. School officials responded that The Lakewood School District’s In Person Evaluation guidelines are in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 107, and have been reviewed by the Department of Health, Chief-of-Police, and County Superintendent. Officials said the LPD will be on hand to provide security by the evaluations and anyone who does not belong there will be arrested.
-Several Schools give out shabbos box today
-YK Chazara shiur on מי פירות ושלוקות chocolate, tea & coffee 8:00 pm here
-NJ cases 151,472. and 10,843 deaths including 98 overnight Murphy also said hes sending an email to EVERY business and non-profit organization in the state directing them to a short survey that will better inform our collective efforts as we look to take the next steps along our road back. Nothing beats the input from those living this reality.
Maariv/ Sefiras Haomer היום שלשה וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות ויום אחד לעומר/בעומר
-BMG Roshei Yeshiva call on all shuls to adapt the no cell phone in B"M takana just like in yeshiva
-Lakewood poskim issue guidelines to reopen shuls here
Live shiurim Bnei Torah Phone line 646-726-9977
9:30 pm Halacha Lmaaseh Rav MoOshe Chaim Kahn Hilchos Tefila
10:30 pm HaRav Eliyohu Chaim Swerldloff Divrei Chizuk for men & Women
11:30 pm Harav Yeruchom Olshin Chumash Shiur
-Chasunas in Cleveland: Ohio will allow wedding receptions of up to 300 people starting June 1
-Officials to allow up to 14 per minyan lekavod Shavuos
- Lakewood Township cancels July 4th fire works and night out against crime
-Lakewood school district was sent a letter by law firm on behalf of the LEA local union that having in person evaluations for students to determine if they are eligible for services violates the Governors Executive order. School officials responded that The Lakewood School District’s In Person Evaluation guidelines are in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 107, and have been reviewed by the Department of Health, Chief-of-Police, and County Superintendent. Officials said the LPD will be on hand to provide security by the evaluations and anyone who does not belong there will be arrested.
-Several Schools give out shabbos box today
-YK Chazara shiur on מי פירות ושלוקות chocolate, tea & coffee 8:00 pm here
-NJ cases 151,472. and 10,843 deaths including 98 overnight Murphy also said hes sending an email to EVERY business and non-profit organization in the state directing them to a short survey that will better inform our collective efforts as we look to take the next steps along our road back. Nothing beats the input from those living this reality.
Info: Indoor Minyanim and Playing Outside
From A Lakewood Doctor to his patients
Davening Inside a Building or Shul with a Minyan
Q. When the Poskim permit indoor minyanim again, is there anything that we would need to know?
A minyan indoors is entirely different than a minyan outdoors with respect to the potential for the COVID-19 to spread from person to person. The air inside a room has the potential to be filled with the invisible virus if an infected person or people spend time in the room.
Davening Inside a Building or Shul with a Minyan
Q. When the Poskim permit indoor minyanim again, is there anything that we would need to know?
A minyan indoors is entirely different than a minyan outdoors with respect to the potential for the COVID-19 to spread from person to person. The air inside a room has the potential to be filled with the invisible virus if an infected person or people spend time in the room.
Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva call for Tefilas Yom Kippur Koton Today
תפלת השל'ה HERE Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan this year ר''ח is Sunday, people say it today.
Rosh Chodesh Sivan is this coming Sunday the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva wrote a letter to the residents that due to the es tzara including the fact that Yeshivos and botei medrash have been closed as has childrens yeshivos. Klal yisrael in these times have always resorted to tefila. Therefore today Thursday should be a day of tefillah and all minyanim should daven the tefilas Yom Kippur Koton
The Rosh Yeshiva Harav Dovid Schustal shlita will deliver divrei chizuk at 6:30 pm on the conference line 732-645-9444 or 857-347-0100 pin# 125005. At 7:00 pm The minyanim for mincha should take place at each location with the tefilla of yom kippur kotton.
In addition they ask that everyone be mechazekin shmiras halashon and learn hilchos Lashon Horah daily from the sefer Chofetz Chaim. Starting the cycle from Rosh Chodesh sivan as was established by the Manchester Rosh Yeshiva zatzal
Rosh Chodesh Sivan is this coming Sunday the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva wrote a letter to the residents that due to the es tzara including the fact that Yeshivos and botei medrash have been closed as has childrens yeshivos. Klal yisrael in these times have always resorted to tefila. Therefore today Thursday should be a day of tefillah and all minyanim should daven the tefilas Yom Kippur Koton
The Rosh Yeshiva Harav Dovid Schustal shlita will deliver divrei chizuk at 6:30 pm on the conference line 732-645-9444 or 857-347-0100 pin# 125005. At 7:00 pm The minyanim for mincha should take place at each location with the tefilla of yom kippur kotton.
In addition they ask that everyone be mechazekin shmiras halashon and learn hilchos Lashon Horah daily from the sefer Chofetz Chaim. Starting the cycle from Rosh Chodesh sivan as was established by the Manchester Rosh Yeshiva zatzal
Tonight: Lakewood Budget Hearing Tax increase and Committee Meeting
Lakewood township committee meeting virtual 5:30 pm Special public meeting to approve the budget includes a raise in property taxes.
watch live stream HERE
See Full Agenda HERE
2020 Budget public Hearing for 2020 Budget Comments may be submitted to during the meeting. Please include your name and address for the record.
watch live stream HERE
See Full Agenda HERE
2020 Budget public Hearing for 2020 Budget Comments may be submitted to during the meeting. Please include your name and address for the record.
On the Agenda
Agudah Responds to Slander About Shul Guidelines
The Agudah, today, has released the attached letter signed by three senior members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rabbi Dovid Feinstein, and Rabbi Aharon Feldman, for purposes of clarification.
In English Translation:
We write in response to slander and to publicly declare that the Guidelines released by the leadership of Agudath Israel of America – on the subject of how and when to reopen the doors of our shuls and batei medrash for tefillah in a way that is in accordance with the law and in which there is no danger of the further spread of coronavirus – were fully accepted by us and were with the approval of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. The rumors that the leadership of Agudath Israel acted on this of their own discretion are complete fabrications.
It is appropriate to emphasize that all the activity of the Agudah’s leadership under the direction of Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel are for the sake of Heaven and are performed after consultation with gedolei Torah.
In English Translation:
We write in response to slander and to publicly declare that the Guidelines released by the leadership of Agudath Israel of America – on the subject of how and when to reopen the doors of our shuls and batei medrash for tefillah in a way that is in accordance with the law and in which there is no danger of the further spread of coronavirus – were fully accepted by us and were with the approval of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. The rumors that the leadership of Agudath Israel acted on this of their own discretion are complete fabrications.
It is appropriate to emphasize that all the activity of the Agudah’s leadership under the direction of Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel are for the sake of Heaven and are performed after consultation with gedolei Torah.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20/2020 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Low of 44 tonight
תפלת השל'ה HERE Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan this year ר''ח is Sunday
-Maariv/ Sefiras Haomer היום שנים וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות לעומר/בעומר
-Yeshiva bochurim hoping to return to EY will have to wait another month as Ban on foreigners entering Israel extended to June 15. Israelis returning from abroad until at least the middle of next month will also still be required to self-isolate for 14 days according to the latest government instructions.
-Leshadech: Shiduch panel tonight for men and women in English and Yiddish 9:40 pm recitation of the tefilas Hasheloh 712-832-5700 Pin# 5374233
-Chicago Rabbonim reopen shuls with guidelines
-Live shiurim on Bnei Torah phone line : 646-726-9977
9:30 pm - Halacha Shiur on Sugya of Kol Isha by HaRav Shmuel Felder Shlita
10:05 pm - Divrei Chizuk by Maran Hamashgiach HaRav Don Segal Shlita
-Rav Elya Brudny Shlita will biez''h deliver a Vaad tonight from 8:45-9:15 PM. on Zoom HERE Meeting ID: 859 4787 1701 Password: 437437 or by Phone 1 929 436 2866 ID: 859 4787 1701
-DR. Zelenko in a video message says its with a broken heart that he will be living Monroe and his practice after 20 years serving as a doctor and decided to move on. He is grateful to be able to serve his patients especially during this mageifa and had a zechus to help kiryas Yoel having the lowest rates of death and hospitalizations in the Jewish world.
-Lakewood Cases 2194/ deaths 136, Toms River, 1392/112, Brick 1020/98, Jackson 780/47
-New Jersey to launch next week online grocery shopping for SNAP recipients. Amazon, Walmart, Shop Rite & The Fresh Grocers to accept SNAP online orders. Under federal rules, SNAP benefits cannot be used to pay for delivery fees
-Shabbos box at Gourmet Glatt South for $99 Orders must be placed by Wednesday 6PM 347-452-9151
- Jackson: The US Justice Department today announced that it filed a lawsuit against the township of Jackson and the township’s planning board, alleging that they violated the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) and the Fair Housing Act (FHA) by targeting the Orthodox Jewish community through zoning ordinances restricting religious schools and barring religious boarding schools. (matzav)
-NY Starting Thursday, religious gatherings of no more than 10 people can be held in New York State. strict social distancing measures will be enforced and participants must wear masks.
-NJ 10,747 with 150,399 total cases 10,747 deaths including 168 overnight hospitalizations are at lowest levels
- Maimonides hospital updates visitor policy will be among 16 hospitals in the State selected by Governor Cuomo to participate in a pilot program through which an expanded visitation protocol will be evaluated and implement procedures for limited visitation of both non-COVID-19 patients and COVID-19 patients.
-Six Flags drive thru Safari to open on May 30, 9 am - 4 pm reservation only starting may 27 here
-Yarchei Kallah Shiur 12:00pm Rav Daniel Kleinman, ברכות כשאין לו חוש טעם וריח on zoom here or call 1-646-558-8656 log in #83528677424
-Baltimore allows outdoor minyanim guidelines for the initial phase of reopening minyanim outside of shuls will begin with Mincha/Maariv on Wednesday evening, May 20, followed by Shacharis on Thursday morning, May 21st,. All minyanim will proceed on a daily basis.
Areas with large backyards or open areas may hold backyard minyanim.
-Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva call for tefilas Yom Kippur Koton tomorrow evening erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan mukdam phone conference 6:30 pm followed by Minyanim of Mincha at their locations Rosh Chodesh is Sunday.
-Lakewood BOE Consultation for yeshivos and non public schools 10:30 am livestream HERE
-Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood Shavuos fund for 1000 families donate HERE
-Shuls open across Eretz Yisrael Mispallelim will be required to follow Health Ministry guidelines: up to 50 participants at one time; social distancing of six feet; wearing of masks; careful attention to hygienic measures, and appointment of a corona safety measure compliance officer at each minyan.(Hamodia)
-Vadd Harabonim of Cleveland reopen shuls for Shavuos: "We have collectively deemed it appropriate, to move toward restoring the autonomy of our shuls. We are blessed with many vibrant and responsible Kehillos within the greater Cleveland community, and beginning Shavuos (5/29/20), each Kehilla will be responsible for its own administration. Shuls will decide for themselves if to open, and the best way to open.(source)
-School Lunches: Circa at Cheder Toras Zev 1000 Cross street 9:30 am or Bnos Yaakov at Pine Park the last playground at 11:00 am for all children 18 and under - Out to lunch distribution at Bnos Devorah 360 Oak street 9:30 am - 11:30 am, 4 corners at John Patrick sports park off vine 11:00 am.
Public school locations kosher meals from Gelbsteins 9-11 am at spruce, middle school, Clifton 7Th, Piner E County Line. for all children 0-18
Menu today: Circa Toras Zev Pizza 4 corners Ziti. Bnos Devora Ziti, Gelbsteins pizza bagel
תפלת השל'ה HERE Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan this year ר''ח is Sunday
-Maariv/ Sefiras Haomer היום שנים וארבעים יום שהם ששה שבועות לעומר/בעומר
-Yeshiva bochurim hoping to return to EY will have to wait another month as Ban on foreigners entering Israel extended to June 15. Israelis returning from abroad until at least the middle of next month will also still be required to self-isolate for 14 days according to the latest government instructions.
-Leshadech: Shiduch panel tonight for men and women in English and Yiddish 9:40 pm recitation of the tefilas Hasheloh 712-832-5700 Pin# 5374233
-Chicago Rabbonim reopen shuls with guidelines
-Live shiurim on Bnei Torah phone line : 646-726-9977
9:30 pm - Halacha Shiur on Sugya of Kol Isha by HaRav Shmuel Felder Shlita
10:05 pm - Divrei Chizuk by Maran Hamashgiach HaRav Don Segal Shlita
-Rav Elya Brudny Shlita will biez''h deliver a Vaad tonight from 8:45-9:15 PM. on Zoom HERE Meeting ID: 859 4787 1701 Password: 437437 or by Phone 1 929 436 2866 ID: 859 4787 1701
-DR. Zelenko in a video message says its with a broken heart that he will be living Monroe and his practice after 20 years serving as a doctor and decided to move on. He is grateful to be able to serve his patients especially during this mageifa and had a zechus to help kiryas Yoel having the lowest rates of death and hospitalizations in the Jewish world.
-Lakewood Cases 2194/ deaths 136, Toms River, 1392/112, Brick 1020/98, Jackson 780/47
-New Jersey to launch next week online grocery shopping for SNAP recipients. Amazon, Walmart, Shop Rite & The Fresh Grocers to accept SNAP online orders. Under federal rules, SNAP benefits cannot be used to pay for delivery fees
-Shabbos box at Gourmet Glatt South for $99 Orders must be placed by Wednesday 6PM 347-452-9151
- Jackson: The US Justice Department today announced that it filed a lawsuit against the township of Jackson and the township’s planning board, alleging that they violated the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) and the Fair Housing Act (FHA) by targeting the Orthodox Jewish community through zoning ordinances restricting religious schools and barring religious boarding schools. (matzav)
-NY Starting Thursday, religious gatherings of no more than 10 people can be held in New York State. strict social distancing measures will be enforced and participants must wear masks.
-NJ 10,747 with 150,399 total cases 10,747 deaths including 168 overnight hospitalizations are at lowest levels
- Maimonides hospital updates visitor policy will be among 16 hospitals in the State selected by Governor Cuomo to participate in a pilot program through which an expanded visitation protocol will be evaluated and implement procedures for limited visitation of both non-COVID-19 patients and COVID-19 patients.
-Six Flags drive thru Safari to open on May 30, 9 am - 4 pm reservation only starting may 27 here
-Yarchei Kallah Shiur 12:00pm Rav Daniel Kleinman, ברכות כשאין לו חוש טעם וריח on zoom here or call 1-646-558-8656 log in #83528677424
-Baltimore allows outdoor minyanim guidelines for the initial phase of reopening minyanim outside of shuls will begin with Mincha/Maariv on Wednesday evening, May 20, followed by Shacharis on Thursday morning, May 21st,. All minyanim will proceed on a daily basis.
Areas with large backyards or open areas may hold backyard minyanim.
-Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva call for tefilas Yom Kippur Koton tomorrow evening erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan mukdam phone conference 6:30 pm followed by Minyanim of Mincha at their locations Rosh Chodesh is Sunday.
-Lakewood BOE Consultation for yeshivos and non public schools 10:30 am livestream HERE
-Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood Shavuos fund for 1000 families donate HERE
-Shuls open across Eretz Yisrael Mispallelim will be required to follow Health Ministry guidelines: up to 50 participants at one time; social distancing of six feet; wearing of masks; careful attention to hygienic measures, and appointment of a corona safety measure compliance officer at each minyan.(Hamodia)
-Vadd Harabonim of Cleveland reopen shuls for Shavuos: "We have collectively deemed it appropriate, to move toward restoring the autonomy of our shuls. We are blessed with many vibrant and responsible Kehillos within the greater Cleveland community, and beginning Shavuos (5/29/20), each Kehilla will be responsible for its own administration. Shuls will decide for themselves if to open, and the best way to open.(source)
-School Lunches: Circa at Cheder Toras Zev 1000 Cross street 9:30 am or Bnos Yaakov at Pine Park the last playground at 11:00 am for all children 18 and under - Out to lunch distribution at Bnos Devorah 360 Oak street 9:30 am - 11:30 am, 4 corners at John Patrick sports park off vine 11:00 am.
Public school locations kosher meals from Gelbsteins 9-11 am at spruce, middle school, Clifton 7Th, Piner E County Line. for all children 0-18
Menu today: Circa Toras Zev Pizza 4 corners Ziti. Bnos Devora Ziti, Gelbsteins pizza bagel
Oif Simchas Lakewood כ"ה אייר תש"פ
Just Love Them
Coming soon from Artscroll: Just Love Them: The Life and Legacy of Rabbi Dovid Trenk ztl
Written by Yisroel Besser will be released for the yartzeit
Cream Cheese Shortage for Shavuos Averted
Kosher Today reports - A major shortage of whipped cream cheese was averted this week when Norman’s launched Whipped Cream Cheese in time for the upcoming Shavuos holiday (May 29-30). News reports of a major shortage of the essential cream cheese turned out to be false thanks to the introduction of the creamy spreadable product by Norman’s. The Norman’s launch came when J&J, a major Cholov Yisroel producer announced that it faced a lack of manpower to keep up with the huge demand for the cream cheese. The company promised to increase supply in the near future, according to the Boro Park 24 Website.
According to kosher food executives, although the food supply was relatively stable throughout the Covid crisis, there were spot shortages similar to the cream cheese either as a result of plants which cut back on manufacturing or the lack of imported items, particularly from China where kosher
According to kosher food executives, although the food supply was relatively stable throughout the Covid crisis, there were spot shortages similar to the cream cheese either as a result of plants which cut back on manufacturing or the lack of imported items, particularly from China where kosher
Lakewood Township Increase Municipal Taxes for second year in a Row Hearing Tomorrow
Tomorrow May 21 the Lakewood Township committee will hold a public hearing to adopt and vote on the budget for 2020. There will be a tax increase on the municipal portion for the second year in a row. Tax rate for 2020 is 0.658, last year it was at 0.64 per $100 of assessed value.
This comes after the BOE also raised taxes last week the average Lakewood resident will be paying $300-$500 annually. Officials always give the average home in Ocean county but not of Lakewood.
The Hearing will take place Thursday 5:30 pm at the beginning of the scheduled township meeting watch live stream HERE
Comments may be submitted to during the meeting. Please include your name and address for the record.
This comes after the BOE also raised taxes last week the average Lakewood resident will be paying $300-$500 annually. Officials always give the average home in Ocean county but not of Lakewood.
The Hearing will take place Thursday 5:30 pm at the beginning of the scheduled township meeting watch live stream HERE
Comments may be submitted to during the meeting. Please include your name and address for the record.
והמגפה נעצרה
Ateres Shlomo is now the first yeshiva allowed by the Health Ministry to return to full functionality, following two weeks of learning in “capsules”, small groups of students in outdoor areas. During his drasha, Rav Sholom Ber Sorotzkin
emotionally declared the unforgettable words, “On the day that our yeshiva reopened, the pandemic stopped!”
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Agudah Statement on Schools, Synagogues, and Camps in New York State
Yesterday, a Jewish school in Brooklyn, NY was found hosting students learning in apparent violation of Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order. While Agudath Israel of America neither runs nor controls any yeshivos, if any yeshiva violated the Executive Order as it stands, there are no excuses for such behavior. Period.
That said, this incident speaks to a larger issue. Courts in North Carolina, Kentucky, and Kansas have struck down Executive Orders that shuttered churches, on the grounds that such orders unlawfully prohibited the free exercise of religion. Yeshivos in our community serve both educational and religious functions, as they transmit our core religious values. Moreover, children have been home for months. Orthodox families tend to be larger, and many live in small, urban apartments. The mental health toll of this pandemic on children and parents alike has been crushing.
That said, this incident speaks to a larger issue. Courts in North Carolina, Kentucky, and Kansas have struck down Executive Orders that shuttered churches, on the grounds that such orders unlawfully prohibited the free exercise of religion. Yeshivos in our community serve both educational and religious functions, as they transmit our core religious values. Moreover, children have been home for months. Orthodox families tend to be larger, and many live in small, urban apartments. The mental health toll of this pandemic on children and parents alike has been crushing.
Message From Candidate Harold Herskowitz
Message from candidate Harold Herskowitz. Write in Mail ballots coming soon to your home for the Republican Primary Vote as early as possible - Audio message below
Tuesday May 19 Lakewood News Updates
Weather: Windy and becoming cloudy during the afternoon. High 62F. Winds ENE at 20 to 30 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.
-Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva call for tehilas Yom Kippur Koton this Thursday erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan Mukdam.
-Maariv/ Sefiras Haomer היום אחד וארבעים יום שהם חמשה שבועות וששה ימים לעומר/בעומר
Dial 929-436-2866 or 312-626-6799 enter meeting ID 849 8581 5353 # Participant ID, press #
-Shavuos at the Kosel by lottery - due to thousands who want to come to the kosel for shavuos The Western Wall Heritage Foundation has arranged for an online lottery, the winners of which will be allowed entry to the Kosel on specified days and hours. Each person will be permitted access for one tefillah only. (Hamodia)
- Night Seder America for boys 68 grade 8:00 pm ZOOM ID: 8970634419 or 71913589090 (Password for both is 5780) Call in option 929-436-2866 followed by 8970634419 or 929-205-6099 followed by second meeting id speakers Tuesday- Rabbi Herschel Schachter, Wednesday- Bar Mitzvah P'shetel from Akiva Snitow Thursday- Rabbi Yosef Viener (Pirchei Aguda)
-Missionary material sent in the mail to Lakewood residents
-Lakewood Planning board meeting tonight Agenda HERE watch livestream HERE 6:00 pm
-Petition here to Gov Murphy to Open schools in NJ for the remainder of the year "Please reopen our schools so that we can salvage the end of the year and allow children who need summer school to once again flourish academically." Concerned Parents of the Great State of New Jersey'
-No camp Agudah of Toronto this summer as Ontario announces it will not permit overnight camps due to covid19, plan to open day camps under special guidelines
-66 year old Lakewood women missing since April 18 Police seek public help here
-Murphy- "the Department of Education and the Health Department are working on what back-to-school looks like," (in September)as it looks increasingly clear that there will not be a vaccine available by the fall. Adds that plans will be released in the "next couple of weeks
-N.J. gym owners issued more tickets, customer arrested in 2nd day of coronavirus lockdown defiance
-Sen Ted Cruz responds to De Blasio "The next time NYC's mayor sends out a gleeful tweet about sending cops after Jews, the DOJ should investigate to make sure he's not violating constitutionally guaranteed religious liberties. Actually, they should have done it after the last one".
Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted "Earlier today the NYPD shut down a Yeshiva conducting classes with as many as 70 children. I can’t stress how dangerous this is for our young people. We’re issuing a Cease and Desist Order and will make sure we keep our communities and our kids safe.
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00 pm Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita ברכה על דבר שמזיק לו on Zoom HERE or by phone, call 1646-558-8656 log in #83528677424
- Three people have been arrested in connection with a number of vehicle burglaries in Lakewood over the last few weeks, Lakewood police said. read more here
-Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont signed a executive order that cancels all overnight camps, and prohibits summer school from starting before July 6. it also prohibits day camps not operating before May 5, from opening before June 22.
-NYS camp directors met with Gov Cuomo and presented their case to open sleep away camps no decision was made.
-Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan: The Viznitz Bais Hachaim on rt 306 in Monsey will be closed on Thursday, May 21 and Friday, Due to the large crowds which were present on Erev Rosh Chodesh Iyar, which resulted complaints and visits from the authorities. Rosh CHodesh Sivan is on Sunday.
- 12 Million dollars Cares funds for Lakewood schools/ yeshivos to be distributed soon and can go towards covid related expenses such as purchasing tents and lighting to host outdoor class with a teacher and 9 students
- Lakewood schools Nonpublic Consultation Virtual Meeting tomorrow - May 20, 2020, 10:30 a.m. Zoom live-stream HERE Public comments/questions during the meeting, please email
A group of Republicans and business owners in NJ launched a petition seeking to force Gov. Phil Murphy to speed up his reopening plan they say a limited reopening that will see non-essential retail businesses allowed to operate through curbside pickup. “If we wait any longer, there will be nothing left for our communities to reopen.”
-School Lunches: Circa at Cheder Toras Zev 1000 Cross street 9:30 am or Bnos Yaakov at Pine Park the last playground at 11:00 am for all children 18 and under - Out to lunch distribution at Bnos Devorah 360 Oak street 9:30 am - 11:30 am, 4 corners at John Patrick sports park off vine 11:00 am.
Public school locations kosher meals from Gelbsteins 9-11 am at spruce, middle school, Clifton 7Th, Piner E County Line. for all children 0-18
Menu today: Bnos Devora Potato boureka string cheese ,Circa Toras Zev Ziti/Penne, 4 corners Hot Pretzels. Gelbsteins Tuna
-Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva call for tehilas Yom Kippur Koton this Thursday erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan Mukdam.
-Maariv/ Sefiras Haomer היום אחד וארבעים יום שהם חמשה שבועות וששה ימים לעומר/בעומר
-Rabbi Zev Cohen Morah D'Asrah, Khal Adas Yeshurun Chicago, IL
Turning Our Children's Challenges Into OpportunitiesDial 929-436-2866 or 312-626-6799 enter meeting ID 849 8581 5353 # Participant ID, press #
-Shavuos at the Kosel by lottery - due to thousands who want to come to the kosel for shavuos The Western Wall Heritage Foundation has arranged for an online lottery, the winners of which will be allowed entry to the Kosel on specified days and hours. Each person will be permitted access for one tefillah only. (Hamodia)
- Night Seder America for boys 68 grade 8:00 pm ZOOM ID: 8970634419 or 71913589090 (Password for both is 5780) Call in option 929-436-2866 followed by 8970634419 or 929-205-6099 followed by second meeting id speakers Tuesday- Rabbi Herschel Schachter, Wednesday- Bar Mitzvah P'shetel from Akiva Snitow Thursday- Rabbi Yosef Viener (Pirchei Aguda)
-Missionary material sent in the mail to Lakewood residents
-Lakewood Planning board meeting tonight Agenda HERE watch livestream HERE 6:00 pm
-Petition here to Gov Murphy to Open schools in NJ for the remainder of the year "Please reopen our schools so that we can salvage the end of the year and allow children who need summer school to once again flourish academically." Concerned Parents of the Great State of New Jersey'
-No camp Agudah of Toronto this summer as Ontario announces it will not permit overnight camps due to covid19, plan to open day camps under special guidelines
-66 year old Lakewood women missing since April 18 Police seek public help here
-Murphy- "the Department of Education and the Health Department are working on what back-to-school looks like," (in September)as it looks increasingly clear that there will not be a vaccine available by the fall. Adds that plans will be released in the "next couple of weeks
-N.J. gym owners issued more tickets, customer arrested in 2nd day of coronavirus lockdown defiance
-Sen Ted Cruz responds to De Blasio "The next time NYC's mayor sends out a gleeful tweet about sending cops after Jews, the DOJ should investigate to make sure he's not violating constitutionally guaranteed religious liberties. Actually, they should have done it after the last one".
Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted "Earlier today the NYPD shut down a Yeshiva conducting classes with as many as 70 children. I can’t stress how dangerous this is for our young people. We’re issuing a Cease and Desist Order and will make sure we keep our communities and our kids safe.
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00 pm Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita ברכה על דבר שמזיק לו on Zoom HERE or by phone, call 1646-558-8656 log in #83528677424
- Three people have been arrested in connection with a number of vehicle burglaries in Lakewood over the last few weeks, Lakewood police said. read more here
-Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont signed a executive order that cancels all overnight camps, and prohibits summer school from starting before July 6. it also prohibits day camps not operating before May 5, from opening before June 22.
-NYS camp directors met with Gov Cuomo and presented their case to open sleep away camps no decision was made.
-Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan: The Viznitz Bais Hachaim on rt 306 in Monsey will be closed on Thursday, May 21 and Friday, Due to the large crowds which were present on Erev Rosh Chodesh Iyar, which resulted complaints and visits from the authorities. Rosh CHodesh Sivan is on Sunday.
- 12 Million dollars Cares funds for Lakewood schools/ yeshivos to be distributed soon and can go towards covid related expenses such as purchasing tents and lighting to host outdoor class with a teacher and 9 students
- Lakewood schools Nonpublic Consultation Virtual Meeting tomorrow - May 20, 2020, 10:30 a.m. Zoom live-stream HERE Public comments/questions during the meeting, please email
A group of Republicans and business owners in NJ launched a petition seeking to force Gov. Phil Murphy to speed up his reopening plan they say a limited reopening that will see non-essential retail businesses allowed to operate through curbside pickup. “If we wait any longer, there will be nothing left for our communities to reopen.”
-School Lunches: Circa at Cheder Toras Zev 1000 Cross street 9:30 am or Bnos Yaakov at Pine Park the last playground at 11:00 am for all children 18 and under - Out to lunch distribution at Bnos Devorah 360 Oak street 9:30 am - 11:30 am, 4 corners at John Patrick sports park off vine 11:00 am.
Public school locations kosher meals from Gelbsteins 9-11 am at spruce, middle school, Clifton 7Th, Piner E County Line. for all children 0-18
Menu today: Bnos Devora Potato boureka string cheese ,Circa Toras Zev Ziti/Penne, 4 corners Hot Pretzels. Gelbsteins Tuna
Monday, May 18, 2020
Wisdom & Dignity: The Life and Lessons of Rav Moshe Shapiro
Jewish History Soundbites with Yehuda Geberer
Few can match the depth, breadth and wisdom that Rav Moshe Shapiro (1935-2017) had and shared through many venues to decades of students.
Few can match the depth, breadth and wisdom that Rav Moshe Shapiro (1935-2017) had and shared through many venues to decades of students.
Monday May 18 News Updates Lakewood
Maariv/Sefiras Haomer היום ארבעים יום שהם חמשה שבועות וחמשה ימים לעומר/בעומר
Chasdei Hashem: Rabbi Levi Goldstein of Crown Heights is now off a ventilator and singing again. The loved Mechanech had been fighting the COVID-19 virus for nearly two months, and galvanized many thousands to say Tehillim as his condition was considered critical. He thanked hashem for his personal miracle through a lively song of thanks. Video HERE (CH Info)
-The NYPD shut down an Orthodox school in Brooklyn on Monday for violating city and state social distancing restrictions. Police said there were about 60 people inside Nitra Yeshiva at 841 Madison Avenue in Bedford-Stuyvesant when cops showed up to clear the building.A NYPD spokesman said “All they did was go to the school and told the students to disperse,” “There were no summonses or arrests. They complied and left on their own accord.”(NYP)
-Trump said today he's taking hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19 he’d been taking the drug for “a couple weeks." he mentioned a letter he received from a DR in NY in the wesstchester area that gave it to over 300 patients possibly the letter he received from DR. Zelenko in Monroe
-Lakewood:13 new cases total 2151/128 deaths. Toms River 1357/110, Brick 992/97, Jackson 771/44
Howell 584 cases, Long Branch 462, Freehold 607, Deal 24
- Abigael's on Broadway Kosher restaurant in NYC will close, but continue its catering line "Unfortunately, COVID 19 has taken a toll on the restaurant industry, too. Sadly, we have made the difficult decision to not re-open Abigael’s as a dine-in restaurant.see here
-NCSY: "Shavuos In a Box" Learning material for the night, in 30 minute chunks, plus snacks and coffee order here
-Asked if synagogues will be allowed to open at the end of the summer Murphy said hopefully we will be in a better state by than thats 3 and a half months away but for now he hopes to have outdoor faith gatherings starting in a few weeks with social distancing (less than 10 is already permitted) and based on data he will then make decisions for allowing indoor services where there is no ventilation.
-Belmawr gym owner issued summons others given warning of violating EO
-Murphy press conference:
-NJ cases 148,039 and 10,435 deaths including 83 overnight Number of patients reported in either critical or intensive care fell to 1,053, Ventilator use dropped to 819, 334 new Covid19 hospitalizations yesterday, 190 discharges yesterday
-STAGE 1: This is where we we are now. -This is where we’re working to get to now.Stage 2 A broader restart of our economy. This includes: -Expanded retail -Outdoor dining -Limited personal care -Museums -Libraries
-Until a proven vaccine is widely available, we cannot firmly enter the “new normal,” when life will once again return to all our workplaces, downtowns, and main streets.
-Today I will sign an Executive Order allowing some additional outdoor recreational areas and businesses to restart their operations Batting cages Golf ranges Shooting & archery ranges, Horseback riding, Private tennis clubs, Community gardens
-Lunch boxes for the week at Bnos Melech James street 2:00 pm
- Drugmaker Moderna Inc. said Monday its experimental coronavirus vaccine is positive it induced immune responses in some of the healthy volunteers who were vaccinated in a clinical study, and the shots were generally safe and well-tolerated.
-Toyota launches all new version 2021 sienna minivan with a hybrid engine that has a self charging battery pack as the car drives. Available Onboard Vacuum and Refrigerator for limited model
-New Jersey would spend $35 million to provide up to $1,000 in cash assistance to Illegal immigrants who use an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number if new legislation makes it into law. Many of those immigrants are in the country illegally. The bill – S2480/A4171 – would require the state Department of the Treasury to issue a one-time payment to ITIN filers, prioritizing families with children.
-Catskills: Local leaders under pressure to close camps say they are becoming impatient awaiting direction from Gov. Cuomo.“We, as Town Supervisors, need answers for the people we represent and more importantly, we need a realistic and comprehensive health plan to protect the lives of our residents and visitors alike,” the Sullivan County Association of Supervisors, which represents 15 upstate communities, wrote in a May 11 letter to State Health Commissioner Howard Zucker.
-Yarchei Kallah 11am Hachana Shiur, 12:00 pm Rav Meir Tzvi Spitzer רוב בעיקר וטפל on Zoom here or by phone 1646-558-8656 log in #83528677424
-President Trump Tweets this morning: REOPEN OUR COUNTRY!
- Gym in bellmawr reopens in defiance of N.J. lockdown with crowd of supporters waving flags, police nearby The crowd sang the National Anthem multiple times and yelled “reopen New Jersey now,” “all businesses is essential
-School Lunches: Circa at Cheder Toras Zev 1000 Cross street 10:00 am or Bnos Yaakov at Pine Park the last playground at 11:00 am for all children 18 and under - Out to lunch distribution at Bnos Devorah 360 Oak street 9:30 am - 11:30 am, 4 corners at John Patrick sports park off vine 11:00 am.
Public school locations kosher meals from Gelbsteins 9-11 am at spruce, middle school, Clifton 7Th, Piner E County Line.
Menu today: Bnos Devora Pizza Snaps,Circa Toras Zev pizza Cheese roll, 4 corners Vine street Pizza Bagles, Gelbsteins ziti
-Box for the week at Tehilas Chaya Sara 1-2 pm Meoros Oak street 12:00 pm
-Assemblyman Edward Thomson (R-Ocean/Monmouth) called on the Murphy administration to lay out details and timetables of the state’s planned reopening, calling it a necessary step for businesses to get back on their feet. “Businesses, especially seasonal businesses, can’t just flip a switch when the governor decides they can open,” he said. “Many businesses are not going to survive this shutdown and many more will not make it through the recovery if they don’t start getting answers soon,” he said. “They need specifics on how and when the governor is going to start reopening our state, not vague plans and task forces.”
-Murphy expected to release more information on reopenings today
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Oif Simchas Lakewood 23 Iyar 5780
Engagements courtesy of Daily Vivaser to receive Vivaser via email daily send a request to:
Sunday May 17/2020 News Updates Lakewood
Donate to Corona Campaigns over $18 million raised for 58 families
- Maariv/ Sefiras Haomer היום תשעה ושלשים יום שהם חמשה שבועות וארבעה ימים לעומר/בעומר
-Bikur Cholim anti body testing today at Lake terrace for Plasma donation
-Lakewood: 39 new cases total 2138/128 deaths, Toms River 1350/108, Brick 989/87,Jackson 767/44
9:45-10:30 Divrei Chizuk for B'nei Torah- Rav Uren Reich shlita
- In a video Cuomo said he will likely let 14-15 people gather for a religious ceremony take place in for the upcoming holiday (Shavuos) with proper social distancing. He will make a decision tomorrow or Tuesday before memorial day weekend.
-NY State Reassessing Summer Camps Opening in Light of New Inflammatory Disease in Children
in light of the new cases of Kawasaki-like inflammatory disease that has presented itself in children, with New York State reporting over 100 such cases, there is a need to reassess the possibility of allowing the camps to open. (Hamodia)
-Strong and passionate video by Dr. Zelenko to the residents of Monroe about how they are taken for granted and treated by the political leadership watch HERE
- Belzer Rebbe returned to the main bais medrash tonight for maariv they first took the sifrei Torah out and danced with it.
- NJ: 146,334 cases and 10,356 deaths including 107 overnight. Hospitalizations are down to a 6 week low.
-Viral photos from Belmar NJ of lines stretching around the block 50 people deep waiting to purchase season beach pass.
-E"Y: For first time there are 0 cholim admitted to hospitals for Corona, The Ger Rebbe davened with a minyan of 50 chasidim all keeping social distancing.
-This evening at 5:00 pm EDT there will be a Pirchei Sunday Live event. Rabbi Yosef Pruzansky of Wonder Words will join at 5:00 pm and Rabbi Avi Pekier, menahel of Torah Day School of Dallas, will join at 5:30 pm EDT. The call in number is 425-436-6277, pin 533200.
-Lakewood BOE announces expansion of special Ed Services live stream 7:45 pm here
-1:25 pm Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita 10 minute daily bitachon shiur 205-825-9057
- After 3 rounds of election Israel's knesset swears in new Government
- Jackson Mayor Mike Reina angrily called on Gov. Phil Murphy to resign, saying that he is on a "power trip" after shooting down the township's plan to allow youth athletic teams to train on municipal ballfields.
-Toms River Mayor Mo Hill announced on Sunday morning that Town Hall, which has been closed to the public since March 22, will be reopened on Monday May 18 with similar hours of 8:30 am until 4:30 pm. (wobm)
- Maariv/ Sefiras Haomer היום תשעה ושלשים יום שהם חמשה שבועות וארבעה ימים לעומר/בעומר
-Bikur Cholim anti body testing today at Lake terrace for Plasma donation
-Lakewood: 39 new cases total 2138/128 deaths, Toms River 1350/108, Brick 989/87,Jackson 767/44
-Live Shiurim Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
9:10- Inyanei Tefilla Rav Mordechai Potesh9:45-10:30 Divrei Chizuk for B'nei Torah- Rav Uren Reich shlita
- In a video Cuomo said he will likely let 14-15 people gather for a religious ceremony take place in for the upcoming holiday (Shavuos) with proper social distancing. He will make a decision tomorrow or Tuesday before memorial day weekend.
-NY State Reassessing Summer Camps Opening in Light of New Inflammatory Disease in Children
in light of the new cases of Kawasaki-like inflammatory disease that has presented itself in children, with New York State reporting over 100 such cases, there is a need to reassess the possibility of allowing the camps to open. (Hamodia)
-Strong and passionate video by Dr. Zelenko to the residents of Monroe about how they are taken for granted and treated by the political leadership watch HERE
- Belzer Rebbe returned to the main bais medrash tonight for maariv they first took the sifrei Torah out and danced with it.
- NJ: 146,334 cases and 10,356 deaths including 107 overnight. Hospitalizations are down to a 6 week low.
-Viral photos from Belmar NJ of lines stretching around the block 50 people deep waiting to purchase season beach pass.
-E"Y: For first time there are 0 cholim admitted to hospitals for Corona, The Ger Rebbe davened with a minyan of 50 chasidim all keeping social distancing.
-This evening at 5:00 pm EDT there will be a Pirchei Sunday Live event. Rabbi Yosef Pruzansky of Wonder Words will join at 5:00 pm and Rabbi Avi Pekier, menahel of Torah Day School of Dallas, will join at 5:30 pm EDT. The call in number is 425-436-6277, pin 533200.
-Lakewood BOE announces expansion of special Ed Services live stream 7:45 pm here
-1:25 pm Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita 10 minute daily bitachon shiur 205-825-9057
- After 3 rounds of election Israel's knesset swears in new Government
- Jackson Mayor Mike Reina angrily called on Gov. Phil Murphy to resign, saying that he is on a "power trip" after shooting down the township's plan to allow youth athletic teams to train on municipal ballfields.
-Toms River Mayor Mo Hill announced on Sunday morning that Town Hall, which has been closed to the public since March 22, will be reopened on Monday May 18 with similar hours of 8:30 am until 4:30 pm. (wobm)
Video:Daf Yomi An Animated Overview of the ל׳׳ט מלאכות
New Educational Video Presentation from Rabbi Chaim Shmuel Friedman creator of the highly acclaimed 3D animated video on the Bais Hamikdash והראינו בבנינו
An Overview of the ל׳׳ט מלאכות
An in depth animated video presentation in time for Daf Yomi - Meseches Shabbos Perek Klal Gadol.
This presentation is suitable for the entire family of B’nei Torah from the seasoned Daf Yomi learner to the young beginners as it presents the foundations of the ל״ט מלאכות in a clear organized and engaging manner.
by Rabbi Chaim Shmuel Friedman Narrated by Rabbi Shlomie Schwartzbeg
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Motzei Shabbos News Updates May 16 Lakewood
-Thousands visited the boardwalk and beaches at the Jersey shore over the weekend before the official opening for memorial day
-Bde: Reb Heshy Trainer z"l of Trainer studios in BP, legendary photographer of Gedolim and simchas for 75 years was niftar over shabbos at the age of 95 (Matzav article HERE)
-Baltimore Rabbonim Baltimore's Vaad HaRabbanim - Continue Current Procedures & Protocols not ready yet to reopen shuls or have minyanim keep social distancing but b"h the light at the end of the tunnel seems closer
-NJ 145,089 reported cases and 10,249 including 115 new deaths statewide on Saturday.
Gov. Phil Murphy announced that chartered boat services and watercraft rentals can resume at 6 a.m. Sunday. “Every metric has shown us we can move forward,” Murphy said. But the governor called on residents to keep practice social distancing “even as we take our steps toward our recovery.”
-Lakewood 5 new cases 2099/128, Toms River 1342/106, Brick 982/96, Jackson 760/42
- Rabbi Knopfler will be interviewed on the Zev Brenner show 12:00 am here
-Lamont Repollet, the New Jersey Commissioner of Education, is leaving that post to become the president of Kean University. Lakewood school district has previously bet on Repollet, as a former neighbor on the Jersey Shore when he was superintendent in Asbury Park and Lakewood board member, Thea Jackson-Byers, worked for Repollet in Asbury Park schools and Sen. Robert Singer, R-Ocean, said he’d spoken to Repollet about how to fix the funding problem."
-Bde: Reb Heshy Trainer z"l of Trainer studios in BP, legendary photographer of Gedolim and simchas for 75 years was niftar over shabbos at the age of 95 (Matzav article HERE)
-Baltimore Rabbonim Baltimore's Vaad HaRabbanim - Continue Current Procedures & Protocols not ready yet to reopen shuls or have minyanim keep social distancing but b"h the light at the end of the tunnel seems closer
-NJ 145,089 reported cases and 10,249 including 115 new deaths statewide on Saturday.
Gov. Phil Murphy announced that chartered boat services and watercraft rentals can resume at 6 a.m. Sunday. “Every metric has shown us we can move forward,” Murphy said. But the governor called on residents to keep practice social distancing “even as we take our steps toward our recovery.”
-Lakewood 5 new cases 2099/128, Toms River 1342/106, Brick 982/96, Jackson 760/42
- Rabbi Knopfler will be interviewed on the Zev Brenner show 12:00 am here
-Lamont Repollet, the New Jersey Commissioner of Education, is leaving that post to become the president of Kean University. Lakewood school district has previously bet on Repollet, as a former neighbor on the Jersey Shore when he was superintendent in Asbury Park and Lakewood board member, Thea Jackson-Byers, worked for Repollet in Asbury Park schools and Sen. Robert Singer, R-Ocean, said he’d spoken to Repollet about how to fix the funding problem."
Friday, May 15, 2020
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת קודש פרשת בהר-בחקתי חזק תש׳׳פ
Friday, May 15, 2020 / כ״א אייר תש״פ ערב שבת פרשת בהר-בחקתי
-Candle lighting: 7:48 pm
-Shkia/Sunset 8:06 pm
-Sefiras Haomer Friday night day 37
-Weather: Shabbos day Partly cloudy High 76F.
-Netz: 5:40 am
-Sof Zman Krias shema- Mg"a: 8:48 am Gra: 9:16 am
-Sof Zman Tefila 10:29 am
-Pirkei Avos Perek 'ה
(רְפָאֵנִי ה' וְאֵרָפֵא הוֹשִׁיעֵנִי וְאִוָּשֵׁעָה כִּי תְהִלָּתִי אָתָּה (הפטרה
-Candle lighting: 7:48 pm
-Shkia/Sunset 8:06 pm
-Sefiras Haomer Friday night day 37
-Weather: Shabbos day Partly cloudy High 76F.
-Netz: 5:40 am
-Sof Zman Krias shema- Mg"a: 8:48 am Gra: 9:16 am
-Sof Zman Tefila 10:29 am
-Pirkei Avos Perek 'ה
(רְפָאֵנִי ה' וְאֵרָפֵא הוֹשִׁיעֵנִי וְאִוָּשֵׁעָה כִּי תְהִלָּתִי אָתָּה (הפטרה
אם בחוקותי תלכו...ונתתי שלום בארץ, ושכבתם ואין מחריד...ואכלתם לַחְמְכֶם לָשֹׂבַע, וִישַׁבְתֶּם לבטח בְּאַרְצְכֶם
שבת שלום, חזק חזק ונתחזק
They Call It Chillul Hashem and Kiddush Hashem
Excerpts from an Article in last week issue of Yated Ne'eman written by Rabbi Avrohom Birnbaum - May 6, 2020 "Covid19 The frum Media Glossary" Read full article at
Those who call themselves “frum media” and, due to a combination of sheer ignorance and a desire to bait people to click, cause irreparable damage to Hashem and His people. Most are online “news” sites and blogs, both in English and in Hebrew, but they periodically exist in print media, as well....
"There are both cardinal and secondary offenders in this area. Cardinal offenders shamelessly post anything that will bring people to their website, regardless of whether it is true or false, wrong or right. They generally also bandy about righteous-sounding terms that are usually used incorrectly and are misleading.
A few examples of such terms are “chillul Hashem,” “kiddush Hashem” and, in use of late, “eivah.” Of course, universal terms like anti-Semitism are also thrown around without thought as to how they are defining the term.
Chillul Hashem and Kiddush Hashem
Ever since we were small children, we have been admonished by teachers, parents and figures of authority that when venturing beyond our own neighborhoods, we should try to make a kiddush Hashem and not cause a chillul Hashem.
Those who call themselves “frum media” and, due to a combination of sheer ignorance and a desire to bait people to click, cause irreparable damage to Hashem and His people. Most are online “news” sites and blogs, both in English and in Hebrew, but they periodically exist in print media, as well....
"There are both cardinal and secondary offenders in this area. Cardinal offenders shamelessly post anything that will bring people to their website, regardless of whether it is true or false, wrong or right. They generally also bandy about righteous-sounding terms that are usually used incorrectly and are misleading.
A few examples of such terms are “chillul Hashem,” “kiddush Hashem” and, in use of late, “eivah.” Of course, universal terms like anti-Semitism are also thrown around without thought as to how they are defining the term.
Chillul Hashem and Kiddush Hashem
Ever since we were small children, we have been admonished by teachers, parents and figures of authority that when venturing beyond our own neighborhoods, we should try to make a kiddush Hashem and not cause a chillul Hashem.
Friday Erev Shabbos May 15, News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Sunshine high of 86 Thunderstorms possible in the evening.
-Minaynim in shuls can open with up to 10 with proper social distancing at all times. There are concerns though about leaving people out and each Rav has to decide what is best for his mispalelim or talmidim.
-Igud Harabonim of Toms River issues guidelines for minyanim. Anyone who is sick or immune compromised should not go outside to daven with a minyan at all. There is no chiyuv at this point to daven with a minyan even though the mageifa has decreased. Those who are conducting minyanim outdoors must be limited to 10 and no children under Bar Mitzva and there should be someone in charge.
-Cuomo: Rare Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome- We are studying 100 cases where children are, in fact, affected by the virus, and some of them very serious "I’ll wager that is going to only go up, and it is going to be much more widespread than anyone thinks.”
- A kol Korei pertaining to shul minyan guidelines expected to be released today
-LPD Tweets photos of candy platters and donuts sent as messages of support from the community.
-NJ is committing $50 million in federal CARES Act funding to directly support small businesses impacted by COVID-19 through the New Jersey Economic Development Authority. dDetails next week
-NJSP Colonel Callahan: 2 individuals in Lakewood received a citation for gatherings in their homes
-Shabbos Box all locations are cleared out
-N.J. coronavirus deaths surpass 10,000 to 10,138, with 143,905 cases. Officials report 201 new deaths. 285 people were admitted to hospitals yesterday for covid19, 357 discharges yesterday
-Murphy: The July 7th primary will be a primarily vote-by-mail election. ALL registered Democratic and Republican voters will receive a postage-paid vote-by-mail ballot. ALL unaffiliated and inactive voters will receive a postage-paid vote-by-mail ballot application. A limited number of in-person polling places in each county 1 per municipality. (In Lakewood R' Hershel Herskowitz will be running in the republican ticket against committeeman Mike Delia).
-B"H: Dr. Kawelblum is no longer in intensive care, However, he is still on a ventilator and very much in need of tefilos. Please be mispalel for Chaim Ben Sarah among all other cholim (LNN)
-Possible updated guidelines pertaining to shul minyanim will be announced today
-Toms River graduating Students and Businesses Sue Gov Murphy for violating their constitutional rights: A lawsuit, filed Thursday in Superior Court in Ocean County on behalf of a car wash, hair and nail salon, golf shop and representatives of the three high school students, seeks an injunction to bar the governor and state officials from enforcing the executive orders issued amid the COVID-19 public health emergency claiming his executive orders are preventing them from operating and graduating in public violate their constitutional rights. (APP)
-Lakewood schools receive $11.7 million Covid education grant if divided equally among all students in public and private schools it comes out to approx $325 per student.
Live shiurim this afternoon on Bnei Torah Phone line 646-726-7799
11:45 am Vaad by Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita
12:30 pm Chumash Shiur by Rav Gershon Ribner shlita
1:15 pm Vaad by the Rosh Yeshihva Harav Dovid Schustal shlita
4:30 pm Vaad by Rav Baruch Hirschfeld shlita
-Children need summer camp now more than ever Executive director of the American Camp Association of NY and NJ says While camps don’t open until June, it is important for Gov. Phil Murphy to provide a future start date for camps to prepare and for parents to know they can rely on their summer childcare plans. read here
- NY Gov Cuomo extends stay at home order to June 13 for regions that don't meet reopening standards includes the Catskills all the way down to NYC.
-Murphy says he’ll ‘pull the brakes’ on N.J. beaches if coronavirus cases start to spike. ‘We’ll have no choice.’
-School lunch shabbos food/box will be given at the distribution locations. Bnos Devora Oak street 9:20, Toras Zev Cross street 9:30 , Bnos Yaakov in Pine Park 11-1 other locations open to the public as well. (School district website says weekend meal boxes are available at the public school locations starting next week from the kosher vendor too).
-Tehillim for the Rosh HaYeshivaof Telshe Chicago HaRav Chaim Dov keller shlita situation extremely critical name Chaim Dov Ben Kraindel.
-BDE: Petirah of Harav Yosef Weinberg, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivas Slonim, at age 65.
Rav Weinberg was the son in law of ybl”c Harav Moshe Wolfson, shlita, Mashgiach of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and Mara D’asra of Beis Medrash Emunas Yisrael in Boro Park. Rav Weinberg came to America Purim Time, staying near his esteemed father in law. He took ill with COVIS-19, and succumbed to the illness after several weeks. The aron was transported to Eretz Yisrael for kevurah. Yehi zichro baruch. (Hamodia)
-Minaynim in shuls can open with up to 10 with proper social distancing at all times. There are concerns though about leaving people out and each Rav has to decide what is best for his mispalelim or talmidim.
-Igud Harabonim of Toms River issues guidelines for minyanim. Anyone who is sick or immune compromised should not go outside to daven with a minyan at all. There is no chiyuv at this point to daven with a minyan even though the mageifa has decreased. Those who are conducting minyanim outdoors must be limited to 10 and no children under Bar Mitzva and there should be someone in charge.
-Cuomo: Rare Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome- We are studying 100 cases where children are, in fact, affected by the virus, and some of them very serious "I’ll wager that is going to only go up, and it is going to be much more widespread than anyone thinks.”
- A kol Korei pertaining to shul minyan guidelines expected to be released today
-LPD Tweets photos of candy platters and donuts sent as messages of support from the community.
-NJ is committing $50 million in federal CARES Act funding to directly support small businesses impacted by COVID-19 through the New Jersey Economic Development Authority. dDetails next week
-NJSP Colonel Callahan: 2 individuals in Lakewood received a citation for gatherings in their homes
-Shabbos Box all locations are cleared out
-N.J. coronavirus deaths surpass 10,000 to 10,138, with 143,905 cases. Officials report 201 new deaths. 285 people were admitted to hospitals yesterday for covid19, 357 discharges yesterday
-Murphy: The July 7th primary will be a primarily vote-by-mail election. ALL registered Democratic and Republican voters will receive a postage-paid vote-by-mail ballot. ALL unaffiliated and inactive voters will receive a postage-paid vote-by-mail ballot application. A limited number of in-person polling places in each county 1 per municipality. (In Lakewood R' Hershel Herskowitz will be running in the republican ticket against committeeman Mike Delia).
-B"H: Dr. Kawelblum is no longer in intensive care, However, he is still on a ventilator and very much in need of tefilos. Please be mispalel for Chaim Ben Sarah among all other cholim (LNN)
-Possible updated guidelines pertaining to shul minyanim will be announced today
-Toms River graduating Students and Businesses Sue Gov Murphy for violating their constitutional rights: A lawsuit, filed Thursday in Superior Court in Ocean County on behalf of a car wash, hair and nail salon, golf shop and representatives of the three high school students, seeks an injunction to bar the governor and state officials from enforcing the executive orders issued amid the COVID-19 public health emergency claiming his executive orders are preventing them from operating and graduating in public violate their constitutional rights. (APP)
-Lakewood schools receive $11.7 million Covid education grant if divided equally among all students in public and private schools it comes out to approx $325 per student.
Live shiurim this afternoon on Bnei Torah Phone line 646-726-7799
11:45 am Vaad by Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita
12:30 pm Chumash Shiur by Rav Gershon Ribner shlita
1:15 pm Vaad by the Rosh Yeshihva Harav Dovid Schustal shlita
4:30 pm Vaad by Rav Baruch Hirschfeld shlita
-Children need summer camp now more than ever Executive director of the American Camp Association of NY and NJ says While camps don’t open until June, it is important for Gov. Phil Murphy to provide a future start date for camps to prepare and for parents to know they can rely on their summer childcare plans. read here
- NY Gov Cuomo extends stay at home order to June 13 for regions that don't meet reopening standards includes the Catskills all the way down to NYC.
-Murphy says he’ll ‘pull the brakes’ on N.J. beaches if coronavirus cases start to spike. ‘We’ll have no choice.’
-School lunch shabbos food/box will be given at the distribution locations. Bnos Devora Oak street 9:20, Toras Zev Cross street 9:30 , Bnos Yaakov in Pine Park 11-1 other locations open to the public as well. (School district website says weekend meal boxes are available at the public school locations starting next week from the kosher vendor too).
-Tehillim for the Rosh HaYeshivaof Telshe Chicago HaRav Chaim Dov keller shlita situation extremely critical name Chaim Dov Ben Kraindel.
-BDE: Petirah of Harav Yosef Weinberg, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivas Slonim, at age 65.
Rav Weinberg was the son in law of ybl”c Harav Moshe Wolfson, shlita, Mashgiach of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and Mara D’asra of Beis Medrash Emunas Yisrael in Boro Park. Rav Weinberg came to America Purim Time, staying near his esteemed father in law. He took ill with COVIS-19, and succumbed to the illness after several weeks. The aron was transported to Eretz Yisrael for kevurah. Yehi zichro baruch. (Hamodia)
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: Sunshine High near 70F. Tomorrow high of 86
-Maariv/Sefiras Haomer היום ששה ושלשים יום שהם חמשה שבועות ויום אחד לעומר/בעומר
NJ emergency relief rental assistance bill $100 Million would pay landlords directly on behalf of renters who are at risk of losing their housing. To qualify, tenants must be at least 30 days past due on their rent, unable to make the payment without help, and have been harmed financially by the pandemic, according to the bill.
-Lakewood 26 new cases a total of 2076/124 deaths up 8.Toms River 1325/101, Brick 980/95, Jackson 754/40.
Interesting fact: Murphy allows drive thru theaters there's only one still operational in NJ The Delsea Drive-in movie theater in Vineland.
-Tonight, Harav Yechiel Moskowitz will be giving a Chumash Shiur on Parshas Hashavua, at 10:30 PM. Phone # is 605-313-5894 and access code is 783618
-Live Shiurim on Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
8:45 pm - Divrei Chizuk B’Inyanei Sefira by HaRav Yosef Elefent Shlita
9:30pm - Shiur on Halacha L’Maysah, Hilchos Tefilah, by HaRav Moshe Chaim Kahn Shlita
10:00 pm - Shiur B’Inyan Hilchos Talmud Torah by HaRav Asher Dovid May Shlita
11:30 pm - Chumash Shiur by HaRav Yeruchum Olshin Shlita
-Chasdei Hashem: Roiza Malka Chaya Bas Tzipporah Leah, a 6 year old daughter of a Lakewood Rebbe came home from the hospital she was on a ventilator (LNN)
-The Treasury Department now say that businesses who are borrowing less than $2 million in PPP loans are considered to have made the certification in good faith and won’t be subject to additional scrutiny or audit. If they spend 75% on payroll the loan is forgiven. see more here.
-The move to “Re-open Pennsylvania” continues to gain steam with republican lawmakers and citizens holding rally on the steps of the state capitol in Harrisburg.
- Murphy endorses Joe Biden for president at a round table discussion today
- Murphy groups of prayer less than 10 is allowed with social distancing
- Great Adventure announces a Safari will soon open as a drive-thru! to see 1,200 exotic animals from the comfort of your car Advance reservations and tickets required - more details to come! . Members and Season Pass Holders will have access to reservation inventory that is unavailable to the general public
-NJ Dept of Labor is clearing 140,000 residents claims off the backlog this week.
-NJ cases 142,704. deaths 9,946 including 244 overnight. Hospitalizations dip below 4000
- Murphy: The Jersey Shore will be open in time for Memorial Day Weekend, with social distancing guidelines in place. The Shore is central to our Jersey identity and we want to ensure that families can safely enjoy it this summer.
-We are not out of the woods yet. We can make the cast that, at this moment in time, we’re the most-impacted state in the region. This is why we need to keep up with social distancing, even as we begin our restart and recovery.
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00 pm By Rav Daniel Neustadt on יין פוטר משקים watch on Zoom HERE or listen by phone 1646-558-8656 log in #83528677424
- Gov Murphy may provide beach reopening guidelines and/"hard" coronavirus reopen dates today
-Free Anti body testing in Lakewood: Reserve slot HERE Bikur Cholim has partnered with the prestigious Mayo Clinic and the NIH to offer the most advanced antibody testing to our community. This will allow researchers to better understand the COVID-19 immune response and work towards a cure.
-Hespedim tonight Thursday for Harav Shmuel Binyomin Herzog zt"l Rav of Khal Bnei Baruch
9:30 p.m. 712-432-3566 Access 1257#
Maspidim Rabbi Yonasson Blau, Harav Pinchos Brody, Rabbi Mordechai Horowitz
-How Lakewood schools can spend the $11 Million grant here
-15 Republicans in the state Senate are calling for a special committee to investigate how Gov. Phil Murphy’s administration has responded to the coronavirus pandemic in New Jersey and to prepare for any future health crises. The y wrote"We must acknowledge that the harm caused by the initial threat of the coronavirus may have been amplified by the response of the executive branch of our State government in certain cases, resulting in unnecessary physical and economic harm to New Jerseyans.”
-Maariv/Sefiras Haomer היום ששה ושלשים יום שהם חמשה שבועות ויום אחד לעומר/בעומר
NJ emergency relief rental assistance bill $100 Million would pay landlords directly on behalf of renters who are at risk of losing their housing. To qualify, tenants must be at least 30 days past due on their rent, unable to make the payment without help, and have been harmed financially by the pandemic, according to the bill.
-Lakewood 26 new cases a total of 2076/124 deaths up 8.Toms River 1325/101, Brick 980/95, Jackson 754/40.
Interesting fact: Murphy allows drive thru theaters there's only one still operational in NJ The Delsea Drive-in movie theater in Vineland.
-Tonight, Harav Yechiel Moskowitz will be giving a Chumash Shiur on Parshas Hashavua, at 10:30 PM. Phone # is 605-313-5894 and access code is 783618
-Live Shiurim on Bnei Torah phone line 646-726-9977
8:45 pm - Divrei Chizuk B’Inyanei Sefira by HaRav Yosef Elefent Shlita
9:30pm - Shiur on Halacha L’Maysah, Hilchos Tefilah, by HaRav Moshe Chaim Kahn Shlita
10:00 pm - Shiur B’Inyan Hilchos Talmud Torah by HaRav Asher Dovid May Shlita
11:30 pm - Chumash Shiur by HaRav Yeruchum Olshin Shlita
-Chasdei Hashem: Roiza Malka Chaya Bas Tzipporah Leah, a 6 year old daughter of a Lakewood Rebbe came home from the hospital she was on a ventilator (LNN)
-The Treasury Department now say that businesses who are borrowing less than $2 million in PPP loans are considered to have made the certification in good faith and won’t be subject to additional scrutiny or audit. If they spend 75% on payroll the loan is forgiven. see more here.
-The move to “Re-open Pennsylvania” continues to gain steam with republican lawmakers and citizens holding rally on the steps of the state capitol in Harrisburg.
- Murphy endorses Joe Biden for president at a round table discussion today
- Murphy groups of prayer less than 10 is allowed with social distancing
- Great Adventure announces a Safari will soon open as a drive-thru! to see 1,200 exotic animals from the comfort of your car Advance reservations and tickets required - more details to come! . Members and Season Pass Holders will have access to reservation inventory that is unavailable to the general public
-NJ cases 142,704. deaths 9,946 including 244 overnight. Hospitalizations dip below 4000
- Murphy: The Jersey Shore will be open in time for Memorial Day Weekend, with social distancing guidelines in place. The Shore is central to our Jersey identity and we want to ensure that families can safely enjoy it this summer.
-We are not out of the woods yet. We can make the cast that, at this moment in time, we’re the most-impacted state in the region. This is why we need to keep up with social distancing, even as we begin our restart and recovery.
-Yarchei Kallah shiur 12:00 pm By Rav Daniel Neustadt on יין פוטר משקים watch on Zoom HERE or listen by phone 1646-558-8656 log in #83528677424
- Gov Murphy may provide beach reopening guidelines and/"hard" coronavirus reopen dates today
-Free Anti body testing in Lakewood: Reserve slot HERE Bikur Cholim has partnered with the prestigious Mayo Clinic and the NIH to offer the most advanced antibody testing to our community. This will allow researchers to better understand the COVID-19 immune response and work towards a cure.
-Hespedim tonight Thursday for Harav Shmuel Binyomin Herzog zt"l Rav of Khal Bnei Baruch
9:30 p.m. 712-432-3566 Access 1257#
Maspidim Rabbi Yonasson Blau, Harav Pinchos Brody, Rabbi Mordechai Horowitz
-How Lakewood schools can spend the $11 Million grant here
-15 Republicans in the state Senate are calling for a special committee to investigate how Gov. Phil Murphy’s administration has responded to the coronavirus pandemic in New Jersey and to prepare for any future health crises. The y wrote"We must acknowledge that the harm caused by the initial threat of the coronavirus may have been amplified by the response of the executive branch of our State government in certain cases, resulting in unnecessary physical and economic harm to New Jerseyans.”
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