Friday, May 1, 2020

Updated Guidelines for Outdoor Minyanim & Learning

Lakewood poskim released a letter with updated information pertaining to porch or outdoor minyanim and outdoor chavrusa learning. The signed letter though is not on any official stationary. The letter commends the community for keeping to the social distancing guidelines. Yet points out that nothing has changed pertaining to the pandemic and we must remain vigilant and responsible.

-In Person Learning Bchavrusa can only be done outdoors with  6 foot distance and no other chavrussashaft should be in the  same location
-Outdoor nimyanim not on porches can only be held with a minyan metzumtzam
-If Porches are within 6 feet you have to keep 6 feet distance


  1. Why do these letters come out right before shabbos

  2. Everyones doing as they pmease claim they asked 1 of the rabbanim that signed the psak. Basically saying id psak doeant meet your needs call amd get ur needs paskened!!

  3. שבת היא מלזעוקMay 1, 2020 at 4:10 PM

    Whoever is being mekabel Shabbos early as a zechus, is strongly encouraged to keep Shabbos equally longer on motzi Shabbos.
    המאחרים לצאת וממהרים לבוא

  4. The post should read bmg poskim not Lakewood poskim

  5. Yet another case of the BMG poskim being pressured to pasken differently than they actually hold.
