Weather: 51° mix sun and clouds
Fast: תענית אסתר begins 5:51 am or 5:59am tomorrow morning
- New York Times report: Tulsi Gabbard, the US director of national intelligence, has decided NOT to appoint Daniel Davis as her deputy following criticism the appointment sparked among the Trump administration and those around the president
- Judge bars toms river fire district winner from sitting after "additional votes" are unexplained
- A federal judge has BLOCKED President Trump from revoking the security clearance of Perkins Coie, the law firm which helped develop the Russia Hoax
- Moadim LSimcha order deadline for Pesach is tonight.
- Evergreen kosher Eggs for $3.99 a dozen limit 1 case per family
-US Inflation Drops to 2.8%: Inflation falls below expectations. As of March 2025, gas prices, mortgage rates, and egg prices have all decreased, contributing to the lower inflation rate.
- Purim Vibes: Playgroup kids are having a costume day ahead of Purim celebrations.
- Traffic on Central Ave: Despite ongoing construction, traffic continues to back up. The change to reduce Caranetta St to one lane hasn't improved the situation. Cars are still pushing through two lanes to make a left turn onto Route 9. Fortunately, the road will be open for Purim.
- Ruby Label Updates:
The appointment line will open on Monday, March 17th. Call (845) 426-4123, press #1 for Hopscotch, then select the Lakewood location. Shoes will be $39 per pair.
For brochures, email starting on March 18th. Shoes not purchased must be returned to their original place by an adult to avoid an $11 fee.
-School Bus Accident on Garden State Parkway:
A school bus has been involved in an accident near mile marker 90 on the northbound lanes. Ten passengers have been transported to hospitals. The bus is not from a local school.
- Tehillim for the Koson Rebetzin, Chaya Malka bas Mattel Leah, from Oak & Vine, who is in critical condition.
BDE:Petirah of R' Mordechai Mintz Z”L, from Lakewood/Brooklyn, at the age of 84 after a prolonged illness. He was a Daf Yomi Shiur leader and Gabbai at Rav Avigdor Miller's Shul. His son, R' Ari Mintz, is the founder and head of Bnos Chaim Seminary in Lakewood. The Levaya will take place today at 12:00 PM at the Shomrei Hadas Chapel in Boro Park.
- Rav Uri Deutsch of Forest Park in Lakewood received a haskama from Rav Dov Landau regarding a kol korei to address the shidduch crisis. The proposal encourages boys to enter shidduchim earlier, while girls are advised to hold off for an additional year.
Assemblyman Avi Schnall’s Re-Election Campaign:
Assemblyman Avi Schnall kicks off his re-election campaign with an ad campaign in Lakewood media highlighting his legislative work.
Political Firestorm After Wedding Footage:
A political controversy erupted after footage from the wedding of Rav Shalom Ber Sorotzkin’s son surfaced. In the video, the attendees, including talmidim, sang a Niturei Karta song defying the IDF draft of yeshiva bochurim. בשלטון הכופרים אין אנו מאמינים ובלשכותיהם אין אנו מתייצבים"
Israeli opposition leaders Yair Lapid and Avigdor Lieberman expressed outrage, calling for the stripping of voting rights from Charedim who don't serve. However, the Charedi leadership responded by supporting the young men at the wedding, stating that the persecution of Torah students by the Israeli left has already caused severe incitement.
- Rav Ben Tzion Kook, a renowned posek and student of Rav Elyashiv, addressed a query from Rav Simcha Bunim Londisky, a Lakewood Rav, regarding the issue of “פורס מפה ומקדש” this year on Purim, as it coincides with Shabbos. Rav Kook advised that lechatchila (ideally) it should not be done, as it leads to missing the recitation of "Al Hanissim" during bentching and shortens the Purim Seuda, as the main meal extends into Shabbos.
Anyone have a copy of the haskama from Rav Dov Landau
ReplyDeleteStock market down
ReplyDeletevery happy to hear that more and more mainstream Litvish rabbanim are understanding the rishus of the Zionists and are following in the path of resistance to the Zionists. Soon the DL crowd and in America lehavdil the YU, modox, modernish, modern Orthodox, Young Israel chevra will be a miut and forced to decide if they go with the mehalely Shabbos or with Torah.
ReplyDeleteStop trolling.Preach to your own Upper East Side/ Teaneck choir for a change
DeleteExactly. Go preach on a street corner next to brother Malcom.
Delete"while girls are advised to hold off for an additional year."
ReplyDeleteWait a second. The girls are "being advised"? How exactly will that work? It's up to every girl to decide from herself? Or the girls will be coerced (forced) into it ? Will this be like smartphones and internet where half of Lakewood has ? Will this turn into a situation where the "think their own mind" hamon am daughter will all get engaged and the sheeple girls will be stuck?
Ask Hagaon R' Binyomin Cohen (Baal mechaber Chelkas Binyomin). It seems that he is drawing up the consequences to those who don't follow the new takanos.
DeleteUntil they announce the consequences, no one here on hefkervelt knows the answer to your question.
Consequences??? lol are we really getting to this point as a society?
DeleteYup there's talk if not paying a kollel check of you won't abide
DeleteWhat is the penalty for violating the freezer rule?
DeleteNone, really.
Pretty sure you get thrown out of yeshiva
DeleteAll those of us (non hagaon) who have a bit of common sense will do as we see as proper till those wiser then us will get their act and plan together and explain!
DeleteJust saying -- my two nephews-in law are still in yeshiva.
DeleteNo, neither families are big gvirim. They give modest amounts to other yeshivot.
When did they start dating before the freezer closed? 2 weeks or a month before the freezer opened because then yea it may be that bmg just looked away
DeleteI've never heard of anyone breaking the freezer rule out right and word has it that anyone who did was thrown out and siblings weren't allowed to come to bmg either
I don't care how much you hate Tziyonim, I don't think we should have an "in your face attitude" by singing these songs while tayere hesder yeshiva bachurim are giving up their lives to protect you!
ReplyDeleteThey should go to beis medrash instead of gaza
DeleteRav Shurin's son was investigated several times for singing (and writing) a song that was interpreted as anti Palestinian. What's good for the goose is good for the gander
Deleteyou most definitely should sing songs like this to remember the truth.
DeleteTonight/tomorrow is Maran HaGaon Reb Moshe Feinstein ztz"l 39th Yortzeit. Here is a most fascinating story about him as said in an event by Rav Michoel Sorotzkin .
Really odd that so-called serious rabbis don't even have the real data or the statistics to prove that The crisis is because of an actual disparity the fact that there are so many obvious factors which prove otherwise for example There are hundreds of boys over the age of 26 in BMG.The effect of the freezer, The reality that mental illness is far more prevalent in girls ( And it's very possible That many of those are not eligible to be married) among many others They are asking parents to make a huge sacrifice and can't even back up their claims, with real data, nor have they thought through How this is supposed to work Or the downsides of such an approach.
ReplyDeleteI heard (but can't verify) in the name of a shadchan that there are less than 100 boys over 27 in BMG and over 2800 girls over the age of 26 . Could anyone confirm or refute ?
DeleteBMG publishes a list for shadchanim It's a few hundred. And then you have to count the countless boys renting apartments all over town (most 1bd/chassan kallah studio apartments are boys..) Sad.
DeleteThe whole Central Ave - Rt 9 intersection project that cost close to $30,000,000, has been going on for years, and has been one big NOTHING.
ReplyDeleteSomeone needs to dig into this and follow the money. And then PUBLICISE the findings please!
DOGE should investigate the 30,000,000 that was spent on this road project!
ReplyDeleteIf you are singing songs about how you have nothing to do with the state of Israel it should be self understood that you aren't taking any funding from them. The idea to cut off funding should be your initiative. Not theirs.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that song from a JEP tape? That's not the hijackers of the neturei karta shita
ReplyDeleteThe JEP songs say RASHAYIM. It makes no reference to Zionists at all. There is nothing controversial or looking for a fight about the JEP song. The kanoim changed it because don't have an issue with rashayim. They just enjoy fighting with "Zionists"
Deletezionists are reshaim. (some may be tinuk shenishbu, just like all reshaim.) whichever word you use is just semantics.
DeleteIf it was just semantics they would have kept the original words. There is a reason why they say hakofrim in their songs instead of using the wording of Chazal in reference to the general end of rashayim and rishus in the world . Because they do not mean or want what Chazal wanted
DeleteThere's a difference between kofrim and reshaim? Please explain the difference. Thank you.
DeleteReshaim is a general term. Shilton Hakofrim is universally understood to be a limited reference to the state of Israel only. This who sing it don't claim otherwise. One of the many, many reasons for my disillusionment with extreme anti-Zionism was the lack of ability of anyone I asked to explain intelligently why they act differently to secular Israelis than any other secular Jew. The primary reason however was the whole standoffish, in your face confrontational approach they took (like singing these songs at a public wedding )But then they whine, why do they hate us?
DeleteThey spent months and months and who knows how many millions widening cross street, and they didn't even end up adding a second lane 🤷🤔
ReplyDeleteNo funding ,then no taxes. The chareidim pay billions in taxes. Israel is very consumer taxes society. Everythime you go grocery shopping you pay 17 per cent tax. Every apartment building oats millions to the government in taxes when it us built. The chareidim pay many billion in taxes so it's OK of you don't take funding and don't charge them taxes
ReplyDeleteIn the Ottoman Empire that these people are dying to go back to they also charged such taxes. And gave nothing back in return
DeleteAnd obviously we won't use the zionist's roads, water or electricity. Airport as well.
DeleteThe British Mandate was best. They got all the present services without having a draft, or being blocked from traveling through nearby countries
DeleteReally? You think the Yishuv Hayoshen wasn't completely dependent on donations from abroad during the British Mandate? The British Mandate didn't give a penny to Torah education in EY. Or build hospitals. Or roads for civilians. Etc.
DeleteActually you're wrong as usual.
DeleteRoads, Hospitals, even extensive Railways- that were cut & wrecked in '48 & are only being reinstalled in the past couple decades.
Even BenGurion admitted after the Hagana took over Lod (now Ben Gurion) airport: How would ever have such an amazing edifice,if the british wouldn' t have done it
Oh,as for the Yishuv Hayoshen ,if the Weizman & WZO wouldn't have blocked every access to the outside,they would have been sitting pretty.
So why wasn't the Yishuv Hayoshen sitting pretty and was so completely dependent on donations from abroad even before the Zionists came around? What power did Weizman & WZO have to block every access to the outside under the wonderful British Mandate?
DeleteWZO reneged on their agreement with Agudah. & when Dr. Dahan(whether personally good or bad) was meeting with Lord Northcliffe, he was shot dead
DeleteSo is central Ave going to be open as of Thursday morning to accommodate the taanis esther mishloach manos runs? They can't leave the cones and stuff by Valley it creates a traffic jam as well.
ReplyDeleteBB Sorotzken takes any cent he can get from tzionim, all of a sudden became a kanoiy!? Give me a brake lol