Monday, March 10, 2025

Five Years Later: What Has Eretz Hakodesh Done?

Five Years Later: What has Eretz Hakodesh Done?
Read this very detailed 2 part article from disecting all the promises that were made by Eretz Hakodesh how they would “protect the Kedusha of Eretz Yisroel.” from the threat of the Reform movement pertaining to the kosel, Geirus, Shmittah, The Draft and more. The articles include letters and references from gedolei yisroel.
Part 1 HERE
Part 2 HERE

The idea of a frum party entering the World Zionist Organization (WZO) was first floated in 2019. It was rejected by dozens of Roshei Yeshiva because “no matter the supposed financial gain, it is forbidden to support, join, and identify with an organization whose purpose is to remove Torah as the foundation of the Jewish people. Joining the WZO is an immense Chillul Hashem, and by doing so, Eretz Hakodesh rendered itself illegitimate from its inception” (Here, also see here from talmidim of R’ Aharon Kotler, and here for background on Eretz Hakodesh and statements from previous Gedolim).

But never-the-less they pushed forward with the promise that they would “protect the Kedusha of Eretz Yisroel.” Repeating again and again that this isn’t something they want to do, but something they have to do. In a powerful letter responding to claims that R’ Chaim Kanievsky had permitted voting in the WZO as a horoas shoh in order to “save Kedoshay Yisroel”, a claim that was obviously rejected by the above mentioned rabbonim and roshei yeshiva, R’ Aharon Feldman writes: “Protecting kodshey Yisroel means stopping the assaults on Chareidi Judaism by the Israeli government in matters of the Kosel, geyrus, marriage, recognition of Reform etc. But this is an incorrect presentation of the issue; they will not save kodshey yisroel. . . This is nothing less than a fantasy. . . The advocates of Eretz Hakodesh have misled the Chareidi public, including several prominent Rabbonim, with a campaign designed to convince them to follow their fantasy,” (see the full letter here). Now we can look back on the previous five years and see exactly what a fantasy it was..........

In Conclusion
The roshei yeshivos and rabbonim who opposed Eretz Hakodesh did so afilu im timtze lomer, even if everything they said was true. They said that we are forbidden to join an organization created specifically to redefine the Jews as a nationalist political group and not as the Am H-shem. We are forbidden from signing a declaration that the state of Israel is central to the existence of Klal Yisroel. And we are forbidden to join umbrella groups that include the Reform and Conservative. This is all even if Eretz Hakodesh would actually have been able to use the vast resources of the WZO to accomplish all of the things above. As R’ Elchonon said in the name of the Chofetz Chaim (1 & 2), ““Better for the majority of yeshivas to close ח”ו than to join [The Jewish Agency].”

But, with hindsight, it is clear that this is not a case of simple people making a seemingly reasonable decision to advance Torah values from within an otherwise unappealing organization and the rabbonim coming to remind them of the correct Torah hashkofah and historical precedent. This interpretation is, as R’ Aharon Feldman said, just a fantasy. They’re not stopping the Reform, they’re not saving the Kosel, they’re not making all the farmers in Eretz Yisroel keep shmittah, and they’re not doing anything to prevent actual dangers to frum Jews. Were they overly optimistic? Was it a lack of skillful askonus? No, to quote R’ Aharon Feldman again, “The advocates of Eretz Hakodesh have misled the Charedi public, including several prominent rabbonim.” And when we see their deception in one area, their dubious claims of rabbonim who supported them only to pull back their support shortly afterwards becomes all the more understandable.

So, what have they been doing for the last five years? Their successes might be more telling than their failures source 


  1. As of now I'm not voting but in fairness the issue isn't only what Eretz Hakodosh did or didn't do. A lot of the issue is also what the Reform movement did and will ch'v do with more delegates R'L. The opponents of Eretz Hakodosh very much downplay that reality.

    1. According to Igros Moshe it is forbidden to join them even to fight them.

    2. Where is this Igros Moshe?

    3. I don't believe the Igros Moshe discusses a frum party running in the WZO. Rav Dovid Feinstein was said to have supported voting for Eretz Hakodesh when he was still alive. Even if that isn't true, neither of Rav Moshes sons have joined the public opposition to voting for it

    4. There is joining and there is joining. Rav Gifter once wrote an article in The Jewish Observer to answer the YU argument that there are pictures of the Brisker Rav sitting with the heads of secular (some of them anti-frum)Jewish groups in Brisk for joint needs and causes so it must be OK to join with them on the SCA. The distinctions Rav Gifter made about why joining the SCA is still a problem would not be true about voting in the WZO

  2. R Eli Stefansky said on todays MDY shiur that every gadol they spoke said it’s a mitzvah to vote and all the gedolim are for voting except for Satmar and a couple of anti Zionist Roshei Yeshiva

    1. Oh wow a new gadol on the block that just dissed
      Rav Dov Landau
      Rav Aaron Feldman
      Rav Moshe Sternbuch
      Rav Malkiel Kotler and all Lakewood Roshei yeshiva
      But He knows better because MDY
      Is making some $$$$$
      Some chutzpah ..
      Oh but he's entitled to his opinion because he's the biggest magid shiur...

    2. 6:31 believes that daas Torah is only entitled to those who have a long beard.


    3. He was literally repeating the prepared talking points given by the eretz Hakodesh marketing campaign firm
      All these new videos of balei batim parroting the same prepared remarks
      Just like the democrats do.
      He should have said this is above my pay grade instead he dismissed all gedoleo yisroel since the founding of Agudah

    4. 6:38
      Are you implying that giving a daf yomi shiur is enough for someone to have Daas Torah?

    5. 8:15

      are you implying that having a yeshiva is enough for someone to have daas torah?

  3. He seems to have never studied Aguda's founding mission. Probably not the only one, but why publicize ignorance.?

  4. @6:38 he can grow a beard it won't change the metzius.
    He is not a recognized leader in Klal yisroel .please stop with this nonsense

    1. That's right. Only those who control political parties are gedolim.

  5. Who’s the marketing firm pushing this campaign?

    1. Fwd new york city

    2. Oh interesting. Makes sense why the marketing at least looks good - they do nice stuff.

      Hope the politics don’t hurt his business..

    3. They are very good, they've run many very successful campaigns.

  6. Some of the names who supported voting in WZO:
    Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Rav Gershon Edelstein 5 years ago (and what has changed since then) Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky, Rav Brudny, Mir Yerushalayim, RAV Gurwitz Gateshead, Rav Yitzchok Berkowitz and more

    1. Rav Hillel David and Rav Dovid Feinstein zatzal supported voting as well

    2. Not so true, but who cares.

    3. שקר וכזב
      Rav Hillel David signed against it

    4. Vote for Aish Haam, Rav Yitzchock Berkowitz party slate for Aish Hatorah they are competition to Eretz Hakodesh

    5. 9:40 Rav Hillel David Shita told me personally to vote. Show your letter

    6. Aish & their representatives have a shoddy record on many things.Their website is disgusting center lefty modox with bare disguise,if at all.
      They're surely less kosher than Eretz H

  7. Rav Berel Pravalsky wrote a letter in favor of it.

  8. Many Israeli Yeshivos have been compromised by receiving money from eretz hakodesh in indirect ways by now they have neguus and will not say a word against joining

    Several family members of frum chavrei Knesset have lucrative jobs working for eretz hakodesh they are paid and bought off

    1. The old Satmar ta'anah.

      All Israeli Gedolim have negi'us, only outsiders can make decisions about them.

    2. Even if they are on the right side, do you really think the guys running around getting signatures against Eretz Hakdosh and putting out anonymous booklets (that also ask for donations) are such Tzadikim with no motivation other than Kovod Shomyim?

  9. Just like in many other 'shitos' there are gedolim one and gedolim the other way. The general populace dont appreciate the kanois on all matters relatyed to 'Israel'.

  10. This is all above my paygrade, so I won't comment.

  11. It's a chutzpah for the degel hatorah party and all low level rabbis to publicly ignore their leader Rav Dov Landau shlita

    What a kit rug on klal yisroel that askanim and rabbonim totally spit their leader in the face .
    The same people who preach daas Torah ignore it when it helps them financially
    Those promoting this scam are putting klal yisroel in a serious Sakana. They are causing a midas hadin

  12. My cousin who has some involvement with politics in Israel was together with a couple of secular leaning dati politicos-who were very pleased that so many charedim are opposed to supporting Eretz H slate.They were afraid EH would continue to accomplish the good

    1. My cousin who has some involvement with politics in Israel was together with a couple of secular leaning dati politicos-who were very pleased that some charedim supporting Eretz H slate.They were afraid the yeshivos would defeat their remake of Judaism

    2. Disingenuous Baloney.Shall we each give our cousins names?

  13. The WZO's databases will be leaked, revealing the names and addresses of the voters. We’ll be able to see on Google who the Zionists are that ignore the gedolei hador, ensuring we know whom to avoid for shidduchim.
