Saturday, March 8, 2025

Motzei Shabbos Tezaveh News Updates

Weather: Tonight low of 27° Clear skies. 
Tomorrow 55 and windy

-Reminder Spring Forward: Daylight Saving Time begins Tonight at 2:00am 

- Tehillim: Hagon HaRav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita was taken to ahospital on Shabbos, name is  Shmuel ben Itta Ettel

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Miriam Schechter A”H
 wife of Ybl"c Rabbi Aryeh Schechter Shlita, at the age of 69 after she  collapsed suddenly a few weeks ago while at work in a daycare in Lakewood. Originally  from Brooklyn known as decades, Morah Miriam was a cherished preschool teacher at Bais Yaakov D’Rav Meir, levaya tonight 12am at the Lakewood chapel.

- Melava Malka Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud Lakewood Parlor meeting at yeshiva Ohr Torah 

- BDE: Petirah Rav Zev Berlin ZTL R"Y of Gaon Yaakov in E"Y  early this morning. He was 83,a son in law of Rav Shteinman ztl

BDE: Petirah of Rabbi Nota Schiller ZTL, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ohr Sameach and a founder of the Teshuva movement, passed away Friday night at Shaare Tzedek Hospital in Israel at the age of 88 after a short illness. Born in 1937 in Brooklyn, he was a key figure in founding Shma Yisrael Yeshiva in 1972, which later became Ohr Sameach. Levaya took place tonight at ohr sameach.
- Over Shabbos, multiple large brush fires erupted across Long Island, New York, particularly near the Hamptons and along Sunrise Highway. The fires, driven by strong winds and low humidity, led to significant smoke plumes visible from as far as Connecticut. A state of emergency was declared by Governor Kathy Hochul, resulting in road closures, evacuations, and a major emergency response involving at least 20 fire companies and aviation support.


  1. Looks like Eretz Hakodesh went on a full blast marketing campaign in the frum papers
    all besides the Yated, Kudos to them for holding strong against this pirtzah a shame that right after Rav Dov Landaus letter against WZO, the frum weeklies run these ads

    1. It's a shame that some still call them Frum

    2. Such a shame that people can't accept that some things are subject to a machlokes. Why do we need uniformity? Reb Chaim held to vote, Reb Avraham Gurwitz still holds like that. What is the purpose in following one side?

    3. Can the people who became talmidim of Rav Gurwitz Shlita name a single other issue where they even know his opinion, let alone actually follow him? The point is that one can always find a source for almost anything. However, there is a generally accepted mesorah in many things. And the people quoting Rav Kanievsky Zatzal, even assuming that he said what is being said in his name, do these people follow him? Need I mention specific shitos of his...?

    4. This is not a 2 sided machlokes it is going against an established psak from all gedolim since the Chofetz Chaim all the way up-to this dor including Rav Elyashiv. As for Reb Chaim Kanievsky, his support was never made public and Rav Aaron Feldman shlita checked with the family and disputes what was said in Reb Chaims Name.
      No Gadol in America has signed any public letter in support of eretz hakodesh. Rav Dov Landau the leader of Degel Hatorah wrote a current letter against voting or joining.
      As for Rav Avrohom Gurwitz he is in England and a daas yochid.
      To override something that gedolei yisroel of yesteryear and today stood against takes more than a few people,right now Rov gedolei yisroel are opposed to this.

    5. if Rav Chaim held to vote then how come the Israeli political parties GIVE UP their seats for the enemies? HUH?

    6. Rav Chaim Kanievski encouraged marrying at halachic age, long jackets, payos in front of ears, brim up, no electricity in EY on Shabbos, protesting against the Israeli zionist government, boz yavuzoo lo on chardak soldiers, no wristwatch.
      And much more , he authored a sefer Orchos Yosher, all this very clearly, in his healthy and independent years and stages.

    7. And the az panim is back, claiming that Reb Chaim had 'independent' years and stages.
      The cynical people, who don't trust any Gedolei Yisroel to decide any public matters, are those behind the anti-Eretz Hakodesh campaign.

    8. It was Rav Chaim own sons who claimed so in a din Torah over the yerusha

    9. For you to only quote Rav Chaim when you think he is saying something you like is wor see than azponim.
      To deny that he had different health and gaboim hours and years is almost cynical

    10. The people who trust all the gedolei yisroel from all the years, stages and generations seem to be behind the pro-jewish anti-reform-wzo "campaign".

    11. Looks like even the Yated couldn't hold out. They just sent the Eretz Hakodesh ad to their email list.

  2. I thought bais hatalmud closed

  3. Why are there cones on central ave near valley?? There's no work dlbeing done all it's doing is causing traffic??? Friday was a disaster again. Where are lichtenstein miller coles and the other cronies in this town??? DO YOYUR JOBS!!! Ur getting paid by us!!!

    1. Careful what you wish. If they actually do some work for the public they will probably want another raise.

  4. Why don't you move and remove those cones causing traffic????

  5. Any news from adirei shabbaton

  6. R Dov Shwartzmans?

  7. Eretz hakodesh has unlimited funds for this marketing campaign throwing millions to the frum media and watsapp channels with videos by balei batim convincing you to just vote without even acknowledging the opposition of gedolei yisroel. This is the new reality were mky sparks and watsapp are now the new gedolim pushing foreign hashkafos on klal yisroel

    1. I didn’t decide if I will vote or not but very few groups ever acknowledge what the opponents are saying in their propaganda. The opponents of Eretz Hakodesh don’t acknowledge the tremendous damage the reform movement will cause if they win. Or flat out lie and claim there is no difference whether Eretz Hakdosh or the Reform parties do well in the elections. I don’t believe that those who ran around collecting signatures against Eretz Hakodosh explained to the Rabbonim they were asking for signatures from the danger the Reform movement poses if they win the elections.

    2. Rav Dov Landau is BH alive and very well aware of this so called reform threat yet he signed against joining WZO this month. So much for your claims
      Stop with this reform thing to justify joining Eretz Hakodesh, the same issues have always been around and actually have been dealt with in the knesset

    3. I can think of many differences between today and years ago when it comes to this issue. They may not mean you should vote for Eretz Hakodosh but someone who does not know let alone understand the differences doesn't know what he is talking about. I'll just say this. In the 1950s the frum world could not have changed anything by voting en masse in the WZO. Today they can

    4. Anon 2:11
      Again Rav Dov Landau shlita in 2025 said NO despite the Reform threat
      Do you know better??

    5. I don’t disagree that Rav Dov Landua says not to vote in the WZO election. I’m unconvinced that the Gedoley Hatorah who said many decades ago not to vote in the WZO would say the same thing today given the different circumstances.

  8. Just seeing how much money is being spent on PR should discourage anyone doing for money.

    1. I have a similar question.
      Who is paying for the campaign against Eretz Hakodesh? Who pays for the silly pamphlets, and BT-style kanna'us? Who pays for the colorful signs and slick PR campaign to persuade people not to join and vote? Whose interest is this?

    2. Really???
      Is this a Purim joke?

    3. The reform movement certainly has in its bests interest the promote the anti Eretz Hakodosh pamphlets. Don't be so sure they aren't contributing like the pamphlet asks of those reading it to do

    4. Some simple jews, some might even be BT, but will follow Daas Torah, and publicize. בכל מאודך .
      Are they claiming to do anything for funding or other silliness?
      Plain trying to be like the old fashioned jew that tries to do what's right, even might look slick . .

    5. The reform influenced the Chofetz Chaim, Reb Elchonon, Reb Reuven, Rav Elyashiv, and all the rest. Afra lpumei. R"l.
      But dare to think the reform or zionists influenced those promoting it, even to just sit together with them.
      Please see igros moshe regarding the above

    6. Red herring.As they themselves stated for other similar issues,stop being a broken record & fighting the old past Frontline

  9. Is this the Rav Shechter the Sofer from Boro Park?

  10. "The reform movement certainly has in its bests interest the promote the anti Eretz Hakodosh pamphlets. Don't be so sure they aren't contributing"
    That was my suspicion as well

  11. The disregard of chachmei HaTorah by the eretz hakodeshniks is all you need to know about the people running this campaign Feh to them gaavah and sinas haTorah and Yahaudus disguised in the mask of fighting the reform

    1. More proof for 8:27

    2. Indeed.There's some anecdotal evidence

  12. It's funny to read these comments.
    American Yankee Doodles, who have their minds stuffed with Yated and Dr. Seuss, get their frum jollies by piously whining about something that costs them nothing, has nothing to do with their lives, and won't advance anything - ruchniyus or gashmiyus.
    Go back and watch a ball game. Or don't and be yotze your frummies that way.

    Some of us did not discover Judasim last week, and are not looking for a way to reconstruct our own pasts.


    1. hmm..which topic now?
      BTW what's your background,anon?We'll show your clay feet

  13. In the section titled 'gedolim' on eretz hakodesh website, they have pictures of their heads meeting a few gedolim at their homes on yom tov, without captions, or letter from those gedolim. Anyone can get a picture with a godol, it's meaningless, and if this is the best they can do, they have no haskamos.

    1. The EH crowd weren't cronies like the anti-Eretz H crowd. So it likely stands out as representative.
      Besides for the anti-EH crowd such photo stuff is just their regular afternoon lunch

  14. Aish Hatorah is running its own slate, so Eretz Hakodesh is just meeting the competition.

    By the way, this week is the opening of voting.
