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- DWD final pre Yom Tov sale this Wednesday march 26 at Bnos Orchos Chaim 440 Oberlin south 5-8:00 selling children's shabbos shoes hosiery for men ladies kids pajamas Stretchies yarmulkas mens and boys white shirts boys performance tees all at wholesale prices
- Rav Dov Lando said at the meeting a few days ago with the gerrer rebbe that from his perspective, the frum parties should leave and bring down the government and but Yeshiva Rosh HaGad Hirsch's position is to wait with the decision on this "I would order the members of Knesset to resign now," but I have a partner (Rav Moshe HIllel and his opinion that we should still wait with the decision on this,
- BDE:Petirah of Rav Yaakov Geshon Weiss ZTL of Bayit Vegan mechaber sefer מדות ומשקלות של תורה He was 87. A Talmid of Rav Aharon Kotler Rav Moshe Feinstein and Rav YIsroel Zev Gustman. The Levaya took place tonight at the Gra shul in Bayit Vegan
- With no other Assembly candidates filing in New Jersey's 30th Legislative District, it is almost certain that there will be a general election rematch between Democratic Assemblyman Avi Schnall and former Republican Assemblyman Ned Thomson.(SSchorr)
- Knesset passed the 2025 budget Tuesday, avoiding new elections.
- Pesach in the air with services advertised on street signs from shaimos car cleaning to kashering and more
- Bingo pesach sale deadline is today
- Unprecedented requests this year for kimcha D'Pischa for tzedakah organizations as inflation and food prices remain high
- As expected corruption at the WZO how they are rigging it to favor the reform..
Rabbi Pini Dunner of LA wrote that world mizrachi joined a secret pre election deal with left wing and anti orthodox groups to seek control of the WZO they betrayed religious zionism This was a stitch-up to block Orthodox voices and rig the system. No Religious Zionist Should Trust Mizrachi Again They signed with Reform, Meretz, and JStreet types BEFORE elections. No such agreement has ever been signed in WZO history. Ever!
- Tulsi Gabbard: "There was no classified materials that was shared in that Signal chat."
- Moetzes of Aguda releasing a letter regarding WZO elections
- A fake lion was seen roaming the parking lot at Gourmet Glatt north as part of a advertising movies shoot.
- Alexander rebbe shlita of Bnei Brak will be coming to Lakewood today
Giyus: Sefardi rabbonim will hold a mass protest this Thursday expecting over 40,00 to join at the Shmuel hanavie and yechezkel intersection in Yerushalayim
- Shiva fior rebbetzin Strulowits at 411 8th street
- shiva for Kosson Rebbetzin Oak and Vine at 55 Bradhurst(Corrected)
- After reports of security officials for President Donald Trump, including his defense secretary, texted war plans for upcoming military strikes in Yemen to a group chat in a secure messaging app White House officials to Axios estimate that the storm of intelligence leaks at the private group will subside - and that National Security Advisor Mike Waltz will not be fired and will remain in his position Trump said “Michael Waltz has learned a lesson, and he’s a good man,”
-A new bill introduced by New Jersey state Senator and 2025 Republican gubernatorial candidate JonBramnick would allow gas stations in the state to offer a self-serve option for motorists who choose to do so. New Jersey remains the only state in the country to ban self-serve.(Onejerseyschorr)
- For the second time in a week, New Jersey lawmakers pushed forward legislation aimed at increasing school bus safety for students with disabilities. It would create a panel of parents, educators, state officials and advocates who will have one year to examine a system that disability groups say is failing New Jersey students and to come up with recommendations for improvements. The vote follows a trio of deaths and other safety complaints involving special-education students commuting to and from school in New Jersey, and it comes a week after a Senate committee advanced a separate measure to require video cameras and GPS tracking on buses that transport disabled students.
Check out The Saving Scoop! Great Pesach deals! ...and many other items!
ReplyDeleteAfter the flop of the vinnews editorial, the same clowns now try another approach taking advantage of a tragedy and promoting alternative leadership for Lakewood.
So the man with the crooked hat is what they seek. With circular reasoning, secret psakim, and bullying we can work it all out.
DeleteWhat else is on the list?
Today's special פסולי יוחסין at a discounted rate.
DeleteJCN post on LinkedIn double down on marketing for eretz hakodesh on platforms such as Matzav
ReplyDeleteOur agency has created extensive materials for the critical May 4th election. I personally discussed this work with Rabbonim who confirmed it's appropriate for us to undertake.
What concerns me deeply is the lack of free discussion. This isn't about marketing something anti-Torah - it's about allowing our religious leaders to give their honest guidance without fear.
Currently, our Rabbonim and leaders feel bullied and threatened for sharing their perspectives.
Whether to vote or not is a question for Daas Torah, and every Rav should feel safe to honestly advise their Kehilla.
Isn't it telling that we're only hearing staunch anti-Eretz Hakodesh voices?
The silence from others is deafening and reveals the dynamics at play.
As Klal Yisroel, we must protect Eretz Yisroel's Kedusha while respecting that major Gedolim stand on both sides of this issue.
For those who are voting in the election, vote for slate #11, so that you can be a critical part in protecting Kedusha, and protecting our children and the future of what E"Y looks like.
Wow this is the new daas Torah coming from the ezras nashim
DeleteThe same clowns who advertised the Holy chutzpah campaign against yeshivos in Israel
The same group that's kashering Josh Gottheimer to frum voters covering up all his LGBT and woke legislation.
This is the churban the roshei yeshiva are calling out.
I agree with her. She should not be harassed that’s not yoddishkeit it’s cult like behavior.
DeleteWhich Rabbonim? What rabbonim? Oh right, the anonymous rabbonim who supposedly are being bullied. Yeah right, sell your fake story to someone else.
Delete"personally discussed this work with Rabbonim" stop right there, you fake phony fraud. It's about $$$$ and nothing more.
DeleteLet's step back for a second and appreciate the great marketing in this post, they take what's becoming a marketing disaster, and try to flip it into be reason to vote.
DeleteDon't fall for it.
Its not fake Rabbonim - If you would just be honest and say we have a different opinion people may actually listen to you - people don't fall for the denial tactic - well it worked great for Trump so maybe...
DeleteThe Chofetz Chaim's sefer didn't have his name. Now he is known as The Chofetz Chaim,
DeleteMy Rabbonim allow it, trust me.
DeleteJoke all you want, but the anti Eretz Hakodesh mafia is out in full force
I am actually gonna vote for other slates just to out weigh EH in WZO
DeleteEretz Yisroel is a holy land - it is kadosh. Always was, always will be. No one can ever change that. No matter what. It is Eretz Hakodesh!
ReplyDeleteFunny how reform is trying to stop eretz hakodesh who accomplishes nothing anyway.
ReplyDelete+ 100
DeleteWhy shouldn't they keep the concert funds to themselves?
DeleteYou totally contradict yourself. If reform is trying to stop EH, that is the biggest proof that EH is accomplishing
DeleteIt proves that the heter of joining the awZO based on this excuse of fighting the reform is faulty and naive as the reform and reshaim will rig it in their favor. This is exactly what the gedolim have been saying for 100 years
I voted for Eretz Hakodesh last time around. Unfortunately, due to the tremendous amount of bizuy Talmidei Chachamim directed at the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva from those aligned with the Eretz Hakodesh camp, I will not be voting this time around, regardless of the possible merits of voting. One may have a difference of opinion, but there is no excuse for denigrating Talmidei Chachamim.
ReplyDeleteMay klal yisroel merit to see the day when all those with good intentions carry them out in a way that makes Hashem proud.
calling one side amlek is not a bizayon?
DeleteWho keeps harping on this amalek business? Nobody called any individuals amalek. All that was said is that the midda of amalek is to be rofu yidaihem min hatorah and that is what is happening here. Every Rosh Yeshiva has a right (probably an obligation) to lead his tzibbur in the way that he feels is the correct mihalech al pi torah. The Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva have not called out any individuals, rather, they have expressed what their opinions on this issue are.
DeleteThe leaders of Eretz Hakodesh deserve tremendous credit for being N’elovim V’aonom Olvim, Shoimim cherpesom V’ainom mashivim… Halevei everyone would act that way.
DeleteNo. It's not a bizayon to call them what they are. And nobody called the other side in the voting discussion amalek. They called the people in wzo amalek. Big difference. One side says they are amalek. The other so-called side says they are amalek but if we work with them we can siphon their money to good causes.
Deleteשב ואל תעשה עדיף
DeleteThere is no excuse to refer to Rabbanim who are pro Eretz Hakodesh that they are eirev rav
DeleteAnon 11:40
DeleteAre you kidding???
This campaign has caused machlokes in America and unleashed great bizuy talmidei chachomin against the Lakewood bnei Torah and roshei yeshiva
Stop playing tzadik with lies about השומעים חרפתם יאינם עונים
This whole campaign is deceitful
Reb Elchonon writes he is not coming to bless or to curse just saying the words of The Torah, ולא תקיא הארץ...
DeleteThe Chazon Ish showed the gemara here it says: if you do this, this will happen
אני מתיר את בשרכם כצבאות וכאילות השדה
I’m mekabel on myself bl’n not to say anything else about this issue until after the election. Talking about it online is not bringing out the good in me or anyone else I see here
DeleteThe misrepresentation of the use of amalek is the same as what happened in westgate
DeleteSitting idly by is just as bad as es tut vey shreit men
DeleteYou think there was bizuy talmidei chachamim, because you heard their speeches and in your mind they were a bizayon.
DeleteNobody was mevazeh them.
Yup, it's mind boggling that of all klal yisroels problems, the kannoim are so busy with such a non starter. No one, I repeat, no one is giving up their Torah true ideology and becoming a Zionist by making a few clicks on website
ReplyDeleteNebach you don't see the churban that the gedolim see.
DeleteThe frum marketing companies have slowly pushed their warped haahkafos across their platforms and have done what Amalek did to cool down all the bad things and saying it's not too bad
No one is become a goy by once eating a cheese burger
DeleteYour right, your mind needs unboggling, maybe you need to step away for a mental health break.
DeleteI went to the reform website and saw what they are accomplishing through WZO - check it out
Deletethats how the Zionists get people,
Delete" a few clikcks" and then shabbos is forbidden, yeshivas are closed down. that is the goal of the Zionists
DeleteAnd you fail to see the churban being done to Jewish souls by the amaleki reformists.
Vote Eretz Hakodesh to diminish the terrible churban being done to klal yisroel by the evil reformers
Exactly 11:07
ReplyDeleteNo one is becoming a kofer because once in 5 years they clicked on eretz hakodesh
It is in itself an act of kefira.
DeleteNo one is becoming a goy because once in 5 years they ate shrimp.
DeleteNot it's not. No one is interested in them or wanting to do anything with them. It's just a technicality that one has to click on something to enable us to diminish their power
DeleteIf I'm kill my attacker am I oiver on lo saarog? No. But didn't I kill someone? Same here. Muktza tzoirech mkomo is muttar
Not it's not. No one is interested in them or wanting to do anything with them. It's just a technicality that one has to click on something to enable us to diminish their power
DeleteIf I'm kill my attacker am I oiver on lo saarog? No. But didn't I kill someone? Same here. Muktza tzoirech mkomo is muttar
12:40 is clearly a very big talmud choochem
DeleteHe has changed my views on the topic entirely
What's לא תרוג? You're just an am haaretz spreading your brilliant ameratzos.
DeleteYour comment is muktzeh machmas mi'us.
Killing someone doesn't necessarily make me a murderer
DeleteVoting for Eretz Hakodesh doesn't make me a Zionist and kofer
Is this sale really cheaper than the regular Bingo sales?
ReplyDeleteSpoke to someone in EY he said this whole thing with reform is baloney its all about the money. They never had access to the wzo funds and now they have their hands in the cookie jar.
ReplyDeleteSome yeshivos took money for other non learning programs.
False.E H ain't getting much at all.
DeleteBut they need to claim like that, in order to perk up the aimless public who can't grasp getting out there for too much else aka you guys
I don't believe Pinni Dunner, and the story doesn't really make sense.
ReplyDeleteBut we should certainly make sure to dilute the reform movement's influence on life in Eretz Yisroel.
DeleteIndeed.SO that answer is WORSE than anything about E H
DeleteOk enough already to all the baby commenter's before me.
ReplyDeleteWe lost a prince today with the passing of rav yg weiss. I believe he was close to rav sz aurebach z'l as well. A huge talmid chacham. Bde
Bingo sale extended till 4/10
ReplyDeleteAs per email, sale is till 4/1. Not 4/10. Not yet at least...