Weather: 63° Mostly cloudy skies with a few showers this afternoon. Chance of rain 30%. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.
-Trump: We are actively monitoring the severe tornadoes and storms that have impacted many States across the South and Midwest — 36 innocent lives have been lost, and many more devastated. The National Guard have been deployed to Arkansas, and my Administration is ready to assist State and Local Officials, as they help their communities to try and recover from the damage. Please join Melania and me in praying for everyone impacted by these terrible storms
- Assemblyman Avi Schnall called to ban electric scooters. Following a accident earlier today. Interestingly there's been no newsflash about the monthly 500 car accidents in Lakewood sending tens of people to hospital daily with broken bones. T
- Minhag Yeahiva BMG to say tachnun today even though it's Purim D"Mukafin in EY and they are eating seudas Purim.
- Purim in Yerushalayim today heavy traffic reported getting into the city. Reports of some police activity in the bais Yisroel neighborhood due to parry with revelers that got out of control.
שלשים יום קודם החג
Stores roll out Pesach products as shopping for yom tov begins. XL eggs on sale @Nutmeg $4.49
- Schools and yeshivos off today, local meighborhood shuls host yeshivas Mordechai hatzadik learning programs
- Trump: The person who was the real President during the Biden years was the person who controlled the Autopen!
- MDY daf yomi opening a heshiva6in EY for bochurim to learn the daf B"iyun
- BDE: Petirah of Rav Eliyihu Shain ZTL at age 99 originally from Brooklyn/EY levaya in Lakewood this morning with kevurah in EY. His wife worked for many years in Bais Yaakov of Boro Park. Daughter Mrs. Chaya Rivka Rabinowitz (wife of Reb Mendel Z”L), Mrs. Gnesha Tauber, R’ Shimon Shain, Mrs. Miriam Bender (wife of R’ Paltiel), Mrs. Penina Lewanoni (wife of R’ Avrhom Moshe), Rebbetzin Chana Rochel Platnick (wife of R’ Meir), R’ Yisroel Meir Shain (Monsey), and Mrs. Shulamis Klang (Kiryat Sefer).
More information on the new yeshiva please
See R'Eli Stefansky's shiur on Sanhedrin 82
DeleteThe talmidim will meshadech with the young women learning at [Hadran]( (Daf Yomi for Women).
DeleteAvi was elected for free tuition how's that going on.
ReplyDeletePlease stop distracting us with fake PR articles about safety and other republican talking points
What is 'purim demukafin in EY'? Never heard of it.
ReplyDeleteSome cities have Purim Seudos today. Nothing to do with Eretz Yisroel. In Shushan, which is certainly not EY, they also have a Purim Seudah today.
Was Shushan mukafin from the times of Yehoshua?
DeleteAm haaretz.Explicitly discussed
DeleteThe chasidim wear bigdei shabbos today shtreimel bekitche and vasseh zuken while the litvaks say tachnun
ReplyDeleteTwo worlds
This is a new 'minhag'. In Europe nobody heard of it.
DeleteChassidim make up stuff and call it a minhag. Like fressing on random yohrtzeits.
Shtreimel all year long was not any minhag in the alte heim.
DeleteMoshe Rabbenu didn't wear. Aharon Cohen Gadol did not wear.
Schnall had a full year and a half to tackle the scooter situation but like all politicians it's l about his reelection campaign suddenly pretending to care about things that have been around for a while because his marketers tell him to look good and bring up these made up issues
Rav Edelstein, Landau and many more forbid it already
DeleteFunny how the media that ignored Rav Dov Landau on WZO
ReplyDeleteWill suddenly push his name for the shidduch crisis forcing boys to go early and girls to wait.
They will scream daas Torah of Rav Dov Landau
Selective daasTorah by the trashy filthy frum fake media
They have been doing this for decades, (if not longer,) to all of their Gedolim.
DeleteFunny how when it comes to the WZO people here scream Daas Torah! When it comes to Schnall no one here gives a hoot about it. Just remember that we were strongly told by a member of the Moetzes that every single member of the Moetzes and other Gedolim felt Schnall should run. He also said that Schnall won't make a move without Daas Torah. etc.
DeleteNo shaychus schnall to wzo
DeleteFirst of all a moetzes member in Cleveland Chicago Brooklyn or Philly has no right to tell a Taxpayer in Lakewood who to vote for when it effects his legal rights that he pays taxes to.
Second they are just pointing out the hypocrisy from the same ppl who yelled daas Torah by schnall totally ignore the big daas Torah of Rav Dov Landau shlita
Taxes ends DT. Goes to show.How ridiculous.
DeleteToday's foolish looking spiked top shtriemals ARE bigdey PURIM !!! Lol
ReplyDeleteENOUGH WITH THE DAILY BASHING OF EVERYONE WHO ISN’T EXACTLY LIKE YOU! Stop bashing the chassidim. Live and let live. How can you say every day, אחכה לו בכל יום שיבוא, if you are actively preventing משיח from coming, with your שנאת חינם? And btw I’m not chassidish!
Deletemaybe you are preventing moshiach from coming by bashing commentors on the internet who post comments that you don't like. why do you have sinas chinam for people who don't like how the new shtreimels look?
DeleteAnd they laugh at the stained shirt and dusty hat - Nu Nu
DeleteI’m the one who made the comment of אחכה לו etc. I just want to clarify that what bothers me it’s not the bashing of the way they dress, etc. It’s the bashing of the Chassidim in general.
DeleteI’m the one who made the comment about the dusty hat and shirt
DeleteAgree with you. So annoying to see other yidden be bashed.
DeleteReally?! Ever spent a spell with chassidim in their own community?! They're ALWAYS bashing others!That gives them & THEIR children their identity! Whether or not you like it IT WORKS !!
DeleteLive and let live -ain't a Jewish concept at all.
ReplyDeleteThe very fact that we can fulfill an obligation for somebody eg make Havdalah & Kiddush,is premised on arvus.
That is,since we must be responsible for them & carry their obligations amidst our own. & bear consequences for their misdeeds. Or reprove them.
Bashing their shtreimel vs fulfilling their obligation for kiddush or brachos is two diff things.
Deletenope, it's the same thing