The Eretz Hakodesh election campaign has seemingly sparked a full-blown Lakewood bashing frenzy, with widespread disrespect toward talmidei chachomim, Torah scholars, mocking of Lakewood kollel yungelait, and ridiculing their way of life. The anonymous editorial posted on VIN generated hundreds of comments, many of which cheered on the vitriol.
This hate and animosity are coming from outsiders who have never lived in Lakewood and clearly don’t understand the reality of life here. The comments are nothing but baseless attacks on the entire Lakewood community, from those who are ignorant and clearly don’t understand the situation. Yet another Lakewood-bashing article, to add to the collection.
If things were bad five years ago with the erwtz hakodesh campaign, this time the election marketing campaigns have once again stirred up divisiveness, shoving it in the faces of those who want no part in this election. The true face of the frum media has shamefully revealed itself.
And to answer the big questions of why this is so important over all issues affecting Lakewood
How about they give the same answer why is this campaign so important by ignoring all those very issues and get ripping apart a community.
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ReplyDeleteThe original article was taken down because of the Lakewood mafia
DeleteLol, go blame Lakewood mafia for all your mental problems. Article was taken down because it was too horrible even for vinnews. Article was nothing more than a demented persons ranting and raving, no tochen just rambling. Someone on vinnews jumped too fast to postbthis garbage and quickly regretted it, so they asked puppet hoffman to call it out, all choreographed theatrics.
ReplyDeleteThe Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva called Eretz Hakodesh voters Amaleik and Eruv Rav!
I am not sure how you expected people to react.
Nobody is talking about the voters. This is something which has already been decided by the Gedolim of previous generations.
DeleteThe thing is that they also called people who didn't vote for Murphy the second time around the same names as well as people who wouldn't vote for Schnall
DeleteThe current living gedolei yisroel and roshe yeshiva quoted the previous gedolim.
DeleteMy filter blocks VIN so I have no idea what was written there but in this situation it's not like everyone in Lakewood was just minding their own business and all of the sudden someone decided to viciously attack them.
ReplyDeleteThere w was a fellow who attacked Judaism and the lakewood Jewish community in particular with many unfiltered ads
DeleteThe Teaneck YU crowd doesn't understand us
ReplyDeleteThey feel the same way about us
DeleteAs a Lakewood resident, I strongly disagree with this narrative. The Eretz Hakodesh campaign isn’t about hate—it’s about giving a voice to our community’s values and ensuring our representation reflects our way of life. Painting it as an attack ignores the real issues we face and the right to advocate for our beliefs. The rhetoric here feels more divisive than the campaign itself. Let’s focus on understanding each other instead of fueling more division.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to add that you are a paid troll by the EH marketing group.
DeleteNo one believes you.
Doubtful he is .But you're by contrast are a troll for anti voting pelegniks
DeleteTha campaign was against the gedolim, daas Torah of all generations, and the lakewood Torah community.
DeleteThey tried a fictional narrative of fighting the reform and taking money from them. Which is all in all no excuse.
Eretz Hakodesh is at fault they over marketed in Lakewood poking and provoking the community. The billboards blasting the ads just fueled the fire even more.
ReplyDeleteEretz hakodesh ignited this machlokes shame on them
Plenty of Lakewood people turned off don't be naive
ReplyDeleteIsn't VIN partially owned by YWN that will explain alot
ReplyDeleteYair Hoffmans apology is too little too late after 200 comments he pulled it when he was called on behalf of roshei yeshiva
ReplyDeleteJust disgusting
What apology) can someone pls fill me in
DeleteFake anonymous letter to vin was written someone who hates the Lakewood leadership, and the tragic incident this past week was just an excuse to attack. To be more specific, it's a group of people all talmidim of בלעם הרשע. Who they are is known, their agenda is known their hate for bmg is well known. They think their so-called open mind brand of charedey Judaism is far superior. They don't believe in live and let live, and have recently been on attack against bmg and anyone associated with this holy makom Torah.
ReplyDeleteWhen you call people Amalek they usually don't appreciate it
ReplyDeleteNeither do the ppl who are getting attacked by amalek
DeleteIf it's the Torah calling them amalek, they one option, to convert.
DeleteI have been a longtime reader of hefkervelt. I am very disappointed in the hate coming from this platform against Eretz Hakodesh. There can be difference of opinions and this issue is not worth dividing Klal yisrael on. Asmart person know when one side says there is no other side there usually is. Take a trip down history lane. Vote or don’t but please tone down the rhetoric.
ReplyDeleteThere are no 2 sides it’s plain and simple assur
DeleteNo one has a dayah that it’s assur to vote that’s like saying Reb Moshe shitah was you can’t eat chazer it’s the Torah that says hischabrus is not allowed and attesting to apikorses is a no no stop hiding Zionist ideas under some guise of 2 dayahs
Sorry don't start up and expect not to be beaten back.
DeleteEretz Hakodesh new better than to target lakewood they are desperate for votes since Aish opened a competition to them
As Rav Feldman explained they are trying to legitimize zionisim to the charedi frum world in America with a million dollar marketing campaign
Sorry pal next time don't come and try to change our ways by pushing Kefira on our faces.
And to those rabbonim in the US that support it let them do so publicly without playing games and hiding if they expect others to sign the Jerusalem proclamation let them sign too
Of course there are two sides, one side is harav feldman shlita and the on other side is mr stefansky
DeleteI must say it a bit more nuanced than straight up trief hence the chalukay dais. If it was so clear cut you wouldn’t have to attack the other side so vehemently. Point is everyone should follow their rav or Rosh yeshiva. Attacking others that follow at different path (yes their rabbonim are telling them differently without taking it to the streets) only accomplishes hatred and you increasing your blood pressure.
DeleteHow is it more nuanced? Every peak needs a reason We know the reason why it’s been assur for the last 130 years but I have yet to see a reason produced by any rabbi rav or r”y as to what the heter is? If you have a teshuvah please provide
DeletePluralism is incorrect.If their RY is violating what you consider to be basic fundamentals, there isn't any basis to just tolerate different approaches
DeleteTheodore Herzl had an opinion here too. TWO
To take government stipends is ok but to vote in WZO elections so that $$$ is channeled to yeshivos is not ok? Please explain the difference. The government of Israel is Zionist also
ReplyDeleteReb reuven in bayos hazman provides the heyer for voting in he government
DeleteI can't wait for the fake outrage article about tonight's protest.
ReplyDeleteA bunch of low-level, sick chaleria, bored bachurim shouting past 11 pm and waking up all the neighborhood children.. disturbing the peace for many mishpachos and causing a massive chillul shem shamayim. They're all asidim liten es hadin!
DeleteThey feel it is a Sakana ruchniyus spewing this Kefira off the billboards into innocent local children exposing them to this. They are standing up for kavod shamayim and have a right to voice their opposition of they feel it is offensive. Somehow The Eretzniks can't tolerate being called out. This us standard Leftist behavior they could give but can't take.
DeleteSo if you 'feel' you can do whatever you want.
Deleteנורא נוראות!
What a world we inhabit, where איש הישר בעיניו יעשה.
Children 'voicing their opposition' is a danger of its own class, even if the opinion was correct and the undisputed da'as Torah of all Gedolim. Which, in this case, it certainly isn't.
Putting aside your personal beliefs on this subject when you call people Amalek (1)you are guaranteed that they won’t listen to you (2)they will probably hate you (3)you made the issue into an us against them issue. According to Rabbi Yehuda Jacobs and other talmidim, no matter how strongly Rav Ahron Kotler spoke against things he never attacked anyone on a personal level or accused anyone of ulterior motives unless the person was openly and admittedly an apikorus. We can all agree that isn’t true about those claiming to go with his mesora on this issue.
ReplyDeleteReb Yeruchem Olshin wasn’t the first to say it it’s been said by rav shteinman and before him reb Elchonon but of course now there’s 2 sides because a comment of hefkervelt says not to call those that start up with klal yisroel amalek
DeleteI live in Lkwd learnt in bmg and yes I voted for Eretz hakodesh this was all before the asifa whether I would vote now I’m not so sure but what led me to vote originally was A)the fact that many choshuva roshei yeshiva have indeed come out in support of voting
ReplyDeleteB) mosdos and Yeshivas have been getting funds but most importantly to me was C)that having a seat at the table can stop many of the Reform backed gezeros against the status quo whether it be the KOSEL or army or any of the laws and regulations we aren’t even aware of that are constantly being made against the frum citizens of Eretz yisroel what I can’t understand is why is the Jewish agency (which is part of the Israeli govt) any difference then agudah or the frum parties being part of the government itself
The head of the Israeli Knesset is an open mishkav zochor yet all the frum members of the govt have no problem getting up giving speeches standing within his daled Amos
And as well pay allegiance to the Israeli flag Zionism etc
So what’s so terrible to vote for frum delegates to have a seat at the table to decide where at least part of the 2BILLION DOLLARS are allocated to it’s the same govt that the previous gedolim said not to sit down with yet agudah is part and parcel to that govt
Nice copy and paste job from Eretz Hakodesh talking points trying to cool down the rhetoric like amalek did
DeletePlease let us know who are the "many chashuve rabbonim" we're all waiting with baited breath.
DeleteWhen you realize you can't, just know there's still hope for you, as you can cancel your vote.
Let's hear the response.
DeleteThose who vote for Eretz Hakodesh or Aish have to affirm that they agreed with the Jerusalem Program which inational service for the girls!
ReplyDeleteStraight up Giyus Banos which EVERYONE said is ASSUR.
When 100s of Lakewood residents were signing up for the Christian liberty Healthshare before Refuah, there was no asifa despite literally having to affirm belief is Christianity. So this seems political to me. Next we'll hear, Avi shnall is starting a rival to eretz hakodesh/aish & we hv to vote for him.
DeleteCan one rely on a psak halacha that surfaces years after a Gadol HaDor has passed—based solely on audio or video whose authenticity was never verified at the time it was recorded?
ReplyDeleteWe are now living in an era where deepfakes—AI-generated videos and audio that realistically mimic real people—can replicate a person’s face, voice, gestures, and speech with terrifying precision. These are not the crude forgeries of the past. These are sophisticated, hyper-realistic creations that can make it appear as though someone said or did something they never actually said or did.
It’s already happening in the secular world. In the film industry, if an actor passes away during production, studios use AI to digitally reconstruct their voice and appearance to finish the film. Viewers can't tell the difference—the technology is that advanced. Entire scenes are created without the actor ever being present.
I am not implying that this has ever happened yet, but what happens when someone uses this same technology to fabricate a video of a Gadol Hador issuing a psak din? What if a voice clone is used to produce audio of a psak or daas torah that was never said? If the footage was never verified at the time of recording—no chain of custody, no documentation, no confirmation —how can how can such a recording be trusted?
Our gedolim cannot defend themselves after they are niftar, ר”ל. So how do we guard their words, their honor, and the integrity of our mesorah from being manipulated by the tools of our digital age?
The risk is not theoretical. It is real, immediate, and devastating. We are not speaking about entertainment—we are speaking about psak halacha, daas Torah, and the spiritual direction of klal Yisroel.
The potential for misinformation is enormous—and the consequences, devastating.
Bottom line - right or wrong - is that the average litvish person does not equate today’s Zionism with Kefira. One side is saying that it is assur to participate in a platform of kefira; the other side has no idea what they are talking about.
ReplyDeleteI personally did not vote.
Bottom line you are probably a shakran and a liar and a paid troll for the marketing firm
DeleteThe same stupid comment ending with I personally didn't vote. But ..I support ERetz hakodesh
You are trying to pretend that you are open minded in order to fool people
That is what Amalek does
My opinion - daas torah.
ReplyDeleteThe other guy's opinion - paid troll.
Also - the other guy - Amalek.
What geniuses we have in this town.
Very intelligent indeed.
DeleteChofetz chaim, chazon is, rav elyashiv, reb aharon, reb moshe, novominsker rebbe, etc etc all "my opinion".
Remember rav elyashuv didn't just not favor his own followers voting wzo, he wrote against shas for having a slate in wzo election.
DeletePeople keep saying there are gedolim pro voting but have yet to name one.
ReplyDeleteEven the eretz hekdeisha ads don't have any of these purported haskamas.
I really don't get this. If it were such a big mitzva to vote, then why doesn't UTJ send delegates to the WZC? Why is it only a mitzva for bnei chutz laaretz?
ReplyDeleteIsraelis can't vote
ReplyDeleteIsraelis can't vote individually. Rather, each party can send delegates in porportion to their size in the Knesset. UTJ chooses not to send delegates. Shas does send and Reb Eliashiv put out a letter against it.
DeleteVIN these days is not what it was in the past. Now it is basically a Lubavitch site, either under Chabad ownership, or run, or heavily influenced by them. They are running Chabad PR all the time, and block or delete comments against Lubavitch. Chabad-Lubavitch is very opposed to BMG Lakewood, so it is not surprising at all that they had something like that.
ReplyDeleteThe Chabad-Lubavitch sect, with their incessant propaganda-PR, has duped many people into believing that they are mainstream Judaism, normative Orthodoxy, represent it, and are the vanguard of it. They try to convince politicians like Trump and others to visit the grave of their late leader, with media in tow, of course, who they promote as the paramount Jewish leader of the modern era, if not of all time. Lakewood-BMG, being a strong force standing steadfast in refusal to kowtow to Chabad despite all their PR is big target for them.