Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tuesday March 18 News Updates Lakewood

Weather:  59° Abundant sunshine

- The JFK FILES have been released S promised by President Trump. 80,000 pages view archive link HERE
accordance with President Donald Trump’s directive of March 17, 2025, all records previously withheld for classification that are part of the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection are released.

Newly released JFK files show that the CIA was involved in his assassination.

No mention of Israel involvement at all as has been suspected by some over the years.

U.S. agencies were monitoring Oswald before the assassination, with potential links to Cuba & the USSR

- Mishpacha article on initiative to close age gap and have girls wait a year to start shidduchim

"Approximately 20 Bais Yaakov high schools, some in Lakewood, some out-of-town, were asked to research how many of their alumnae remained single with each year out of school. The responses revealed dismal numbers with frightening percentages of girls remaining single into their thirties......
At this point, Rav Brudny adds a consideration. “There is wisdom in waiting a year,” he says. “Do you know how many horror stories there are that result from girls getting married young? They need time after seminary to figure themselves out. This year can be very beneficial simply for that reason.”........
 A few days later, Rav Moshe Hillel issued his directive: Closing the age gap is critical, and it must come from two angles. The bochurim are to begin their term in Eretz Yisrael earlier, and the girls are to begin dating later. More

- Trump: My phone conversation today with President Putin of Russia was a very good and productive one. We agreed to an immediate Ceasefire on all Energy and Infrastructure, with an understanding that we will be working quickly to have a Complete Ceasefire and, ultimately, an END to this very horrible War between Russia and Ukraine. This War would have never started if I were President! Many elements of a Contract for Peace were discussed, including the fact that thousands of soldiers are being killed, and both President Putin and President Zelenskyy would like to see it end. That process is now in full force and effect, and we will, hopefully, for the sake of Humanity, get the job done!

- Bde: A 4 month old infant  passed away R"L  after having been left in a car on Fifth Street, between Monmouth and Princeton avenues, according to authorities.
the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office would be making a statement about the incident later on. 

-Chief Justice John Roberts publicly pushed back against Trump’s demand to impeach Judge James Boasberg, who blocked the deportation of Venezuelan gang members.
Chief Justice Roberts statement: "For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose."

- White House: Putin and Trump shared the view that Iran should never be in a position to destroy Israel.

- A dozen eggs at Kosher West $3.99 for XL

- Giddys/Sugo dairy eatery at toms River Lakewood border will not be open for the public for retail and will transition to a catering event venue as of today. 

-According to Zillow data home prices in Lakewood  are forecast to  go up this May by 1.10%

-Lakewood planning board meeting today watch livestream Here 6 pm see Here Applications for
 Yeshiva Chemdas Hatorah adding 500 cars to James and Cross
 Cheshek Shlomo day care center offf White street
The application for 7 lots at 77 Williams st has been pulled 

-Tehillim: A 70-year-old  pedestrian was struck and  pinned under a school bus at the intersection of Central Avenue and Glen Avenue this morning. on his way back from shul. He reportedly in stable condition please daven for Dov Shimon ban Baila 

- President Trump is calling for James Boasberg, the federal judge overseeing some of the administration's deportation lawsuits, to be impeached.

- Giyus: The Israeli AG is calling on the government to impose personal sanctions against all yeshiva students that did not show up by withholding all government benefits.

- Trump and Putin have been on a call for 2 hours today. The call is still ongoing according to the White House.

- Itamar Ben-Gvir’s right-wing Otzma Yehudit Party announced on Tuesday it was returning to the Israeli government, almost two months after resigning in protest due to the ceasefire with Hamas in Gaza. Thus can have consequences on the draft law as Netanyahu is not as pressured to pass it, leaving the status of yeshiva bochurim in limbo.

- Head of Yereim chapel in Williamsburg penns letter to rabbonim to address the urgent situation of young ppl  in the community taking their own life RL

- NJ hospitals ask parents to ‘identify’ pronouns and  orientations of newborn babies. Inspira Health’s “Orientation and Gender Identity Questionnaire” requires new parents to “identify” their babies as either “Male, Female, Transgender, Gender Queer,” or “Additional gender category.” An Inspira Health representative said the questionnaire is “required by New Jersey law” and noted parents “are permitted to decline to provide this information.”

- Visitors to North Lake Park on North Lake Drive in Lakewood have likely noticed a new addition: large, colorful shade sails now covering the swings overlooking Lake Carasaljo. These eye-catching structures are a rarity in public parks, but Lakewood Township went the extra mile to install them in response to resident feedback that the equipment got too hot during the summer months
and that the sun glare was difficult for kids,” 

- Lakewood Firefighters pulled a woman from a burning apartment Sunday on the fifth floor of a six-story building at Leisure Park, an assisted living facility 1400 Route 70 about 8:15 p.m, The smoke was heavy in the burning apartment where a heater was in flames, Firefighters heard a moan from behind a door and found a woman suffering from smoke inhalation. She was taken to Monmouth Medical Center's Southern Campus in the township where she was listed in stable condition, 


  1. ‎“על ניסיך שבכל יום” – It’s an absolute miracle that he will be okay. But let’s keep building without considering safety. Let’s continue parking right up to every corner, blocking visibility. Let’s keep talking and texting while driving—including bus drivers. And then, we’ll just keep hoping for daily, or even hourly, miracles to save us.

    1. And let’s keep crossing the street in the middle of the block without looking.

    2. And backing out of our driveways straight into traffic without even looking, Which is dangerous and rude

    3. In many cities it is completely legal to park till the corner

  2. Glad Avi Schnall is busy saving contractor's a few dollars and wants to regulate scooters. How about enforcing existing laws. When was the last time a Lakewood officer gave a legitimate ticket?

  3. Eretz hakodesh newest tactic, we have a great ברדק video, but you can't watch it unless you vote for us first.

    1. The Bardak video is awesome!
      If I hadn't voted yet, that would persuade me.

    2. who's gonna vote and then retract their vote, and spread the video for all to watch and enjoy without being tempted ???

    3. They claim, if you vote, they'll give you an access code to a 30 minute film that 'when it gets released' but they also claimed they were going to fight the reform for the past 5 years, and have done nothing they claimed they'll do. Don't waste your olam habaah and $5 for a stupid video.

    4. They're sooo desperate.

    5. fwd nyc working overtime in the hefkervald comment section

    6. "have done nothing".Even if you're opposed to voting,to be fair that is totally false

    7. he meant, nothing positive
      but to be fair they have done much harm
      head over to https://harehbetzba.com

    8. bardak video hasn't been released yet, you liar

    9. They've done nothing they promised to do

    10. Can dispute credit card if ch"v persuaded or convinced r"l

  4. Pls don't toot the lkwd twp for the sail shades by the playground, I'm sure the comp that put it up is friends /related to one of the crooks in our twp who got a nice kickback for awarding his friend the contract who probably charges ten toms what I actually should cost. All a bunch of crooks

  5. Bingo Eggs 2.99 Limit 15 Dozen - Just Last week I predicted the eggs to be cheaper than Moadim Lsimcha 3.89! Who exactly is going to pick up their eggs? Yikes!

    1. Why wouldn’t moadim lsimcha's prices match the new reality?

    2. I would assume they made some contract to get them for 3.89 when the price was double that at the time?

    3. I'm pretty sure it advertised 3.89 or current market price so basically at most 3.89

  6. I have a better solution to the shidduch crisis (assuming making girls (you used the term girls) is a reasonable solution).

    Let them date buchurim from other yeshivot (like TV, CB, other cities) during the year they're in the Lakewood freezer.

    1. Should read "making girls" wait in a freezer for a year "is a reasonable solution."

    2. the freezer is for 3 months, not a year. yeshivos like TV and CB do not have that many bochurim who are shidduch age.

  7. Does anyone know when the new shidduch initiative will go into effect and how it will be enforced?

    1. Does it apply to RY and gvirim families?
