Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Hashkafa: The Shidduch Salalvation The Rabbis Want to Implementbis

Hashkafa with Reb Gershon Ribner shlita 
The shidduch salvation the convening rabbis yearn to implement



  2. So he believes unless a girl is teaching after a year or two she won’t want the same Ben Torah?? Does he know the girls out there including those in offices? We have wonderful offices that are very frum and the proof is most girls are getting married after at least a year or two out of seminary and they are marrying beautiful bnei Torah.

    1. @anon524

      "Most" girls is exactly the problem. What about the minority that are destroyed by delaying them.

      Rabbi Avigdor Miller said: Young and dumb.

    2. Are Roster,
      So many unhappy marriages & families came & are still coming out from that attitude.Unfortunately he was badly mistaken for the majority

    3. yes, some officers are very good. unfortunately, many offices are a big problem.

    4. How would you know that?? The person who claims to have made Serious mistakes in the past can be trusted to decide why they made the mistake. Maybe they were dumb then and still dumb now..... Just saying

    5. Many offices and not offices . . . . blah blah.. a Yiddish girl should be a Yiddish wife and Yiddish mamme. That is the goal and mission.
      Obviously there might be so means for good teaching, administrative, Klein kodesh occupation, offices, etc etc. But that's not prime. Definitely, not for a Ben torah.

  3. Are roster, which part of the comment did you not chop? It was a very simple question and your response has nothing to do with his point.

  4. So your wife should teach and make 10k a year and you of course should stay in yeshiva and rely on tzedaka from your shver and the balabatim you despise. The rest of us will let our wives work in nice torahdik offices so we can try to support our families. That’s ideal in my book.
