Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thursday Taanis Esther March 13 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 48° Cloudy.

-Shkia 7:01 pm fast is over 7:43 pm it is customary to extend the fast untill after קריאת המגילה
סגולה גדולה לקרוא פרק כב' בתהילים ולבקש בזכות מרדכי ואסתר המלכה את כל מה שרוצים   

BMG Purim tish tonight 10:45pm at the Bais Aaron B"M 10th st and Clifton 

Supermarket schedules
Aisle 9 open until 1 am 
Bingo 6pm (closed purim)
Gourmet Glatt both stores 6pm (closed purim)
NPGS all open until 6:30pm 
Evergreen 9pm
Kosher Village 9:00 pm.
Kosher West  open until 11:00 pm.
Super Stop  open until 1:00 am.

Friday-Purim Day:
Npgs-  open until 12:00 pm
Aisle 9 Lakewood 6:00 pm
Aisle 9 Jackson will be open until 1:45 pm
Kosher Village  4:00 pm
Kosher West  4:30 pm
Evergreen 5:45 pm
Super Stop  5:30 pm

- For the first time in years, a total lunar eclipse will dazzle American spectators tonight, complete with a view of the resulting glowing red "blood moon.". Beginning late Thursday, March 13 into the early hours of Friday, March 14, the Earth will pass between the sun and moon, resulting in the phenomena that will be viewable in some capacity from all U.S. states

- State blocks reappointment of Lakewood Schools' $6 million attorney
 The school district's state monitor has blocked the reappointment of Lakewood Board of Education attorney Michael Inzelbuch after a scathing state report criticized his contract, which has paid him more than $6 million since 2017 and requires little accountability.
The move comes shortly after an Asbury

- Expect heavy traffic this afternoon with the morah shalach manos drop off

-BDE. Petira of Rav Zev Feinstein ZTL Rosh Yeshiva עמלה של תורה in EY at the age of 54.

- Purim spirit is here as the yeshiva bochurim do their annual shtick, one local yeshiva made a race track inside.

-There will be a netz minyan  Purim  morning at the Fountain  Ballroom  followed by a seder limud with מתן שכרה בצדה

-39th yartzeit of Rav Moshe Feinstein ZTL an unbelievable story about Reb Moshe zt"l upon his yahrtzeit as said by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin watch HERE 

- Poskim and Rabbonin in EY call on those going away for shabbos to leave no later than 1pm on Friday due to expected traffic on the roads
 Also as it us פורים משולש people should give tzedaka to the poor on Sunday too.

- Just in time for Purim Trump: The European Union, one of the most hostile and abusive taxing and tariffing authorities in the World, which was formed for the sole purpose of taking advantage of the United States, has just put a nasty 50% Tariff on Whisky. If this Tariff is not removed immediately, the U.S. will shortly place a 200% Tariff on all WINES, CHAMPAGNES, & ALCOHOLIC PRODUCTS COMING OUT OF FRANCE AND OTHER E.U. REPRESENTED COUNTRIES. This will be great for the Wine and Champagne businesses in the U.S. The U.S. doesn't have Free Trade. We have "Stupid Trade." The Entire World is RIPPING US OFF!!!

-The Minhag is to give מחצית השקל, by Mincha we do NOT say  תחנון and אבינו מלכנו 

סליחות לתענית אסתר

קנא לשמך נורא ונקדש, חזה כרמך נהרס ונידש. זרויינו קבץ ושיר לך יחודש, קימם והחים בבנין בית המקדש. וכעשותך נוראות באותן הימים, אתנו הפלא תשועת עולמים. מצוא לפניך כפר ותנחומים, אל מלך יושב על כסא רחמים.


  1. Today is Maran HaGaon Reb Moshe Feinstein ztz"l 39th Yortzeit. Here is a most fascinating story about him as said in an event by Rav Michoel Sorotzkin .

  2. What a disgrace are the people of Lakewood. Shame on all of you. It took the state to get rid of this person when it is your tax dollars, and your $400 million organization that he ran to the ground? Just for opposing me in Court you should have demanded his exit. Of course now, when the district has sunk, and possibly your home values, and it looks like y'all are going to lose your bussing and nonpublic services, at least until a court can hear the matter, and also now that we are on the precipice of the big win to fix the formula, and hopefully get the loan forgiven, he is my friend. Thank you for whatever discovery you provided this month, but if you, the Igud people, Schnall, are not my friend. And yes, the Vaad did try to help, but they were too pussilaminus to stand against the school bosses, Inzelbuch, and the rest of them. I put 21 year in and have nothing to show for it.

    I saved YOUR organization BECAUSE it was MY organization, I worked there, and just like anyone working for a large corporation, I tried to enhance the bottom line, and succeeded. BUT I NO LONGER WORK THERE. Too little, too late. Next to exit from their inflated power will be your Igud leaders and the others who dictate who sits on the school board, leaders who are more concerned for $10,000 grants or other paltry funding for their schools, that they would get anyway, than they are concerned about the $300 million debt. A Lang

    1. Now you have had five monitors that approve the attorney contract. I just can';t believe you can get away with this in any other large town America. The state is going to cave in to the pressure of the local askonim to ignore the matter. Then the state will use the contract and all the mismanagement to show that the state monitors had little power and the failure of T & E is the fault of Winters and Michael. So pashut. They will lose.

  3. N.J.S.A. 18A:7F-60 Commissioner authority with respect to disbursement of funds

    The Commissioner of Education shall not authorize the disbursement of funds to any district until the commissioner is satisfied hat all educational expenditures in the district wtill be spent effectively and efficiently in order to enable students to achieve
    the core curriculum content standards. The commissioner shall be authorized to take any affirmative action as is necessary to ensure the effective and efficient expenditure of funds by school districts and county vocational school districts.

    Do your job Commissioner! It's the MO of the DOE to blame failing schools on the junior leaguers running the local BOE but in reality the Commissioner of Education is ultimately responsible.
