Transcript of Special Video Message from
Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka
Rav Dov Landau Regarding Voting for Eretz Hakodesh/WZO: איסור חמור מאד מאד מאד מאד!
Rav Dov Landau was asked voting or participating in the World Zionist Organization (WZO) elections. He says clearly that there is no heter what-so-ever and than any Gadol b'Yisroel that said it was allowed was fed the wrong information. "It's as if they told you to go and serve עבודה זרה!" He addresses the so-called "statement" of R' Chaim Kanievsky ztvk"l in support of Eretz Hakodesh "He was not given the proper information." "One is mechuyav to cancel their vote!"
Rav Landau dismisses the notion that there could be “another side” on such a basic Torah attitude. If some Gedolei Yisroel were cited as having given their assent, the question must have been presented incorrectly. No Gadol could possibly have agreed to joining the World Zionist Organization, which was founded with the express purpose of destroying the Torah and maintains that goal until today.
Transcript, translated from Hebrew by UKforTorah:
:The WZO was founded with the goal of making Am Yisroel into a secular nation. That was its purpose, and that is what it engages is, and that is what they’ve done – to turn Am Yisroel into a secular nation, without Torah, and without Borei Olam – Rachmona Litzlan – without Torah, without anything!
That was the purpose – and, to an extent, it was to accomplish that purpose that they also built the State, which is secular. The topic of that we participate in the [Knesset] elections in the secular State – that is a completely different topic. But to participate in the WZO, which is entirely kefira in Borei Olam, kefira in Torah, in Am Yisroel as an Am Kadosh L’HaShem, to turn them into Amon and Moav – that is something very very seriously [wrong]. It’s impossible to participate in their institutions. That would be called us having a connection to them, and we don’t!
One can say the sharpest words; I don’t want to express myself more sharply. But the fact is, that [it is] turning Am Yisroel from an Am Kadosh L’HaShem into a secular nation, without Torah, without Mitzvos, without anything.
Q. What’s the definition of the issur – a [halachic] issur or a problem of Chillul HaShem?
It’s everything – being partners with the secular. I’ll say words that are bit too sharp – if the decision would be regarding serving Avodah Zora, would there still be a question? No! This is Avodah Zora; kefira is like Avodah Zora, and even worse!
Q. The issur includes only to run [as a WZO representative] or also to participate in the elections?
To be with them in their institutions.
Q. Is there an issur on each individual on voting?
Each and every individual. Just like if there would an idea that we have to go serve Avoda Zora, would that be a collective issur or on each individual? The WZO says that Am Yisroel is a nation of secularists, and each individual has to declare that he opposed to that.
Q. People ask – is there an issur to vote?
A very, very, very, very, grave issur!
Q. They say that there were Gedolei Yisroel זצ"ל, in the previous generations, who permitted.
They didn’t present them with the question in the way they should have. [These Gedolim] were immersed in Torah and Mitzvos, and the question was presented to them incorrectly.
Q. There are those who already voted, but have the option of cancelling the vote.
They are obligated to cancel, they are obligated to cancel! They are extremely obligated, there is no exemption.
Credit: UKforTorah at
It doesn't look like there's an option to cancel the vote, there is an option to dispute the credit card charge.
ReplyDeleteThat would be theft. He surely doesn't condone that
DeleteThat's why theres a pressure campaign to vote asap, before people realize they're being hoodwinked.
DeleteTheft when one was fooled to vote? On the contrary, it's mekach taos.
Delete1. Nobody was fooled. They knew there are different opinions about the matter.
Delete2. The money didn't go to Eretz Hakodesh, it went to the WZO. They didn't fool anyone.
3. Nobody can make decisions about other people's money on their own.
Any jew who voted was fooled, you might say to lesser extent.
Deleteכופין עד שיאמר רוצה אני.
This is mamosh clear guidance. We follow daas Torah and not the treife zionists
ReplyDeleteAccording to you, the following people are Treife Zionists:
ReplyDeleteR’ Elya Brudny
R’ Moshe Hillel Hirsch
R’ Avraham Gurwicz
R’ Shmuel Kaminetzky
R’ Asher Weiss (EY)
R’ Yitzchok Berkowitz
R’ Shmuel Fuerst
R’ Moshe Weinberger
R’ Chaim Kanievsky Zatzal
R’ Gershon Edelstein Zatzal
R’ Kalman Epstein
Fake unverified list
Deletewithout getting into the facts of how many really supported EH
Deleteand while some on this list are gedolim, more than one are modox
so the question is, why don't you add to your list the whole caboodle of YU 'rabbis'?
so we must assume from your list that you yourself are not part of our crowd and therefore don't know the difference
in which case you'r probably a hired hand, here just to troll and do your work for EH
R Moshe Hillel against.
DeleteR Elya Brudy against.
R Shmuel Kamenetsky against.
Here's the list of rabbis on eretz hakodesh delegation.
ReplyDeleteRabbi Pesach Lerner, Rabbi Meir Melnicke, Rabbi Aryeh Zev Ginzberg, Rabbi Moshe Krupka, Rabbi Zvi Gluck, Rabbi Ben Packer, Rabbi Yaakov Menken, Rabbi Martin Katz, Rabbi Chanan Gordon, Rabbi Gil Student, Rabbi Ze'ev Smason, Rabbi Eliyahu Prero, Rabbi Yaakov Flegg, Rabbi Meir Sultan, Rabbi Chaim Glazer, Rabbi Yitzchok Tendler, Rabbi Israel Yair Halevi, Rabbi Eliezer Yaghoubi, Rabbi Mendy Carlebach, Rabbi Nachum Meth, Rabbi Shnayor Burton, Rabbi Emmanuel Kashi, Rabbi Binyomin Medetsky, Rabbi Yosef Yossi Serebryanski, Rabbi Moshe Parnes, Rabbi Aaron Fink, Rabbi Yaniv Meirov, Rabbi Yechezkel Moskowitz, Rabbi Michael Melnicke, Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, Rabbi Moshe Robinson, Rabbi Menachem Rubinstein, Rabbi Jacob Klass, Rabbi Asher Sova, Rabbi Mordechai Becher, Rabbi Aryeh Kravetz, Rabbi Avi Goldstein, Rabbi Daniel Olgin, Rabbi Yudi Riesel, and Rabbi Chaim Glazer.
Minor leagers.
All stars.
You're betting all of your wealth, and you're going with the minor leagers.
And here's the list of rebbetzins
ReplyDeleteRebbetzin Myrna Weinberger, Rebbetzin Adina Shippel, Rebbetzin Yocheved Goldberg, Rebbetzin Sori Teitelbaum, Rebbetzin Dubby Eisen, Rebbetzin Karen Pruzansky, and Rebbetzin Naama Parnes.
Never heard of them?
DeleteMinor leaguers?
DeleteLittle leagues
There is no mention by the questioner or Harav Landau about Eretz Hakodesh specifically, just the WZO as an organization - which everyone agrees is a terrible organization.....the exact inspiration for the forming of Eretz Hakodesh - to try and balance that out. . Harav Landau's original letter doesn't say anything about Eretz Hakodesh either.