Article authored by Harav Aharon Feldman shlita R"Y Ner Yisrael Baltimore in 2023. It appeared in a recent issue of diologue magazine here. The R"Y explains in great detail the danger falshoods and attempts by Eretz hakodesh to persuade the charedi public to vote for it. The charedi public must do its utmost to uproot this chilul hashem from its midst and refrain en mass from voting in the next WZO elections. See pages 22- 24 regarding the opinions of Rav Chaim Kanievsky zatzal and YBL"C Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita
"From its inception until today, Eretz Hakodesh’s campaign to enlist the support of Chareidi Jewry has been accompanied by a very disturbing phenomenon: the dissemination of numerous partial or complete untruths and factual distortions intended to shape public opinion about Eretz Hakodesh and the permissibility of voting for it. It began with its founder claiming in the frum press that “Eretz Hakodesh has the backing of numerous rabbanim, ..
"During the WZO election campaign in 2020, the founder of Eretz Hakodesh twice approached Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, the senior Rosh Hayeshiva in North America, to give his support to the group, which the Rosh Yeshiva declined to do. Rav Shmuel confirmed his opposition to Eretz Hakodesh in a meeting at his home in 2020, which the Lakewood Rosh Hayeshiva, Rav
Malkiel Kotler, and the author of this article attended.
'For all intents and purposes, there was no written response forthcoming from Rav Chaim at all. Once this became apparent, Rav Kamenetsky discounted the veracity of the claim of Rav Chaim’s support. Rather than allow ourselves to be caught up in the web of innuendo and
untruths being spun by Eretz Hakodesh around Rav Chaim’s position on the WZO, we ought to speak openly and honestly about that which we all know—who Rav Chaim was and what he believed and stood for his entire life. And in that spirit, we must ask: Is it logical to believe that Rav Chaim was prepared to permit that which gedoley olam, including his uncle, the Chazon Ish and father-in-law, Rav Elyashiv, prohibited"....
Lakewoodscoop claimed to takedown the eretz hakodesh ads, but now they advertising on eretz hakodesh on lakewoodscoop whatsapp. I guess they think the wrong people won't see it there.