Saturday, March 15, 2025

Motzei shabbos Shushan Purim

                      פורים משולש  דמוקפין תשפ"ה

Weather advisory  for Ocean county:
Patchy fog across New Jersey will reduce visibilities down to 1 mile or less. There will also be locally dense fog that will reduce visibility down to 1/4 mile or less.

If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of distance ahead of you.

-Tonight marks the third Yahrtzeit of Hagaon Reb Chaim Kanievsky Zatzal.

- Purim Recap: Purim  in Lakewood unlike the usual there was almost no traffic on Friday, as people started their seudas early lots of shuls had a festive kabolas shabbos  and some late minyanim maariv for those who were פורס מפה ומקדש
Erev shabbos bochurim were seen hitching back home an hour to shabbos.
 Reports indicate over 15 million was given out the Lakewood area over Purim. Purim night in BMG thousands gathered for the annual purim Tish  with the Roshei Yeahiva. Both Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita and Rav Yeruchom Olshin shlita spoke strongly about the power of עמלק ofbtoday and refrenced the WZO elections speaking strongly against those that are voting.

- Melava Malka Mesivta of Eatentown with Joey Newcomb 1300 New Hampshire  ave

-Skulen Tish Melava Malka 10:45pm

-Melava Malka Bais Faiga/Oorah music

- Under President Trump's orders, the U.S Navy's Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group carried out attacks on Houthi targets in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen. The strikes targeted the Houthis' drones, air defenses, and missiles to free up Red Sea shipping lanes.

News Over shabbos 
- The US begins extensive strikes against the Houthi terrorist regime in Yemen

- The negotiations on Gaza with Hamas are reportedly deadlocked

 - Trump tells Lebanon that Hezbollah must be disarmed or the IDF will resume broad military operations in the country

- Trump: Today the fugitive leader of ISIS in Iraq was killed. He was relentlessly hunted down by our intrepid warfighters. His miserable life was terminated, along with another member of ISIS, in coordination with the Iraqi Government and the Kurdish Regional Government. PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH!

-Trump: Today, I have ordered the United States Military to launch decisive and powerful Military action against the Houthi terrorists in Yemen. They have waged an unrelenting campaign of piracy, violence, and terrorism against American, and other, ships, aircraft, and drones.


  1. Daas Torah clearly says it's assur to participate in the zionist election games

    1. Perhaps, each person may be permitted to use their own daas. Not everything is for poskim to decide.

    2. Incorrect.
      Rav Yitzchok Berkowitz urged the oilam to vote.

    3. very correct
      rabbi who?
      your on the wrong website!

    4. reform?
      "Not everything is for poskim to decide."

  2. Sadly the money talks, once the pirtzah was done 5 years ago to join WZO and the money began to flow, more people caved and are joining with התחברות לרשעים
    No rosh yeshiva has come out publicly to support voting in these elections

    1. Most people who are voting for Eretz Hakdosh do not think they will have any financial benefit from it so they clearly aren't doing it for money.

    2. They are being used by those who are financially benefitting from it.
      It's interesting those who pushed eretz hakodesh 5 years ago said its not about the money.

    3. Let them all benefit from it as long as the reform goyim dont get the benefit I'm happy. Plenty of moderate rabonim say to vote so WE can benefit

    4. BH unzerer rosh yeshivos of BMG, speaking from the dais on Purim, are not nispael from money and never have or would sell out for the same.

    Another gadol said to vote. Plenty of gedolim and rabonim saying to vote. Dont let the reform get control

    1. Matzav on the take from fwdnyc gelt gelt
      Rav Shmuel kamenetzky has not issued any public letter
      Neither did Rav Chaim Kanievsky
      As Rav Aaron Feldman shlita
      Confirmed with Rav Shmuel that Rav Chaim did not endorse Eretz Hakodesh
      Rav Dov Landau shlita the leader of degel Hatorah issued a letter that jts assur to vote. Yet they are ignoring him and suddenly using
      Rav Gurwitz shlita as their leader while he has never got involved in any forms of hanhaga of klal yisroel,

    2. So now that someone is the head of a political party that makes him daas Torah? Rav Yitzchok Berkowitz urged people to vote.

    3. Anon 8:35 you're a fool..ignoring the fact that his leadership is that of hanhaga ruchniyus and the Rosh yeshiva of Slabodka..

    4. Is the same website which introduced the antisemitic Tucker to the frum world? How many of his clips did they promote?

    5. Reb Avraham Gurwitz went to Reb Chaim himself and heard מפה קדשו.

    6. שקר וכזב!
      he did not even speak to reb shmuel about it
      and he only has written that he is only saying to fallow rav chaim and reb shmuel

    7. Matzav won't allow any comments on their ad which is masquerading as a news story.

    8. Ask Reb Avraham himself, or his children in Lakewood. He went to Reb Chaim himself.

    9. his children would not want it to be discussed (aside for one). they feel the pain.

    10. again it's plain undiluted שקר וכזב
      I have spoken to his son who practically lives with him and he confirmed to me that his father did not speak to anyone besides Jonathan
      his mother did ask his father why he would not call reb shmuel k but he did not

    11. the joker who claimed rav gurwicz spoke to rav kanievsky was just trying to pull your leg
      rav gurwicz's letter was written 15 months after rav kanievsky was already nifter

    12. Not so funny joke.

  4. The Reform threat has always been there and the gedolim still said you can't join. As a matter of fact the reform doubled down since Eretz hakodesh joined

    1. Um...The Reform movement did not run in the WZO elections and did not want a foothold in Israel until the late 1970s.If you believe the reform doubled down since Eretz hakodesh joined just imagine what they would do without it. They certainly admit that Eretz hakodesh is a major impediment to their shmad efforts.


    Media PR Headquarters - There's been earthshattering, breaking news. According to many Rishonim the Mishkan was a kapparah for the eigel. Since it was the infiltration of the eruv rav - whose heirs are the secular Zionists - which brought about the sin of the eigal, we need to violate Shabbos in order to protect ourselves from the influence of the eiruv rav.

    Opponents say this is dead-wrong and we may not violate Shabbos for the Mishkan. In fact, they say, so much of what know about Shabbos is from the fact that we may not violate Shabbos - even a little bit - in order to build the Mishkan, although it was a kaparah for the eruv rav influence/eigel.

    Stay tuned for the latest of this developing story.

    Media PR Headquarters

  6. R gurowitz is considered from the brisker rovs people

    1. Those voting for eretz hakodesh never heard of him or learned his seforim
      Those not voting learn his seforim and respect him as a talmid chochom atzum but for hanhaga he never been involved and will follow the mesorah of the gedolim they always follow

    2. If you are going with the argument of “they never learned his seforim” then why is the overwhelming majority of those voting for Eretz Hakodesh expected to listen to Rav Dov Landua or Rav Ahron Feldman?

  7. No one should have the nisayon of those that are receiving funding from Eretz Hakodesh WZO

  8. It's easy to be a kanoi when more Reform shamd in EY is the only concern involved . Just imagine if everything else was the same but it was also widely believed that voting for Eretz Hakodosh would bring tuition vouchers, more HUD and more foodstamps to Lakewood. Then they would have a lot more support. To be clear, as of now, I'm NOT voting in the WZO elections

    1. You're wrong. No one would be swayed by this to sign onto the WZO's kefira.

  9. Glad that people think this is the MOST important issue of the day that it needs to be spoken about lifnea rabim on Purim. Interesting.

    1. Purim is about מחיית עמלק. As the חפץ חיים and so many others - including the Zohar - have pointed out: the secular Zionists are eirav rav of amaleik. So yeah, it does need to be pointed out on Purim.

    2. Where is the Chofetz Chaim and the Zohar that talks about Zionists?

    3. The Zohar talks about Zionists? By the logic used to refer to Zionists as the Eirev Rav of Amelek then the Reform movement is the Eirev Rav of Amelek on steroids. So Purim is the day to be voting for Eretz Hakodesh to vanquish the koach of Amalek

    4. So Purim is the day to be voting for Eretz Hakodesh to vanquish the koach of Amalek

      Not cute, but dead wrong. You cannot defeat Amoleik through enjoying Achashveirosh's party and you cannot defeat Amoleik by joining the WZO.

      The Zohar talks about Zionists?
      בזה"ק (בראשית כ"ה ע"א ובתיקוני זוהר קמ"ד ע"א) איתא שבדור עקבתא דמשיחא קודם ביאת המשיח, ראשי העם יהיו מהערב רב שהם מסיטרא דעמלק. והגאולה העתידה תבוא רק כשימחה שמם של אותם עמלקים, דבזה תליא פורקנא דישראל.

    5. You can claim that Zohar is talking about any group you want...

  10. Everything is good in Lakewood . Mesivata farhers were all mesudar, Mental health is no concern. Housing is plentiful, All have plenty of money as it was hard to find aniyim in Lakewood. All that we need to worry about is WZO. VERY IMPORTANT

    1. Everything is good in my world. All that I need to worry about is trolling for the WZO. VERY IMPORTANT

      Your trolling shows your lack of values.


  12. This is the churban of the dor when YWN MDY MKY Sparks CBN FWDNYC are running the show and are the gedolim

  13. The harries on this site, who discovered kanna'us as an amusing side job, are totally clueless about the history and the pesakim of Gedolei Yisroel over the years.

    The gevaldige mitzvah of fighting Zionim didn't die out. They would wish they could fight kara'im too, but they never heard of that fight.

    1. Since you are the big expert can you share with us what Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzensky held about the kanoim fighting the Zionists? As retold by Rav Yosef Elyah Henkin, who was from the very few gedolim from out of the Satmar orbit to hold that frum people should not vote in knesset elections (For those who don't know R'COG was of the opinion that they are no less guilty of the Gimmel Shavous and hisgarus be'umos than the secular Zionists themselves are)

    2. False.RYEH was very for voting & was near zionist. With the caveat that he held originally they should never have founded the state,due to the unhealthy region.But once it was ongoing concern,it must be supported.

      Whether or not that has my or your concurrence is irrelevant.

    3. The Baal habatim on this site keep carrying on trying everything to seduce us into becoming bonafide tzionim

    4. Maybe if the other side would try making their point without rushing to insults and appeals to authority the Baal habatim would be less convincing...

  14. Looks like Eretz Hakodesh Paid PR team is all in to troll

  15. Where's Rav Chaims signature don't show a fake vjdeo
    Where's Rav Shmuel kaminetzky signature
    Where's Rav Moahe Hillel Signature
    Where's Rav Elya Btudny signature

  16. and lets not forget that we were told back then that it's only a הוראת שעה!
    so this time you need a new extension of the היתר

  17. rav a gurwicz's letter did not say to vote!
    it was written for the EH (FEH) registration drive in '83 which did not require voting nor accepting the Jerusalem program
    [why did they wanted ppl to sign up? the claimed was that they will then receive a bigger slice of the cake if they have a bigger membership]

  18. for real info on just what those wicked clowns have actually done please see
    or contact

  19. Looks like Eretz Kodesh sent their Modox trolls out to mock the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva and what they spoke about on Purim
    Oh but they have Gedolim
    R Eli Stefansky
    CBN watsapp
    Satmar deserter Chaim Meisels
    Podcaster Nachi Gordon
    Feder status
    Sparks of a nation
    All telling us to join WZO

  20. Therse are the people the hamon am listen to. Wake up and smell the coffee.
