Weather: 54° Periods of rain. High 54F. Winds 10 to 20 mph.Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall around a half an inch.
- The Alexander rwbbe shlita will be coming to Lakewood tomorrow afternoon through Wednesday.
- Ed Durr, the truck driver who landed one of the largest political upsets in New Jersey history by beating the state’s longest-serving Senate president, announced Monday that he will drop his bid for governor.
R' Aaron Lang: April 8 is the big day. Lakewood floats for 100 years or sinks this year. Oral argument is scheduled. The Court moved up the date after we filed the motion in aid of litigant's right. One of the judges from the 2023 win will be on the panel.
- Musk at WH: DOGE found $330 million in SBA loans to children under 11 years old, with the youngest being a 9-month-old baby who received a $100,000 loan...
- Trump: We have reached a rare earth minerals agreement with Ukraine and will sign it "very soon."
Giyus: MK Yitzhak Goldknopf sent a letter of resignation from the Prime Minister's Office to the Cabinet Secretary on Monday evening. "Last night, the leadership of the United Torah Judaism (UTJ) faction, the esteemed rabbis, convened and assumed responsibility for the continued advancement of this matter," he wrote in the resignation letter. "In light of this, I am returning the guarantee and hereby submitting my resignation from the position of MK in the Prime Minister's Office." The resignation was intended as a warning to Netanyahu that the issue has now been taken up by the spiritual leadership of Agudat Yisrael, who have the power to order the party's ministers to quit the government if the prime minister fails to deliver, the spokesperson explained.
- Hisachdus Harabonim Di’Lakewood-PESACH 5785/ by Rabbi Yehuda Shain-Recommended list HERE
- CRC Chicago Pesach list 2025 HERE
- Seasons of Toms River opening ahead of Pesach located at 2088 Lakewood Rd Toms River
- Chasdei Lev distributed 2000 orders for Pesach ulyesterday in Lakewood for rebbeim
Tehillim: A woman is in critical condition after she was struck while crossing rt 9 in front of evergreen last night . Name is Gittel Zlata bas Yehudis.
- Matzav deletes and reposts article about frum cancel culture If the kannaim don’t like you, you’re labeled an apikoros and a liberal, no matter how choshuv you might have been the day before.In the Torah community, it’s not just about disagreeing with someone’s opinion; it’s about silencing them entirely. As soon as someone expresses a viewpoint that doesn’t align with a certain narrative, we rush to “cancel” them. The kannaim—those who claim to hold the line on our values—are often the first to pounce. They don’t simply disagree. They will stop at nothing to destroy someone’s reputation, forcing them into silence, retreat, or retraction.
Trump: It is with great pleasure that I am announcing Alina Habba, Esq., who is currently serving as Counselor to the President, and has represented me for a long time, will be our interim U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey, her Home State, effective immediately! Alina will lead with the same diligence and conviction that has defined her career, and she will fight tirelessly to secure a Legal System that is both "Fair and Just" for the wonderful people of New Jersey.
- NJ Republican candidate for gov radio host Bill Spadea had a private chat with president Trump at his New Jersey home a day after his chief rival, Jack Ciattarelli, met with Trump as they seek his endorsement.
- Bill Spedea met with frum Jackson and Lakewood residents as he courts the local vote.
- Some local politicians plan to meet with Trump at his New Jersey home to discuss tuition tax incentives.
- At the last Thursday township meeting Lakewood mayor Ray Coles was asked about the high number of accidents and pedestrians that are hit in Lakewood he said the PD will begin enforcement along the Rt 70 corridor
- Adirei HaTorah finalizing annual event details for this summer possibly will take place at Metlife stadium.
- Newark and Jersey city made it to the list of 182 happiest cities in America factoring income and low suicide rate.
- Democratic Assemblyman Avi Schnall launched reelection campaign. Speaking to Democrats in Ocean county he said."I carried Lakewood by 89% and we hope to do it again this year. Democrats can win Ocean County and we will win in Ocean County.
- Josh Gottheimer Democrat candidate for NJ Governor hired a frum marketing company to run add targeting the Orthodox community. Ads were published in local papers with promises of lowering taxes and helping with daycare.
- A Kosher phone company ran an ad promoting its impenetrable filter, even offering a $100,000 prize to anyone that could get through the filter. Well a kid in Borough Park managed to hack it and now the company is refusing to pay him and totally ignoring him. So the kid opened a website with a countdown clock, and if he's not paid he will release a video tutorial for everyone to get through the filter.
Self designated Spokesman-at-large for American Orthodox Jewery Mr. Duvi Honig, is a delegate on the Eretz Hakodesh slate.
DeleteRav elya brudny stated at a q and a session in Flatbush on Thursday night that his opinion has changed since the last WZO elections and he now holds one should not vote for any party. He said two reasons 1 The gadol hador then Rav Chaim Kanievsky said to vote then but today’s gadol hador Rav Dov Landau holds that it’s assur 2 Eretz Hakodesh did not accomplish what they said voting for it would and they have achieved very little things. This was said at his weekly Vaad at Schuberts house every Thursday evening and he asked that this be publicized.
ReplyDeleteIf you are going with "now the Gadol Hador says" then don't complain about Eretz Hakodosh not going with you believe Gedolim who were niftar over 100 years ago would have said had they been alive today about a current situation.
DeleteSaying not to support Eretz Hakodesh because they did not accomplish what they said voting for it would is circular logic. They aren't a one man politician who can be faulted not keeping his promises. They are a party who can only accomplish based on how many seats they have. Eretz Hakodesh can easily blame their opponents and lack of support for their lack of accomplishment and say had we received the support we were looking for we would have accomplished what we wanted to so support us now and we will.
DeleteThanks 8:46 for affirming that Eretz Hakodesh clearly had the support of gedolei yisroel.
Delete8:46 it's called lachatz
DeleteAs both sides have been shouting on previous posts
does this mean that rabbi B does not have an opinion on the topic?
Deletedoes he just repeat what he believes the Gedolim hold? oh ok
Matzav is no saint here, for too long they get-away with pushing the chardaki hashkafa into the yeshiva community through their affiliated platforms either JCN or Sparks of a nation spreading Zionist YU Modox or Chabad hashkafos to innocent followers who just want to see some news. They got away with it as a big part of the yeshiva velt is not online or on social media. It's about time that they are held to task and called out for what they are doing. Having control over frum media does not give you any heter to poison and introduce by normalizing foreign hashkafos to innocent minds whose rebbeim and parents worked their entire lives to protect.
ReplyDeleteWe don't believe in gelt uber alles
Having the power of the pen does not make you or give you any reshus to indoctrinate your krumeh hashkafos.
And these inbox letters are as fake as can be.
Didn't hey disclose how much they got paid to market and advertise for erwtz hakodesh?
Did they disclose who their rabbonim are since they consider themselves bnei Torah?
Just last week they advertised to stop funding yeshivos in Israel who throw out bochurim if they serve in the IDF
Yes that is the true colors of those who pretend to care so much about the yeshivos telling everyone to vote for eretz hakodesh in order to support the yeshivos
You can't make this stuff up
Very well said.
DeleteMKY status is also at fault for pushing the achdus card while indoctrinating innocent minds of our boys and girls with their warped Shatnez hashkafa. They should just call themselves modern Orthodox platforms so no one gets fooled .
DeleteWhy are you trying to cancel Matzav? Nobody is allowed to have any deffering opinion?>
DeleteWhy did matzav and YWN have no problem canceling Eitzniks
DeleteProjectionism at its best
Because they were VERY disrespectful to the R’Y. It is one thing to respectfully disagree it is another thing altogether to be totally out of line.
DeleteCensorship is the term.But Eitz guys adore being ignorant
DeleteThe website name that the kid created from borough Park is
ReplyDeleteIt’s a error
DeleteDoes anybody know why the company refuses to give him the money?
ReplyDeleteHe didn't hack it. And it is a clear gimmick. אסמכתא לא קניא.
DeleteGotta wonder if matzav toned down the reposted article without noting the changes, they've been known to do that.
ReplyDeleteMatzav deletes and reposts article about frum cancel culture....
ReplyDeleteThey were in on that game for a very long time. All of a sudden, when we have other ways to spread messages, they don't like it. They just don't like it that they can't control it anymore.
The game is up for the frum a as the roahei yeshiva call for a boycott as people are made aware of the churban of the publications websites statuses and social media platforms. The rabbonim are speaking out andbits about time this club of editors who went Ulunchecked are held to task.
ReplyDeleteNo more anonymous Rabbonim they hide behind. There should be a Rav who takes full responsibility for the content under his guidance and people can know who to rely on when bringing something into their home or following online.
Organizations and mosdos should only advertise on platforms that have a rabbinic backing that is not anonymous
There is a bilbul of hashkafos coming out of the frum media.
In eretz Yisrael the papers all have a vaad haruchni
Dream on, 9:34. The Rabbonim are anti smartphones and at least half of Lakewood still have smartphones. The bnei tayreh don't buy these mags anyways and the ones who do buy them won't stop buying them just because a Baltimore rosh yeshiva said not to
DeleteAre you joking? You are posting on a venue (blogs) that has already been banned by every major Rosh Yeshiva and Rav and now you want them to call for a boycott of what they haven't banned? Does hefkervelt have a vaad haruchni?
DeleteWhen you try to missionize our youth and innocent impressionable bais yaakov girls and legitimize zionizim and modox hashkafis yes we will cancel you and fight back
Deletecanceling the Torah beliefs, Daas Torah of over a hundred years, all Gedolei Yisroel (not misrachi, modox etc. sorry) is okay. canceling leitzim, mechutzafim azei ponim. minim, apikorsim is a dire issue.
This Schnall person was at one of the Vaad meetings.I was told way back when that he was going to run for Assembly. I was told in 2023 that he, Inzelbuch and Balsam were against my litigation. They think it is harming their legislative efforts. But I was also told that the Vaad has almost no influence in the legislature outside of our own delegation. The purpose of the meeting, called by Rabbi Weisberg, had nothing to do with my case, but just to get me a promotion inside the district, the people of Lakewood were only paying me $60,000 a year, a higher paying administreative job in the high school with the high school people, and far enough away from anything to do with the mosdos. They could not even do that. That is when I recruited people to run for BOE. Schnall is on the wrong side of the monumental issue of fixing the formula. Who cares? He will lose it all for Lakewood in legislature and once again, I will have to clean up their mess. I hope not. I am tired of dealing with it. Either way, it won't be my fault that y'all elected a naysayer and as such does not have a clue about funding. Lakewood people have to stop thinking small. Small town, small minds, no vision.
ReplyDeleteActually, a true visionary does not bite off more than he can handle. That last election in 2023 was an example of not having a clue. Being in politics and not knowing the vote in the legislature is about as dumb as can be, but not knowing how many NJ teachers there are (it is not the union, we don't take marching orders to the polls, but the teachers as individuals), how important the public schools are in this state, and not knowing that the state prides itself on its public schools is pathetic. I mean why would the state that runs circles around funding Lakewood public schools start funding private school? Bad move and a waste of political capital.
ReplyDeleteWrong.THAT would have been your job. To follow him, & fill him in with the small details
DeleteThe filter wasn't hacked. It's a small loophole which will be plugged (BTW its a filter that TAG doesn't use).
ReplyDeleteThe only solution is FIX THE FORMULA!!
ReplyDeleteJ Gottheimer..a frum?? Ezra Freidlander kind of frum?
ReplyDeleteJcn and team. The chutzpah to introduce gottheimer to lakewood without acknowledging his LGBT and pro toeva legislation
DeleteBoycott all JCN advertisers. Better yet block all JCN advertisments, it's very easy.
Delete& the losers will find somehow how to spin that out
DeleteSo it seems that Rav Aron ztl sat with zionists in an orginazation. Facts matter you cant rewrite history. Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky shlita last time said to vote for WZO and Rav Shmuelwas from Rav Arons biggest talmidim and also the sone of Rav Yankev ztl.
Tens of Rav ahron talmidim signed against wzo. I'll take Dozens of names over you claiming Rav Shmuel is Rav ahron biggest talmid.
DeleteI'll also wait for Rav Shmuel to say something about this election before deciding what he holds.
Facts matter you can't rewrite history.
DeleteRav Shmuel holds this time its assur to vote as Rav Feldman attested
Show us a signed letter from Rav Samuel stating that he now holds its assur
DeleteIdiot, Rabbi Feldman called, and that's the answer he got.
DeleteDon't call elderly Rabbis names like that.
DeleteNo shychus comparison
Delete@2:24 show us a letter stating heter and obviously should include what the heter is for and why
DeleteHe promised to defer to Rav Dovid, and nothing came of it.
DeleteGottheimer voted to impeach vote. He is from the party that represents nobody except themselves and the fringe people out there.
ReplyDeleteGottheimer voted to impeach Trump
ReplyDeleteFrom the far left to the haredi right, these Jews are questioning the ethics of voting for the World Zionist Congress
So their in errrrrrr good company