Thursday, March 20, 2025

Audio: Asifa in BMG against Hakodesh/WZO

Asifa held in Lakewood Yeshiva  against the Eretz Hakodesh slate marketing campaign in America to get frum Jews to vote in the WZO elections. Rav Aaron Feldman shlita spoke I'm English said  the WZO is paying for all adverrisements in the frum "KOSHER"media and Billboards in Lakewood. They were paid off and wont even post an opposing opinion.While they have more money than us, he said we have the power of the boycot to stop patronizing the websites and stop buying the weekly papers and magazines. It's a churban that Eretz Hakodesh is marketing in America when the Roshei yeshiva in the US are opposed to this. It's a churban what they are doing by legitimizing zionisim and making it like there are 2 sides and acceptable by trying to change the frum Torah community. Anyone who speaks out is labeled as a kanoi or right-winger he said. He refuted the claims and basis of support of gedolim who eretz hakodesh said support them.

For a clear recording call 732-952-1900 Press 6, and then 99 first is Rav Neuman
Press # for Rav Feldman. Press # again for Rav Malkiel.

Audio below: 

Rav Malkiel Kotler Rosh Yeshiva BMG (Yiddish)

Rav Aharon Feldman Rosh Yeshiva Ner Yisroel (English)

Rav Yisroel Neuman Rosh Yeshiva BMG (Yiddish)

Credit Harehbetzba


  1. I can't hear rabbi Feldman so clearly. If someone heard can you please explain what did he said about R' Chaim, how did he explain the difference now?

    1. It was something that applies to anyone who said an opinion on this (that he didn’t understand the issue), but for some reason is only applied to the opinion he’s against.

    2. What difference?

  2. Why is it ok for frumeh people to be in the knesset but we cant vote in WZO??

    1. Reb Reuven in Bayos Hazman explains the difference (pg 18)

    2. See here pp. 18-19:

    3. This was already discussed by Rav Reuven Grozovsky in בעיות הזמן many years ago.

    4. Rabbi Feldman’s distinction that the Knesset is not a ideological organization but a government origination that includes anti-zionist Arab parties in essence would be true about the WZO too. There are plenty of anti-Zionist parties running in it (the Reform movement to large degree among them) They also justify running despite their opposition to Zionism because this is how we can make difference in the way things are run in Israel. One of the most outspoken anti-Zionists in the US who openly advocates dismantling the state of Israel ran in the last WZO elections

    5. I don't think what your saying about anti-Zionists is true but that doesn't take away from the fact that the WZO has an official ideology that by joining the organization you agree that you believe in and with support. Pesach Lerner wrote and article in The Jerusalem Post called Who Are The Real Zionists? in 2020 here's a quote "Moreover, Eretz Hakodesh and its delegates demonstrate their commitment to the elements of the Jerusalem Program. The Jerusalem Program calls for Aliyah to Israel, strengthening Israel, integration of immigrants, ensuring the future of the Jewish people through Jewish education and struggling against all manifestations of antisemitism. These are values that the delegates and voters of Eretz Hakodesh not only espouse on a theoretical level, but fulfill practically."

    6. Reb Aaron Kotler, the Satmar Rav, the Lubavitcher Rebbes, Reb Moshe Feinstein, and Leibish Lefkowitz all became naturalized US citizens. They had to swear allegiance to the American way of life, even though it includes such anti-Torah ideas such as democracy and freedom of religion.

      Yet nobody ever thought that it was a problem. Why?

    7. By the swearing seminary, is done in large groups together, so nobody can tell what you are really saying.

    8. Typo, ceremony, not seminary

  3. For a clear recording call
    732-952-1900 Press 6, and then 99 first is Rav Neuman
    Press # for Rav Feldman. Press # again for Rav Malkiel.

  4. He mentions that only “we” are lishma, speaking in BMG.

  5. Rav ahron feldman discuss the difference many times previously.

  6. As someone above stated, time for USA Rabbonim to decide to go with the now defunct Agudah who holds u side with the tzionim, or the Satmar Rov who was against it. U can't sit on both sides

  7. I just voted.

    I feel great!

    1. I'm sure you feel great after eating shrimp too.

    2. I'm sure that's what those who danced in front of the eigel said.

    3. Can you describe the feeling with a bit more detail?

    4. Remember that when there are consequences you should have at least held your nose and vote but to do so besimcha just to knock the gedolim.. not smart to feel great about that

  8. I sent my kids to seminary and used MASA grants. Would these gedolim have an issue with that?


  10. Makes me laugh when they quote Rav Dov Landau as the godol hador. We know he is. But the eitznikim have been killing him for years. Now that he agrees with them, he reclaimed his gedula.

  11. The frum trash media are at fault Matzav leading with the ads followed by YYN TLS CBN MKY and worse they are all disgusting

  12. I asked Rav Eliyahu. He said sochnut money is the one source that is not under the power of the leftist Israeli courts. Americans don't understand Israeli politics. The only Zionist today are chardal who are not mizrachi they are chareidin dating leumi

  13. @3:01pm. Today it’s shrimp. Tomorrow it’s Amaleik.
    Nebech nebech. Your tzushtel is so farkrumpt for so many reasons

    How dare you compare voting in WZO to eating shrimp?
    As you certainly understand one is Assur min HaTorah whereas the other is Glatt Kosher according to great Rabbonin that are יראי השם.

    Kannauim are not the only Daas Torah. BH Klal Yisroel is bentsched with many divergent opinions that are אלו ואלו דברי. We are not talking about upgrefregteh Rabbonin ch’v.
    Since when does one have to be a kanoee or he is deemed as eating shrimp. How klayn kepoeldig can you be????
    Yes, I know many chashuvim that voted.
    And trust me their voting was Glatt kosher.
    Don’t knock those that don’t have your views if it is Al pee Halacha

    1. Lol many rabbonim, who are you kidding????? אלו אלו Ha ha ha big joke. More rabbonim hold you can go on har bayis, yet nobody with a brain would say אלו ואלו. It's more like אלו ואילו. There's exactly one choshev person that says yes. One. You wouldnt eat a bird that one Rov says is kosher and everyone else says it's not.

    2. I’m around long enough to remember too many things that at one point in time were considered daas baaley batim and or YU haskafa or worse become accepted in Yeshivish circles when there was enough of a pressure to do so that I really don’t take this talk of seriously anymore. End of the day it’s easy and fun to be kanoi when there is no sacrifice on your part and it only involves feeling self righteous knocking others. I don’t believe that if HUD and Foodstamps for Lakewood yungerliet were on the line instead of Reform shmad in EY there would be this much opposition to voting for Eretz Hakodesh

    3. I have often found that the ones screaming the loudest about the mitzvah to listen to daas torah are the ones being mezalzel the most in talmidei chachamim and Gedolim.

      Calling people like Reb Avraham Gurwitz and Reb Eliyahu Levin 'nobody with a brain' tells us which side you stand.

  14. I heard that all the Sephardi Rabbonim in Queens spoke out against voting for Eretz HaKodosh ...but not for the reason you want. They said everyone should only vote for Shas...

  15. R Chaim said not to vote for Bob Singer as he is married to a shiksa. But Bob Singer brings money to BMG where was the kanaus then? This is much worse than voting forl eretz hakodesh

  16. Eretz hakodesh is a farce, if they truly are leshaim shamayim why are they not joining with Aish Haam ate and fighting them shouldn't we all work together to fight the reform??
    Ahhh it's only about the money and. Has veshalom that Aish should have a piece of the pie.

    1. Aish Haam isn't claiming that fighting Reform is a major focus of theirs. They are specifically looking to also get secular voters so there is no way Eretz hakodesh can be expected to join them.

    2. Yes, it's about money. Money for Yeshivos and seminaries. Money away from reform ideas.

      If 'about money' was a problem, get out of BMG.

    3. Because Aish is a farce.Has been for a while

  17. Anonymous @6:17
    Sorry pal. You got it all wrong. Harav haGaon Reb Avraham Gurwicz is a great Godol with unbelievable clarity.
    Yes, I stand by my previous comment אלו ואלו. And yes, if Rav Avrohom said the bird was Kosher I would eat it. I wouldn’t hesitate not even for a second.

    You want to follow kannoim, that is your prerogative. But please don’t knock those that aren’t following your kannaos.

    For example:Posek Hador Rav Moshe Ztvkl, had many detractors in some of his psakim
    but remember what the Satmar Rov Ztzvk’l said to his kanoim when they wanted to challenge Reb Moshe.
    “Are you going to try to argue with Rav Moshe in learning??!!!!”
    Somethings are not só Pashut as you are trying to make it sound.
    In summary: there are two דיעות that are both oisgehalten lefee their respective Rabbonim gedolim.
    Stop knocking.
    Or tomorrow you’ll be throwing stones
