A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Oif Simchas Sunday 22 Adar II
Israel At War Sunday March 31
-Defense minister Gallant: Captured Hamas operatives tell us group is collapsing from within says ‘very great progress’ in Gaza war as troops at Shifa hospital find weapons hidden in maternity ward bed.
-Netanyahu: Elections will set Israel back to before Gaza war he stressed that he is making the utmost effort to retrieve all the remaining hostages in Gaza, saying that he is "interested in succeeding, not appear as if I am only trying."
-Netanyahu on ultra-Orthodox draft: We must promote equality in sharing the burden Amid ongoing efforts to solve the IDF ultra-Orthodox draft crisis, Netanyahu said that Israel "must work to advance equality in sharing the burden." He also said that the haredim should not be coerced into being drafted, saying that "we have tried it before, and it did not go well."
Sunday March 31 News Updates Lakewood
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Motzei Shabbos Parshas Tzav News Updates Lakewood
- DWD Pre Yom tov sale will be tomorrow, Sunday March 31 at Bnos Orchos Chaim 440 Oberlin south 11-4 Selling: girls shabbos and weekday clothes, robes, pajamas, slippers, little boys shabbos sets, stretchies, yarmulkas, tzitzis, men and boys white shirts socks and tights all at below wholesale prices cash or check.
- A frum Family in the Walden woods area of Toms River were robbed Friday night at 5am when 3 thugs with a gun entered their home went into the bedroom and made off with some cash. The family members woke up and screamed which chased the robbers away. police are investigating. they apparently entered from a back window
- Possible snow showers this Thursday according to the latest forecast
-A United Airlines flight from Tel Aviv headed to Newark was diverted to New York Stewart International Airport on Friday, after reported high winds at Newark. One passenger deplaned due to a medical incident,”. Five of the passengers were taken to a local hospital, and one passenger refused medical treatment, officials said.
-Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita responded to the high court ruling against talmidei hayeshivos "What happened over the weekend was that they completely canceled our right to study Torah in eretz yisroel for the time being. There is a type who are really evil, They hate religion. They hate the Torah. They hate Ben Torah. It is very possible that we will have to stand against them with mesirus nefesh
- MDY daf Yomi with R' Eli Stefansky will be live in Lakewood on Monday
- Israeli delegation heads for Egypt on Sunday to hear new hostage deal
-Tomorrow Easter Sunday some stores will be closing including ALDI Costco Sam’s Club Target other stores may have limited hours.
Chasdei Lev Pesach distribution for Rebbeim tomorrow at the blueclaws stadium
Friday, March 29, 2024
Zmanim עש"ק פרשת צו -פרשת פרה תשפ"ד
Friday, March 29, 2023 / יט אדר-ב תשפ"ד ערב שבת פרשת צו Lakewood, NJ
-Candle lighting: 7:00 pm-Shkia/Sunset: 7:18 pm
-Weather: Friday night Low 36F wind gusts
Israel Ar War Friday March 29
Friday March 29 News Updates Lakewood
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Oif Simchas Thursday 19 Adar II
Bagatz Ruling: Halt Funding to Yeshivos as Exemption from IDF Draft not Legal
Thursday March 28 News Updates Lakewood
Israel At War Thursday March 28
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Oif Simchas Wednesday 17 Adar II
Wednesday March 27 News Updates Lakewood
Israel War Update Wednesday March 26
Israel at war day 174
- Giyus Update: a last-minute U-turn, the government requests a half-day extension until 2pm tomorrow to the High Court’s deadline for filing a response to petitions demanding that the state immediately start conscripting ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students. The Attorney General’s Office had filed a draft response asserting that the state would be obliged to begin conscription for such men on April 1 after a government resolution postponing drafting procedures expired but sent out the deadline extension request shortly afterward.
- Giyus Bnei Hayeshivos: The Attorney General recommends to Bagatz that beginning April 1, all Bnei yeshiva will lose the exmption status from the army and technically will be obligated to be conscripted and drafted to the IDF. With regard to funding to yeshivos the recommendation is it should not cut it off immediately but enough to have a transition period. Frum journalists blasted the charedi MK"s for failing to deal with this issue and not making it a priority during this government.
- Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch said the yeshivos in EY should continue the zman until 7 Nissan to start bein hazmanim, and there should be no organized trips during the off weeks. If the matzav changes the yeshivos may end earlier at the usual time Rosh chodesh Nissan.
- NJ Governor Phil Murphy: Today, I am adding my voice in support of an immediate and sustained ceasefire by all parties in Gaza that includes the release of the remaining hostages held by Hamas. A ceasefire by all parties will advance a two-state solution and long-term peace and security in the region.
- Giyus update: The Got will likely ask the high court for an extension while the frum parties insist they have no fear of elections even if the left wins, they don't care about the draft, all they want is to oust Netanyahu,according to Israeli media reports.
- Sefardi R"Y Rav Moshe Tzadka said even bochurim not learning full time in yeshiva do not belong in the army as they will fall to the nisyonos. The only protection to the soldiers comes from the Torah learning
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Oif Simchas Tuesday 16 Afar II
Tuesday March 26 News Updates
Weather: 48° Overcast. High 48F
- Toys for Thought: Purim Blowout! All purim items including Melissa and Doug play costumes are now Half Price. Shtick and Fireworks are all 50% off! Come in soon before its all gone
- RFK Jr independent candidate for President, anounced he will pick Nicole Shanhan as his VP pick she is a California lawyer and philanthropist
- Mike Pompeo: You are either on the side of Hamas or the side of Israel. And Hamas was thrilled to see the Biden Administration refuse to stand up for Israel.
- Maryland's governor says the ship's mayday call enabled officials to limit traffic on Baltimore's Key Bridge before the crash that caused the collapse.
- Alan Dershowitz: 'First time I might not vote Democrat. That's a vote against Israel' Prominent law professor lambasts Biden Administration's decision not to veto UN ceasefire resolution in interview with Israeli television. 'This will lengthen the war. This is a terrible decision both for us and for Israel.'
- At least 7 people are missing after a cargo ship appears to lose power & slam into the support beam of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland. The ship was being piloted by a local pilot who specializes in moving in and out of the Port of Baltimore. Two people have been rescued from the river. One was uninjured and the other is in “very serious condition” in the hospital.
The ship is a Singapore-flagged container ship, the Dali. It is expected to cause major economic disruptions to the area and across the country. The port, a major route for shipping containers and cruise liners, is the deepest harbor in Maryland's Chesapeake Bay, closer to the Midwest than other East Coast ports, with five public and 12 private terminals, according to the Maryland government website.
- Lakewood planning board meeting tonight at 6pm watch livestream Here see agenda Here, on the agenda no mention of cheshek shlomo application for day care
Israel At War Tuesday March 26
Monday, March 25, 2024
Oif Simchas 16 Adar II Monday
Shushan Purim 5784 News Updates Lakewood
Israel At War Shushan Purim Monday March 25
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Purim News Briefs Lakewood 5784
Toms River Rav blasts Mispalelim for attempt to change Nusach to Ashkenaz:
A local Matza bakery in the five towns is adding a special run of sourdough matzos for this coming pesach the price is steep at $54 a pound but well worth the price for those who are health conscious and can't let a shabbos seuda go by without a sourdough challah. The bakery is under the hashgacha of the vaad amei haratzos matzah is Glatt shmurah and under 18 minutes.
Menahalim and roshei mosdos meet on naming yeshivos:
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Friday, March 22, 2024
Lakewood Zmanim עשק פרשת ויקרא שבת זכור ערב פורים תשפ''ד
Friday, March 22, 2024 / י״ב אדר-ב תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת ויקרא
Places for נשים to Hear מגילת אסתר
Halachos When Purim is Motzei Shabbos
Friday March 22 news Updates Lakewood
Israel At War Friday March 22
Israel at war day 168
- Russia, China veto UN resolution calling for Gaza ceasefire tied to hostage deal
- Terror attack in the Binyomin region near the settlment of Dolev At least seven people were injured one of them critically, by a Palestinian terrorist who opened fire at a minibus, he was killed by a airstrike.
- Blinken warns Israel that if it does not come up with a plan for the “day after” Hamas, Israel will be stuck in Gaza for years and will see its international standing undermined and national security in danger,
- Israel will go it alone on Rafah if it has to, Netanyahu tells Blinken United States failure to support a major military operation in Rafah won’t prevent Israel from conducting one, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Blinken when the two men in Tel Aviv.“There is no way for us to defeat Hamas without going into Rafah and eliminating the rest of the battalions there,” he said. Blinken said “We’ve been very clear, President Biden has been very clear, that a major ground operation in Rafah would be a mistake and something that we can’t support.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
News Updates Lakewood Motzei Taanis Esther
"Scroll Down to the Persia of Old"
By: Y. Mordechai of Lakewood הבירה
Time to take the מגילה קלף off d’Seforim Shrank,
Open the cask of Cabernet de Blanc,
Amalek is now dormant and subtle,
פורים הבא עלינו לטובה will never be בטל!
Unravel Esther’s אגרת, the Divine’s plan unfolds,
ונהפוך הוא – for year תשפ"ד, ours is a sealed Megillah, untold.
בימים ההם – Mordechai helped spare Jews of their fate,
בזמן הזה – we lack a מנהיג to illuminate.
Back then, they beheld the Heavenly signs,
לא מאסתים ולא געלתים – at least, we can read between the lines.
Mossad wants to probe for detail,
How did the F-35 over the RPG not prevail?
How in the world, on Simchas Torah,
Did they breach the fence without any מורא!?
Finite mortals, zai nisht kain na’ar, the world is not hefker,
הגזירה אמת והחריצות שקר
On that day, Hashem decreed,
So the security services and army were rendered obsolete!
Weeks ago, a hospital in Gaza, got a clean bill of health,
But then they came back for “hakofos shniyos” in stealth,
The message for us all makes a dent,
ווען דער אויבישטער וויל, איר קריכט אויף די גלאטע ווענט!
Just as in Shushan – in days of yore,
Tefillah is key ,כבימי אסתר ומרדכי, ותקוותם בכל דור ודור,
The בורא עולם writes the script of current events, even as we speak,
This is the answer we all seek.
מעיקרא מאי - sober, drink the four cups, עד דלא ידע,
The Ribono shel Olam has a master plan – witness 14 Adar,
אורה – זו תורה, its study and מעשים טובים
Will hasten the advent of ישועת עולמים. - A Freilichen Purim!
Thursday Taanis Esther March 21 News Updates Lakewood
Israel At War Thursday March 21
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Oif Simchas Tuesday 11 Adar II
Wednesday March 20 News Updates Lakewood
Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Releases Kol Korei Before Taanis Esther 5784
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Eligibility For the NJ Student Support Act
The New Jersey student support act that was introduced in Trenton establishes program in the dept of treasury to provide tax credits to taxpayers contributing to organizations which awards scholarship to certain non public school students. according to Teach NJ they hope to have a vote in June
How will eligibility be determined? how will it work? based on the initial bill submitted there will be student support organization that will receive contributions and administer the scholarship to eligible students that are in non public schools who are part of the national school lunch program, The student support organization can only spend 5% on administrative costs and is in charge of reviewing applications for schools by eligible families the max of contributions allowed per year is $250 million. Any student from any school or region in NJ can apply and scholarships amount must be equal to all, if there's too many students a lottery system will take place for the new applicants,
to download and see full bill see here (credit A Lang) or See basic rules of the bill below and Federal income levels for reduced lunch
Oif Simchas Tuesday 10 Adar II
Moadim L'Simcha Pesach Order Deadline Tonight
Tuesday March 19 News Updates Lakewood l
Hashkafa: Sequal on Shidduch Crisis
BDE: Rav Yehuda Levin ZTL of Lakewood
The Levaya will takes place at the Bais Aaron B"M of BMG at 2:00pm 10th street and Clifton Ave. Kevura in Eretz Yisroel
- Call in number on BMG conference lone 857-347-0100 pin 125005#
Petirah of Rav Yehuda Levin of Lakewood noted baak tzedaka and talmid chochom who was niftar early this morning. Reb Yehuda was from the first Tomchei Torah in Lakewood as he was the address for everyone in need of tzedaka. He supported mosdos and youngeleit and was the go to for all meshulachim from E"Y. He spent his days learning in Yeshiva Bais Medrash Govoha in the Bais Shalom B"M. His father Rav Moshe ZTL was a rav in Netanya, and brother is Yblc"h Harav Eliyohu Levin shlita, from the preeminent talmidei chachomim in Lakewood. He leaves behind a mishpacha of talmidei chachomim and baalei tzedaka. The levaya will take place today in Lakewood with kevura in E"Y. In Netanya
Israel At War Tuesday March 19
Monday, March 18, 2024
Oif Simchas Monday 9 Adar
Tuition Relief Bill Introduced Today in Trenton
Monday March 18 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: 51° Sunny along with a few clouds.
- Assemblyman Avi Schnall votes to increase gas tax as he voted today Yes, in favor of a bill to increase the gas tax in NJ by 2 cents a gallon per year for the next 5 years. Republicans all voted against it, but schnall joined the democrats along party line for the tax increase. The bill awaits signature of Gov Murphy.
- Assemblyman Avi Schnall sponsors another bil that l Allows persons diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or Crohn's disease to receive parking privileges reserved for persons with disability. This billbhas been introduced previously and againbin the senate by Bob Singer
- Coke Soda cans on sale @shop Rite 3 12 packs for $17 plus a free 12 pack of spiced coke
- Al Haesh על האש Event planner and in-house Chef / Caterer in Lakewood is now unde the kosher supervision of CRC Hisachdus
- A New Kosher Pizza shop will soon be opening in Jackson at the plaza 2042 West County line rd off Steuban lane. The famous Fialkoffs pizza is opening further down W. County ln near NPGS plaza.