Sunday, March 20, 2022

What Rav Elyashiv said about Reb Chaim and The Grasshopper

During his hesped at the Levaya today, Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein shlita said over the famous story about Rav Chaim kanievsky with a Grasshopper. Reb Chaim wrote a sefer קרני חגבים and wanted to see a live grasshopper to study the hind legs and wings he asked his daughters if they had a photo from their science books but they didnt have it. Suddenly during the shabbos meal a grasshopper appeared through the window landed on the table and Rav Chaim was able to study it. Rav Zilberstein who was Rav Chaim's brother in law said that their father in law Rav Eliyashiv Told him that this story is something that only the Rishonim were zoche to have.

See video from Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky a"h confirms the grasshopper story


  1. It's an amazing story.

    (I do think that it's important to note that it was not instantaneous. It's absolutely true that it could have been instantaneous. But the story in it's true form - as the Rebbetzin Z"L said it - is more inspiring and moving to me.)

  2. Reb chaim himself verified this story on video
