Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Senate Passes Bill Making Daylight Savings Time Permanent in 2023, Problomatic for Shachris In Winter

Starting next year after November 2023 Shachris/Vasikin in the winter months wont start before 8:00 am after the senate passed a bill today to  make Daylight Saving Time permanent. This change has major ramifications for frum Jews. People commuting to work will have to daven later, Yeshivos will have to restructure the morning sedarim. Kids will be waiting for the bus in the morning while it is still dark. This will first start in 2 years if Moshiach does not come. The bill awaits passage in congress and a signature by the president.
 In NYC the earliest time to put on talis and tefilin would be as late 7:26 am and the netz at 8:20 am. Erev shabbos in the winter would be longer with shkiah at 5:30pm as would the taaneisim in the winter

 (Reuters) -The U.S. Senate voted unanimously on Tuesday to make Daylight Saving Time permanent, a move supporters say would make winter afternoons brighter and end the twice-a-year changing of clocks.

The measure still needs approval from the House of Representatives and the backing of President Joe Biden. On Sunday, most of the United States resumed Daylight Saving Time, moving ahead one hour. The U.S. will resume standard time in November 2022. Senator Marco Rubio said after input from airlines and broadcasters that supporters agreed that the change would not take place until November 2023.


  1. Finally a solution for bochurim who wake up late

  2. In England it is already like this

  3. Those in Detroit will have dark until 9 AM at certain times.

  4. “if Moshiach doesn’t come”
    If? Did you say if?
    Tsk, tsk, tsk.
    Moshiach will surely be there by then.

    1. As in "for sure" ?
      As in you're a Navi?

    2. Not a Navi.
      Trying to be a Ma’amin in the 13 principles of faith.

    3. Sorry don't need to believe that he will for sure be here before the Bieeta.
      We believe that he will come. And wait expectantly every day that he will come.

  5. Why is everyone freaking out? This is how it was for centuries in parts of Lithuania and Russia (Baltic Region) and it is discussed at length in the Poskim.

    It probably won't pass the house anyways, but of all things to worry about, it isn't the end of the world. We'll get used to it.

    1. Maybe their work schedule wasn't set up as it is nowadays.
      That's a big difference.

  6. Someone should start an organization to deal with this. Collect mucho cash and have cigar rolling at their events.

    Any choshuv guys have lazy sons looking for a fat paycheck please give them my idea.
