Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Wednesday Taanis Esther 5782 News Updates Lakewood

 Wednesday, March 16, 2021 / י״ג אדר תשפ״ב 

Purim Night mesibos listed in comment section

תענית אסתר 
Weather: Abundant sunshine. High 63F tonight Slight chance of a rain shower
Purim day Rain likely all day. High 53F.  Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall near a half an inch.
-Shkia 7:04 pm fast is over 7:45 pm it is customary to extend the fast until after קריאת המגילה
-The Minhag is to give מחצית השקל, by Mincha תחנון and אבינו מלכנו is not said.
      סגולה גדולה לקרוא פרק כב' בתהילים ולבקש בזכות מרדכי ואסתר המלכה את כל מה שרוצים     
- Vineyard will be open past shkia
Minyanim for Mincha  in Satmar kol shimshon /Sanz oak and Vine

- Seder limud in BMG tonight as a zechus for the yidden in Ukraine 9:30 - 10:45 at the Bais Yitzchok and Bais Shalom botei Medrash followed by the annual Purim Tish in Bais Aaron on tenth street at 10:45 pm

OCHD updated totals since last week 3/9/22
- 24 new covid cases in Lakewood+3 deaths totals 23801/375
- 16 new cases in Jackson totals 12597/141
- 4 new covid cases  +1 death in Toms River totals 21337/428

- Gas prices in Lakewood drop 10-8 cents per gallon average none $4.11
- NJSP were in Lakewood earlier today enforcing traffic violations 

-Expect heavy traffic this afternoon for the morah Shalach Manos delivery

- Wednesday’s Powerball jackpot is up to $133,000,000!

- NJAG says Lakewood should increase taxes -Lakewood's school district owes over $125 million in state loans. But instead of looking for a change in the state funding formula, the acting NJ attorney general says, they should be increasing taxes. “The problem is an unbalanced budget." (APP)

-Last night the planning board they voted 4-3 against the recommendation to give 35 year tax abatements to 2 properties off Pine street. The application will be voted on by the township committee regardless of the planning board but they need a super majority to pass it either a 5-0 or 4-1 vote. 
In another application for a shul at the Oak and vine  neighbors on Vine street  objected due to safety concerns the application will continue at a later time. 

סליחות לתענית אסתר
קנא לשמך נורא ונקדש, חזה כרמך נהרס ונידש. זרויינו קבץ ושיר לך יחודש, קימם והחים בבנין בית המקדש. וכעשותך נוראות באותן הימים, אתנו הפלא תשועת עולמים. מצוא לפניך כפר ותנחומים, אל מלך יושב על כסא רחמים.

Yerushalayim Cheder kids dress up as Leviim this morning at the Kosel


  1. If the NJ AG is arguing in court papers that Lakewood should be raising property taxes to meet our school district needs -- Why on earth is our Twp Committee working hard to give a 35 year property tax break in the proposed (and very convoluted) Ordinance 2022-015 to the owner of Block 855.01 Lots 19 & 26.01

    On the one hand the township is strenuously arguing in court that we need more money, but on the other hand they're giving away to a private property owner tax monies that we desperately need. Like, Hello?? Is anyone paying attention to what these guys are doing?

    Let the guy pay like everybody else. Stop the hypocrisy. No more special treatment!

  2. Where is a good place to hang out tonight?

    1. By Charlie's party

    2. At home.
      Eat a Seuda, and then sit down and learn. Or go to sleep, wake up early and learn a few hours before davening.
      Starting the Mitzvos Hayom after knowing that you have spent a few hours learning in the morning is an unbelievable geshmake feeling.


    These are the tax free office buildings

  4. Roberts shul 10pm and on

  5. *Lakewood Purim 2022*

    *Wednesday night*

    Mishpachas Brodt

    Baruch Jermeias:
    Lake Terrace
    Mendy Hershkowitz Band
    Benny Friedman
    Eli Marcus

    Shaya Prager house
    Shloime Gertner
    Dovi Meisels

    Chuni Herzka house
    1168 Evergreen Ave
    Lipa Schmeltzer
    Beri Weber
    Itzik Dadya
    Shulem Lemmer

    Richie Roberts shul
    Osniel Rozen
    Aaron Goldberg Productions
    A wenik
    Yeedle Friedman
    Ruvy Litzman

    Asher Handler

    *Thursday afternoon*

    Moishe Mendlowitz
    Naftali Kempeh

    The *®Media™ Team*

  6. The OCHD forgot to switch the numbers. They're still reporting 3 deaths every week of corona.
    They're in desperate need of a new marketer.
