Friday, March 18, 2022

Friday Shushan Purim 5782 Lakewood

 Friday, March 18, 2022 / ט״ו אדר-ב תשפ״ב ערב שבת פרשת צו שושן פורים

Weather: Sun and clouds mixed. High 73F.  shabbos day  clouds with showers and thundershowers, mainly in the morning. High 68F

Candle lighting 6:48 pm Shkiah/sunset 7:06 pm 

- Early Shabbos minyanim resume
- Reminder to adjust Shabbos clocks timers 
- Take out the money and muktzah items from the bigdei shabbos from Purim

-  This week Novi shiur given by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a on: Motzaei Shabbos Parshas צו,  from  9:45- 10:25pm. in Kollel Ner Avrhom 104 Arbutus Drive will incorporate a דברי הערכה והספד על רבינו מרן הגר"ח זצוק"ל וכל בית ישראל יבכו את השריפה אשר שרף ה' הציבור מוזמן

- Governor Phil Murphy: ·Tammy and I join our Jewish community in mourning the loss of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, who dedicated his life to the Torah and his faith. May his memory be a blessing.

- Divrei Hisorerus after the Histalkus of Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L today at 2:30 pm from HaRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin Shlita Live call-in: 712-832-5656 Pin: 500# Recordings will be available afterwards on the Chayeinu Hotline: 732-301-4043 opt 1-2

- Shiras Devorah Holocaust expo will be open today shushan Purim for men and boys 12:30 pm - 4:00pm and Sunday night March 20 for ladies and girls 7:30 pm- 10:30 pm with self guided tours $20 admission

- Some people are working on setting up a location in Lakewood for people to gather together for a hookup of the Levaya of Rav Chaim Kanievsky zatzal

Purim in Lakewood

- Purim in Lakewood was celebrated joyfully and some of the changes from covid continued. There was noticeably less groups of yeshiva bochurim going around collecting with many yeshivos keeping the bochurim in yeshiva by sponsoring learning programs and having purim mesibos. The traffic was sparse compared to previous years due to the community spreading out to neighboring towns less groups collecting, and people delivering shalach manos on Taanis esther. For the first time Purim was felt in the air in the streets of Manchester with hundreds of families living there. Local gevirim hosted purim parties for the public with singers and musicians inviting everyone to join in while checks were written out for tzedaka. On purim night there were several learning programs in the wedding halls for hundreds of people and in BMG a purim kollel learned from Chatzos to Netz. The new chasidishe neighborhoods hosted purim tishen celebrating simchas purim.
Watch Videos photos of simchas Purim in Lakewood Yeshiva HERE

- Moderna seeks FDA authorization for 4th dose of COVID shot

- Phil Murphy: We are closely watching the recent rise in global COVID numbers and, given both previous trends with regard to spread and our location as an international nexus for travel and trade, we do anticipate that we will eventually see an increase in the number of cases in New Jersey, .However, at this time, we do not anticipate any need to reinstate universal statewide mandated protective measures.

- Agudas Yisrael of America: Sar V’gadol Nafal Hayom Hazeh B’Yisroel

With broken hearts and tear-filled eyes we must share the terrible news of the petirah of Maran Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zecher tzaddik v’kadosh l’verachah. Rav Chaim’s influence on the Torah world was unparalleled. He was known widely as the Sar HaTorah and was seen as the preeminent Torah authority and posek acharon for Klal Yisroel.  Mah nomar u’mah nedaber. Rav Chaim’s greatness cannot be captured in a few words; our loss is incalculable. This is a time for introspection, when each and every one of us should recognize the special achrayus we have to strengthen ourselves in Torah, to collectively fill in some small measure the terrible void created by the petirah of Maran Rav Chaim. T’hei nishmaso tzerurah bitzror hachayim.


  1. Hespedim are forbidden today, except חכם בפניו.
    There is no heter for Hespedim today, even if they are called divrei hisorerus.

    1. Please quote the source for that Heter.
      (Shelo bifanav)

    2. ואין כבוד התורה אלא לעשות על פי חוקיה ומשפטיה

      The Halacha is clear that Hespedim are forbidden on Shushan Purim, even for Kovod Hatorah.

    3. I’m so impressed that we anonymous ppl who know better than r Yitzchok
