Thursday, March 10, 2022

Thursday March 10 News updates Lakewood

 weather: A mix of clouds and sun. High near 50F

- American Roshei Yeshiva Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita and Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita call on capable youngeleit to travel to the European countries that are hosting the Ukraine refugees and provide them with chizuk and help them settle by setting up a framework to suit their needs. The Roshei Yeshiva pointed to the physical and spiritual situation they are currently in  after fleeing from their homes in Ukraine. The yiddin ran out with only a shirt on their backs and we must organize for them a system that will help them physicaly. There awaits a spiritual danger as others are seizing the oppurtunity waiting for them at the borders these groups activities is detramental to the kiruv efforts that was built up over the years in Ukraine.

- Agudah emergency Campaign hits goal by raising over 10 million dollars. As per psak of Rav Shlomo Miller more money is needed and they can not stop as long as there are yiddin in Ukraine. All future funds will be matched.

- Reminder Day light savings time begins this motzei shabbos as we spring ahead shkiah Purim day is 7:05 pm

- Mothers of Jackson Unite Hundreds of parents came and sat there for hours. Only a handful spoke, and at the end, they went home thinking it had been a waste of time. Fast-forward to the next month’s meeting. Right at the beginning, during the superintendent’s report, a PowerPoint presentation was shown, including a slide showing the new timeline for bus route bids. read more 

- Murphy:"Effective March 14th, masks will no longer be required for state employees, customers, and visitors indoors in all state executive branch offices and buildings. Any employee, customer, or visitor may choose to wear a mask.

-  Reporters will not be allowed to cover the Ocean County Republican Party’s annual convention, which will take place tonight  at the Days Hotel on Route 37 in Toms River.(APP)

- Mordechai Ben David coming out with new CD release date next week Tuesday 

- Abie Rotenberg releases  New album Journeys 5 after 18 years in the making with guest appearances Joey Newcomb, Benny Friedman and others

- Moadim L'Simcha of Lakewood  Pesach 5782-2022  order Deadline: Sunday, March 13th, 2022 HERE

- LIC says they will be having helicopter sightseeing tours at the Lakewood airport over Pesach as a test pilot for future activities there.

- US inflation rises to 7.9% in February, hit 40-year high.

-The tziyun of Rashbi in Meron will be closed indefinitely, due to health and safety concerns. In addition, the Electricity Authority has also ordered the suspension of the electricity supply to the tziyun. Those arriving for the yahrtzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu will be allowed entry on foot only through the town’s main gate and permitted to proceed until the outskirts of the grave site. Entry into the building will not be allowed under any circumstances. (Hamodia)

- The official LPD statement on the fatal car crash in Lakewood made no mention of the speed factor despite a surveillance video showing the car driving at a higher than usual rate on Madison Ave.

- Campaign launched for almana and 5 yesomim donate Here

- Tonight Shloshim commemoration for Habochur Shlomo Sorotzkin Z"L ben Ybl"c R' Chaim Dov shlita at B"M Pine River starting with Maariv 9:00 pm

-Badatz Eidah Hachareidis rules that all of Beit Shemesh should keep Purim on the 14th day after a recent debate of some people pushing to have it like Yerushalayim

 - The Strand theater in Lakewood will be holding a fundraiser for Ukraine on Sunday March 27 The Lakewood Police Department will form an honor guard and the Lakewood Fire Department will display the USA Flag from an aerial fire truck. Concessions, the Strand bar, and food trucks will be available throughout the day. All money collected will be donated to various charities, the Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund; and Agudath Israel of America.


  1. For the record, Rav Brandsdorfer wrote that *one* neighborhood in Beit Shemesh should read the megillah on the 15th as well due to the safek. He didn't say that all of Beit Shemesh should do that, and certainly not that they should only celebrate Shushan Purim as in Yerushalayim.

  2. I'm sorry to disappoint some 'Israelis' but the whole case for 15th in almost all cities in EY is הבל
    there was a קונטרס published by an American talmid chochum some 15 or so years ago, regarding קרית ספר, that conclusively demonstrating the baselessness of the arguments to lain on 15
    i think it was called אגרת השנית or something like that
    before anyone starts commenting yerushalim... chazon ish.. etc i'd advise you to first somehow get hold of that קונטרס and learn it

    1. I think you mean the ספיקא דמוקפין about Modi'in.
      Read it here

  3. Ramat bet shemesh 4 is or might be somech vinereh to תל ירמות which might've had walls 3300 years ago. That's the question. There might a letter from rav chaim shlita that says to be noheg safek over on the 15th.


  4. Special Feature Shiur
    בשורה משמחת לשוחרי התורה ולומדיה
    שיעור מיוחד באגדה ובהלכה בענין:
    עמלק וזרעו – מרפידים ועד בני ברק
    We are excited to announce that this week's shuir
    given by
    Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a
    will be given on:
    Motzaei Shabbos Parshas ויקרא, 5782
    March 12,2022 at 9:00- 9:45 PM.
    in Kollel Ner Avrhom
    Simcha Hall
    104 Arbutus Drive, Lakewood, NJ 08701

    This week topic:

    A comprehensive journey throughout entire תנ"ך in reference to עמלק & his descendants in all generations באגדה ובהלכה

    הציבור מוזמן!
    The organizers

  5. When is this site, from the few lakewood news sites that actually post real news going to a secure website?? Step up from a blog to a real news site

    1. hv is the best site for lakewood hands down! and we're very happy with this format
      no need for any changes

    2. I think it's perfect as is without making headlines and articles out of every sentence. Just everything as is.
      Also if they become a website they might start correcting all the typos and spelling mistakes and from there they might think they have to be all politically correct and then that's the end of it all.

  6. "The official LPD statement on the fatal car crash in Lakewood made no mention of the speed factor despite a surveillance video showing the car driving at a higher than usual rate on Madison Ave."
    Excuse me the person who was driving that car I believe is still living, it is very unfair for you decide how many miles an hour the car was going from a CCTV you saw online. There was no speedtracker on that video. It is bad enough what that driver has to live with, let alone allegations which you have no proof to.
    The speed limit on Madison is 40 MPH, you cannot tell from a video, if the car was going above that, let alone at that time of the morning you rarely could go faster than that.
    That corner is really hard to make a left turn, the light is very short & cycles real fast, there is no turning light, always trafic comming head on.
    It is usually quicker to go to the next block turn on Clifton & come back.
    I have waited numerous times to turn over there.
    One must learn from this, not blame others for speeding (unfounded), not blamme smart phones & tznius.
    It is time for our manhigim to explain people a car needs a lisecense, the same way a gun does. when you drive a car, and just once in a rush try to save a minute, you may be responsible for lives. I have also been cut off on that corner ( & many others, sometimes even by laden school buses) I had the siyatta Dishmaya to slow down without getting rear ended or swerving onto other trafic.
    Please learn from this let it be a tikun to the neshoma, drive menschlech keep the rules. & NEVER I REPEAT, never cut infront of another driver in a way you force the other driver to slow down, no matter how much over the speed limit you think they are driving.They may not expect you & may not have good brakes oer brakes which work well in rain etc.
    When I learned driving the first rule the instructor taught was never take advantage, that means just because the other driver signalled , & slowed down, that doesn;'t mean they will turn, so you don't turn until the other driver has made the turn, over here it is even more appropriate.
    I know everyone myself included is pained by this loss of life, and is being melamed zchus on the niftar, but pleasse don't shift blame to someone who already has to live with this death. Obviously the police determined that the other driver wasn't speeding by the skid marks. By justifying that turn, you are telling everyone that you are Ok with others making that type of turn. I am not OK with that. Please never justify dangerous driving underany circumstances, and especially not on public forum.
    This is sad enough, don't make it worse for the survivor.
    You are entitled to your own opinion.
    Maybe people should be mekabel to drive safely liluy nishmoso.That will also cause less chillul Hashem.

    1. In other words blame the dead because he doesn't have to 'live" with it

    2. הוי קוראים לרע טוב ולטוב רע
      דער האט פיינט דער איד און ליעב.............

    3. Excuse me, ranter,
      There were car parts that flew 250 feet due to the impact. I think the motor or tha axle was found in the cemetery on that corner. Somebody was going way too fast. Period. And it wasn’t the Yumgerman A”H ad he was simply making a left turn.

    4. In the video footage the car came BOMBING down route 9 like a crazed out lunatic. The Yid z”l had already completed most of his turn when the meshiganeh hit him.

  7. In 2016, as Trump claimed the Republican nomination for president, the GOP originally wrote a platform that was to call for providing Ukraine with weapons in addition to the substantial nonlethal aid the U.S. already provides, news outlets reported at the time. After Trump surrogates reportedly intervened, the final passage supported "providing appropriate assistance" to Ukraine, but didn't mention providing arms to the government in Kiev, the Los Angeles Times reported. PolitiFact found there was evidence that Trump’s campaign was involved in making the change.

  8. Less baseless then you surmise
    Constantinople/Instanbul, Aleppo, parts of Lublin would keep 2 days!
