Saturday, March 26, 2022

Motzei Shabbos shmini 5782 Lakewood

- Tonight Rabbi Moshe Elefant of the OU kashrus division will answer all Pesach questions on the talkline communications network 11:00 pm listen Here

- Hespedim tonight for HaRav Chaim Kanievsky zatzal at Bais Yaakov hall 277 James st 9:45 pm divrei Hesped by Rav Naftoli Kopschitz shlita of Yerushalayim, Rav Chaim Lubin shlita Rav Khal Jackson Pines and relative, Harav Yitzchock Sorotzkin shlita.

- Parlor Meeting to benefit Yeshivas Rav Meit Solovitchick zatzal at Zichron Shneur 282 Oak Knoll rd 9:45 pm

- Biden says Putin ‘cannot remain in power’
later Saturday, a White House official attempted to clarify that Biden “was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change,” but rather was making the point that Putin “cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region.”

-Bingo open tonight until 1:00 am

- Tonight Novi shiur given by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a from  9:45- 10:25pm. in Kollel Ner Avrhom 104 Arbutus Drive 


  1. Biden says Putin ‘cannot remain in power’

    He should learn the mishna of Siyug L'Chochma Shtika and chazer it over a thousand times. That comment will accomplish nothing and can easily be perceived by Putin and the Russians as a threat and call to war. People talked about how Trump's big mouth will lead us to into war but it seems like Biden is even worse than Trump when it comes to making irresponsible comments

    1. America getting involved in a fight that has nothing to do with them is, without questions, the craziest, most unnecessary, gamble in US history. We have somehow forgotten how to conduct a cost-benefit analysis.

      Have we lost our collective minds?!

    2. Putin has a goal of being The powerhouse in the world - do we wait until its too late? What the west is doing is actually extremely selfish - egging on the Ukrainians (by giving them a couple of weapons etc.) to fight a gorilla war which is a lost battle - to deter Putin from continuing on with his mission.

    3. Surprisingly it does not seem like a lost battle. Rather a tough one.

  2. Tell Biden to just be quiet and send someone else to talk for him.
    It'll be good for him then he'll get his rest and ice cream.
    And it'll be good for the world if someone responsible that knows how to deal with these arrogant dictators will do the talking.

  3. What’s with one of the local “family” papers commenting on a new anti Biden store, complete with pictures of the posters with disgusting expletives on the wall?

    1. I don't know. I didn't notice it.

    2. Maybe send them a comment instead of commenting here.
      That will probably be more helpful.

  4. Page 110 said F... Biden
    The voice should have notified parents before shabbos to censor it. It was all over social media. They knew!

    1. Interesting. I didn't know people in Lakewood still allow these things into their homes.

    2. The cheder rebbi in my shul told me that he plans to tell his talmidim that the voice is treif and should not be read. It’s no different than harry potter which is not permitted reading material in his school. I would also caution that other publications by the same “publisher” should also be avoided.

      We’ve already seen warning signs signs about his hashkafos in his past “from the publisher” pieces. It should be more than obvious by now that his material is not fit to be brought in to a ben torah’s house.

  5. Only certain types of people notice these things.

    1. Correct only the non naive ones.
      And that's how they catch catch people's minds and Hashkofos. Especially of the children.

  6. Baruch Dayan Emes.↵
    Levaya of Hagaon Rav Yissochor Weisberg Z"L taking place now in Yeshiva (Yoshon/Bendheim) started at 2:15.

  7. It was obviously an oversight. LOL! Rabosai get a hold of yourselves

    1. It was not a oversight to print a news item about a FJB store and after the expletive slipped through they should have warned about it.

  8. Why? They have people like u that apparently have spare time on their hands to do the job for them!

    1. So that’s how the Voice deals with this travesty? By knocking and ridiculing the people who are so sensitive to this abominable language that they have no television in their homes.. but yet the dirty street still gets smuggled into their private domiciles by way of a weekly magazine that dubs itself as kosher??

      It’s so ironic that if a tv host would use that filthy language on air his program would pay a stiff penalty due to the indecent exposure to innocent families, while at the same time this publisher blames his readership for noticing this despicable item due because their have unclean minds..

      I wouldn’t even burn my chometz with this rag!
