Monday, March 14, 2022

Letter from Lakewood R"Y: Sponsor Bochurim's Learning in Lieu of Purim Collecting

In a letter addressed to the Lakewood area community regarding sponsoring limud hatorah of bochurim on purim. In previous years the yeshiva bochurim from the local mesivtos and bais medrash would go around collecting on purim night and day, Last year because of covid they could not go and instead they stayed in their yeshivos and had a special seder limud. Instead of collecting, the bochurim raised funds for tzedaka by calling balei batim asking for sponsorships of their learning. This year as well the yeshivos have decided to replicate it as it was a tremendous hatzlocha for the bochurim. The Roshei yeshiva ask everyone to take advantage of this opportunity and respond warmly,in return will get the bracha of supporting Torah.



  1. Isn’t Purim supposed to be a day designated to providing for עניים? When I was in Yeshiva the bachurim would collect for עניי ארץ ישראל. Are there no more עניים?

    1. I feel bad because for the past couple of days I've had bochurim come to my door and say they were collecting for a yeshiva - I didn't give them anything because that's not matanos leevyonim. I only realized just now that they were collecting for the Ta"Tim...

    2. No it is not a day designated only for Aniyim
      It is a day of Mishta and Simcha and Ahava and Reius which includes everyone in Klal Yisrael . (Although there is also a specific mitzvah to give to Evyonim)

  2. Havent been you reading the recent comments. all the Mosdos are run by greedy balei Batim who are raking in the cash from tuition. the bacuhurim have been collecting for these very mosdos and so this year we should reserve Purim as a day to give to people that cant set up million dollar RayzeIt or Charidy campigns!!

  3. I said evyoinim are not aniyim, I guess every evyoin is an oni, However not every ani is an evyon, & to be yoitzeh the mitzvah, don't mix them up.

  4. Maybe the ballebatim will stop running to Florida and join the Seforim as well.

  5. The purpose of money is to support Yeshiva bochurim. Bochurim do not exist to support Yeshivos. This idea of bochurim collecting on Purim, or the entire Adar, for their Yeshiva, is just plain wrong and a distortion of a Yeshiva.

    1. It seems that many wiser and greater people argued on your logic.
      One of the reasons is that collecting for your Yeshiva teaches you responsibility and sensitivity to Chessed as well.

    2. I think your history is off
      The older generation sent the bochurim collecting for Peylim and other organizations. Sending them for their own Yeshiva was considered a farce. And bochurim don't learn responsibility, they learn how a Rebbe can take advantage of his Talmidim for his own benefit.
      The older Roshei Yeshiva did not send bochurim collecting for their Yeshiva. Reb Meir Stern, Reb Elya Ber, Reb Elya Svei, Reb Yitzchok Faigelstock, Reb Shaul Kagan, etc etc.

    3. Ok but when and where I was a Bachur we did collect for our own Yeshiva and we did learn responsibility from it. And we never viewed our Rebbeim as taking advantage. We knew we're all in this together. It was never them vs us.

    4. When I was learning in Passaic about thirty years ago although Rav Meir Stern did not encourage anyone to collect on Purim he did allow it . Even if it met going to time consuming places like Chicago to collect . In the place I learned before Passaic the Rosh Yeshiva actually had a din torah with a certain mosod who used to have the “chazoka” on bochurim in the Yeshiva collecting for them because he wanted bochurim to collect for the Yeshiva.

  6. I just sponsored the learning on Tanis Esther … got away cheap

  7. As a bochur the one day we where able to have a legitimate good time was purim. Why take away the fun from buchorim? Let them have a good time for goodness sakes

    1. The one day?
      What do you do whole month of Av?
      (And Nisan)

  8. What I don't get is the phone call after phone call starting weeks before Purim that I'm getting from Bochurim to sponsor their Purim learning . It seems to me as a grubber baal habos that it would be a lot better is they spent their weeks before Purim learning and then collecting on Purim over making phone calls for weeks or even days before Purim and then learning on Purim.

    Ironically I remember thirty five years seeing how what a Tikkun it is for Bochurim to be collecting on Purim over spending time together in what may end up as problems, But no one suggested Seder.

    Another historical note is that the idea of the "bunnies" dancing by Chasunas in Adar after night seder and then collecting Tzedoka was started back in 1979 by Rav Epraim Wachsman Shlita who was then a bochur in Torah Vodaas. He had the haskama of both Rav Gedaliah Schorr and Rav Pam but he probably only had bochurim who weren't holding by learning after night seder anyway

    1. I was learning in Torah Vodaas back in the 1970s when Rabbi Wachsman came up with the idea of renting bunny costumes, dancing at Chasunas and then collecting Tzedoka for the two weeks before Purim. I don't remember who did and who didn't get involved but I do remember that there was a strict rule that no one who missed night seder or came late to morning seder could do it.

  9. The real story - it started before covid, the headache, competition (it used to be just a couple of mesivtas and yeshivos it became thousands of groups as young as 7th graders going around collecting) groups were pulling just a couple of hundred bucks hence a mesibah with learning before and we'll get sponsors... well it ended up taking off way better than the Purim night collection. Last year or 2 many yeshivos jumped on the band wangon.. As long as they come with the attitude that this is a better fundraiser I'm fine - but if they start saying Purim is a zman for limud etc. That's what I won't tolerate
