Saturday, March 5, 2022

Motzei Shabbos pikudei 5782 News Updates

 Kiddush levana can be said tonight starting at 8:51 pm

- NJ truckers freedom convoy rolled into Ocean county today at the New Egypt speedway as they protest covid mandates. The convoy will continue tomorrow heading south to glouscter county NJ

- Tonight Divrei chizuk vehisoirerus on the current events by Rav Moshe Sorotzkin shlita at Esther Gerber hall 5th and Madison 9:30 pm

Melava Malka with Reb Nochum Cohen shlita from yerushalayim at the Sadigura B"M 53 Holly st Lakewood 9:00 pm

- Melava Malak Chizuk event for תכלית האדם בעולמו at Shemen Lmincha 2 Milano dr 9:00 pm  speakers Rav Asher Chaim Lieberman shlita Rav Yehuda Mandel shlita.

- Yeshiva Chayei Olam Reception 34 Roosevelt

- Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett flew to Moscow today on shabbos where he met with Russian president Vladimir Putin for over 3 hours. He later flew to Berlin where he met with Germna Chancellor Olaf Scholz for an hour in a half. Bennett also spoke to Ukrainian President Zelensky twice today.

- Igor Zhovkva, diplomatic adviser to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, has accused Israel of preventing him from acquiring defense equipment by witholding it 

- Mastercard and Visa suspends all transactions and operations in Russia

- Hundreds of Jewish refugees poured over the border to Moldova spending shabbos in Kishinev.

Ukraine claims over 10000  Russian soldiers killed in the war 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if all of those conspiracy theorists will jump on this now
    Or do they only jump on certain news articles.
