Wednesday, March 23, 2022

A News Photo is to the Truth, what Charlie Chaplin is to Shakespeare

About three weeks ago, someone on a  website must have had a few vodkas before posting the "Picture of the Day" - a photo and caption online, which is actually a fairy tale woven from whole cloth.

A “Farbreng” is a public gathering for introspection. Let’s do that right now.

Pray tell, when R' Louie Scheiner decides to host a parlor meeting for askonim and other prominent people, and someone stops by for a few minutes, to pay his respects to the ba’al achsanyah, how does that morph into a “Rosh Chodesh Adar Chassidishe Farbrengen”?!

לא דובים ולא יער

Anyone who portrays this as something else is full of  baloney.

End of story.



  1. What wrong with a Rosh Chodesh Adar Chassidishe Farbrengen, might I ask?

    1. Nothing as far as i can tell but thats only when it is a real farbrengen

    2. What's wrong with sticking to the truth and lying for one's own agenda?
      There's your answer.

  2. deception is their modus operandi what better way to push the agenda than by using a litvish Rosh yeshiva and pretend that Lakewood supports you.

  3. Like the lag baomer charade they tried sneaking on the lakewood community deception is the name of the game

  4. Why do u insist on pumping the Shiur followed by "farbregin" by Rabishkin?

  5. Time for Achdus,not Senseless hatred

  6. huh why not go private with these private petty disagreements why use a public blog read by the public who dont get the bib tuudoo?

    1. Because a picture of the day was made public and embarrassed a Rosh Yeshiva

  7. Time for Emes. Not Sheker.
    When people live with truth then they will find that people like them and get attracted to them because you know what truth wins. The real of Hashem is truth.
    When one acts with Sheker and deception, even for good causes, it ultimately pushes people away.
    This is not senseless and it's not hatred.
    It's simple let's be real. Our Yichus is that we're from Yaakov. Not Lavan. Arami Oived Avi.

    1. Why don't you Lecture our Sheker, Planning and Zoning Boards along with our Greedy leaders,Their actions are the epitome of Chilul Hashem,What a True Embarrassment to BMG

    2. Sir this stuff is posted here literally almost daily. I'm you sure why you think not.
