Thursday, March 31, 2022

Thursday March 31 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Becoming windy with showers developing this afternoon. High 67F. Winds at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of rain 40%

- Harav Elya Chaim Swerdlof Shlit"a will be  giving a hesped on Mara Harav Chaim Kanievsky Zt"l tonight at 10:15 p.m. in the Yeshiva Ktana hall 120 second street

 - Severe thunderstorm watch issued in 18 counties, including monmouth & Ocean county with damaging winds, small tornado possible The watch was issued at 4:15 p.m. and will remain effective until midnight

- Howell township police Chief Andrew A. Kudrick, Jr. announces his retirement today in a statement he said "I am happy to announce effective midnight tonight I am officially retired.  I have spent the last 32 years of my life proudly wearing a Howell Police uniform. For nearly the last seven years, I was honored to be the Chief of Police of an agency I have held in such high regard since I was a child"  Captain Pilecki will be in charge during the transition. 

- 4:30 pm:  New Jersey Gov Phil Murphy has tested positive for Covid-19 and is "currently asymptomatic and feeling well" according to his  communications director Murphy will "cancel in-person events, isolate for the next 5 days, and continue to monitor for symptoms." (SSchorr)

- US State Department urges American citizens to depart Ukraine and Russia immediately.

- New York state reports 4,493 new coronavirus cases, an increase of 30% from last week

- Toms River police are warning residents to lock their vehicles and take their key fobs with them after an attempted theft of an SUV went badly for the thief on Wednesday suspects in a silver Audi tried to steal an SUV from a home on Todd Road, As the thief opened the door to the SUV, he discovered the driver still sitting behind the wheel, and ran back to the Audi, which took off. (TRPD)

- Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein shlita responded to a question asked if the current wave of terror in EY is from a lack of protection following the petirah of Reb Chaim Kanievsky zatzal. He said that  HKBH protects klal yisrael and Reb Chaim in shamayim is still protecting  klal yisrael גדולים צדיקים במיתתם יותר בחייהם and his promise for Bnei brak is still intact that there won't be attacks.  However the shooting took place in an area where chilul shabbos takes place as cars and buses drive there on shabbos. Shabbos is a ahemirah and Rav Chaims havtacha can not take place where there is no shemira from shabbos. 

- NJ Gov Murphy: Horrified by the recent surge of terrorist attacks in Israel that have claimed 11 innocent lives. We are praying for the families of the victims, and for an end to this senseless violence, especially as we enter the holidays for so many.

- Torah Umesorah’s Morah Superfund Reception in Lakewood 20 million raised to up salaries see video below

- Veretzky rebbe will be visiting Lakewood this coming week from  Sunday - Tuesday he will be staying at 1507 Parkside Drive

- LPD: Distracted Driver Campaign starts TOMORROW!!! UDrive..UText...UPay! Please put the phone down and drive safely!

- Prospect Square kehilla moves into new shul building located on 317 Blanche. 

- BMG announces youngeleit who would like to apply for this coming summer zman must do so by April 7th they will then need an interview and a Bechina.

- Howell Police Dept responds on facebook to an event yesterday at the Lakewood /Howell border "Issues are resolved. Organizer did not expect such a turnout. Apologies were made. Our officers used this as an opportunity to engage with our community regardless where they reside. We welcome all. -Chief Kudrick". Some have asked why the FB post is not moderated for the comments about the lkwd community.

- Egg prices going up ahead of Pesach  shoppers may see an uptick in egg prices because of Easter weekend, supply chain issues and inflation. A dozen large Grade A eggs reached $2.01 a dozen compared to $1.60 per dozen last year, a 25.5% increase. Some analyst say it could hit $3 a dozen.

- Report: Some  Lakewood mosdos to raise tuition for next year by $200 see more at LNN 

- Several Breslover chasidim  managed to travel to Uman for erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan for and daven at the tziyun. It is the day Rav Nachman was born (Corrected)

 - Israel: A 20-year-old Jewish man was critically injured in a stabbing attack on a bus in Gush Etzion. The Terrorist was killed by an armed civilian on the bus. The IDf killed 2 other Palestinians in Jenin after they shot at the soldiers.

TU video:

 video: Rav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi with talmidim Sof Zman at Kever Rochel 


  1. The public should be aware that news websites or other media outlets do not represent the Lakewood orthodox community but only themselves. Not smart to pick a public fight with a neighboring PD

    1. The einom yehudim dont know this and it can cause tzaros for the klal uprat

  2. How about Teireh Umeseireh raise money for struggling parents who cant pay tuition. After all the photo ops and big announcements tuition keeps going up and the parents are the ones who carry this burden so why the need for Torah mesorah what are they doing to help tuition

  3. Erev Rosh Chodesh Nisan is not Rebbe Nachmans Yahrtzeit which is 18 Tishrei.
    One may mix it up with his Yom Holedes which was Rosh Chodesh Nisan.
    The minhag to travel there for Erev Rosh Chodesh Nisan is an old one though.

  4. How does anyone know what happens in shamayim? We are an עם חכם ונבון and we should know better than to believe these אמונותו טפלות.

    1. I think Rav Zilberstein's message was crucial because of the reaction many ppl had that our zechuyos have been decreased with Rav Chaim's passing. It's important for every member of the klal to see himself as a torchbearer and maximize his zechyos for himself as well as the tzibbur. And there is a concept of a niftar intervening for his loved ones. So the message is timely and cimfirting.

    2. You don't use אמונות טפלות to achieve anything.
      Yes, our zechuyos had been lessened, and no, it doesn't mean Klal Yisroel is over. We still have a Torah to keep, nothing changed.
      People need to stop depending their Yiddishket on a person, group identity, or external sign. We have a Torah and we keep it, that's all.

  5. The minhag to travel.....old one. A bunch of bologna!! The only minhag was to be their on Erev Rosh Hashanah period. Everything else was made up!

    1. If you don't know something does not mean it's made up.
      Either way everything is made up doesn't make it not a Minhag a hundred years down the line.
      The question may be win started it. Well Rosh Chodesh is definitely a new thing. But Erev is not.
      Thank you.

  6. Is it possible to post a link to a recording of Rav Elya Chaim Swerdloff Shlita's hesped?
