Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Live Stream Lakewood Asifa for Yidden in Ukraine


 Asifa going on at Yeshiva Ktana Hall donate Here 

1 comment:

  1. In light of this morning's fatal crash, there are several points that need to be pondered by all.
    Firstly, as the mashgiach Rav Matisyahu said in the shmuzin. The way you drive is the expression of your genuine Midos. You can be the nicest guy in the world but if you engage in road rage and drive like a maniac that is what you are, that is who you really are.
    Secondly, everybody has to slow down and be more courteous. Period.
    Thirdly, the tremendous Rush and traffic in our little town is the direct responsibility of the Town leaders that have been in office for almost 20 years. They have appointed and directed The planning and so new boards to do their bidding. The uncontrolled development coupled with the lack of proper planning and infrastructure is a direct cause of countless accidents injuries and deaths. There's no reason for it to take an hour to drive 2 miles.
    We need a communal cheshbon hanefesh and don't blame it on tznius.
    My heart bleeds for the Dead and injured. This has to stop.
