Sunday, March 27, 2022

ברוך דיין האמת

 Petirah of R’ Yissochor Weisberg ZT'L  a Lakewood youngerman a talmid of BMG and mechaber seforim was niftar today after suffering from  lengthy illness he lived in Westgate. He is survived by his parents ybl"c Rav' Shlomo and Mrs. Hindy Weisberg  and leaves behind a wife and 5 children he was 35. The levaya is scheduled to take place at 2:15 pm today at Bais Medrash Govoha  the Yoshon B"M  kevurah in Lakewood. TNZBH


  1. True yarei shamayim, incredible masmid, talmid chacham and unassuming to boot. The real deal. We learned together in south fallsburg.

  2. This is heart-wrenching and such a tremendous loss for klal yisroel, he wrote many sefarim, was an אדם חשוב מאד מאד

  3. I learnt one of his many Seforim titled Klei HaShabbos.
    The Sefer is literally a masterpiece. I've never seen anything like it.
    And it's just one of a whole collection.
    A true real authentic Talmid Chochom.
    This is an Aveida shein la temura.
