Friday, March 11, 2022

Friday March 12 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Plentiful sunshine. High 53F
ערב שבת פרשת ויקרא פרשת זכור
Candle lighting 5:41 pm Shkia/sunset 5:59 pm

- Shabbos day weather: Rain...changing to snow in the afternoon. Becoming windy. Morning high of 46F with temps falling to near 30. Chance of rain 100%. Snow accumulations less than one inch. Winds could  gust over 40 mph.

- Nearly 900 more N.J. prisoners set to be released over COVID concerns

- Kashrus alert re: Slurpees at Lkwd Quikcheck per letter in TVOL  it does not appear to have a reliable hashgacha confirmed with several local kashrus agencies although there are claims of having kosher ingredients. Check with your LOR.

- Reminder Day light savings time begins this motzei shabbos as we spring ahead shkiah Purim day is 7:05 pm

- Lakewood Vizhnitz Yerushalayim Rebee Rav Lazer Hager shlita will spend this shabbos parshas zachor in Lakewood all tefilos and tisch will take place at the simcha hall next to B"M Michtav Sofer 1051 W County Line rd 

- Hearing for Rabbi Eisenman scheduled for this coming Tuesday March 15 has been postponed after the prosecution requested that the judge remove himself  see full story on LNN

- Gas prices come down by 10 cents at some stations now at $4.19

- New Heimish community in South Florida Lakefront Estates will be located in Okeechobee, Florida midway bet Orlando and West palm beach. For more details email

- Lakewood real estate house in coventry listed at $425,000

- Crews repairing  and filling pot holes around after motorists popped tires on Lakewood roads.

- Rep. Chris Smith is now a resident of Manchester, where he purchased a home recently after his previous hometown of Hamilton was placed out of the 4th Congressional District 
- Campaign launched for Almana and 5 yesomim here
- Shiva for R' Feivel Mandel z"l is at 55 12th st Lakewood

- The annual Kehilla Ishay Yisroel Melava Malka (Rabbi Milstein's Shul) will take this Motzei Shabbos at 9:15 at the Shul 110 Miller Road. Special Guest Speaker Reb Sholom Rubashkin.

Video מרבין מרבין בשמחה
Getting ready for parshas zachor


  1. where can one get information for the new community that is opening in FL?

    1. Speak to Efraim Feder +13476286565

  2. Came across this:

    Didn't read all the comments, but they're definitely not wrong about the driving in Lakewood, and it's not anti semitic to describe the driving the way it is.

    We have to figure out a way to somehow get people to be more careful and follow rules, at least from a safety and Chillul Hashem perspective, if nothing else...

  3. Why is Okeechobee going to be different than the new heimishe yishuv in Tampa? My understanding is that Tampa is not going well.

    1. It's a much better location

    2. Better in what way? Okeechobee looks like it's next to nothing. Tampa is a big city.

  4. בעזהשי"ת עש"ק פרשת זכור תשפ"ב

    Special Feature Shiur
    בשורה משמחת לשוחרי התורה ולומדיה
    שיעור מיוחד באגדה ובהלכה בענין:
    עמלק וזרעו – מרפידים ועד בני ברק
    We are excited to announce that this week's shuir
    given by
    Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a
    will be given on:
    Motzaei Shabbos Parshas ויקרא
    March 12,2022 at 9:00- 9:45 PM.
    in Kollel Ner Avrohom
    104 Arbutus Drive, Lakewood, NJ 08701

    This week topic:

    A comprehensive journey throughout entire תנ"ך in reference to עמלק & his descendants in all generations באגדה ובהלכה

    הציבור מוזמן!
    The organizers
