Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sunday March 13 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: A mix of clouds and sun. High 39F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph.

- Former president Barack Obama tests positive for covid19. He is fully vaccinated.

- Kol Mevaser interview- A group of Litvishe youngeleit from Lakewood and S Fallsburg with chasidim from Monroe  are heading to Kishinev to help with Jewish refugees in Ukraine. They are talmidim of Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel and heeding his call to action. The are working with Rav Yaakov Jacobs on the ground in Europe. They will first stop in Kishinev Moldova where thousands of refugees are stationed they job is to find the Jewish refugees and help them get to Romania and hungary where they secured hotels for them to stay with kosher food and a place to settle for now in a frum atmosphere. Among the group are grandchildren of the Bais Halevi and Rav Pam zatzal. 

- Lakewood Zmanim Chatzos 1:06 pm Mincha Gedolah 1:36 pm Shkiah 7:01 pm

- Busy Shopping day Sunday before purim expect heavy traffic at shopping plazas. Costume closeouts open located at the Shoprite plaza on Rt 9 in Howell next to Staples

- Lakewood real estate house listed for $425k on Governors road in Coventry square neighborhood per zillow.

- String of parlor meetings for almana and 5 yesomim donate here

- Intersection on Route 70 and Massachusetts on the Toms River Lakewood border was rated  as one of the deadliest intersections in the country, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Board. Based on data of seven or more deaths between 2000 and 2019. But Toms River PD say they made changes by implemented a prohibited red turn arrow, which would eliminate the left turns during oncoming traffic and also added clearance time  So, one of the vehicle started its left-hand turn at the end of the yellow arrow, it would have time to complete the turn and get out of the intersection prior to oncoming traffic approaching."Since the changes, there have been only 10 minor accidents and no injuries reported at Route 70 & Massachusetts in Toms River. (NJ news 12) H/T

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah at B"M שפע חיים צאנז at 112 Chestnut, procession leaving from 1189 Tiffany Ln at 6:30 pm to the shul the seuda will take place at Ne'emas Hachaim hall. 

- Barnegat Lighthouse will close to visitors starting tomorrow March 14 through October as the Department of Environmental Protection embarks on a $1.3 million restoration, the state park will remain open.

Letter from American Roshei Yeshiva Harav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlita Harav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita on the Physical and spiritual danger to Yidden fleeing Ukraine 

Video Rav Hillel kohen returns from Israel to be with those still in Kiev sings Ani Maamin


  1. If the wealthy amongst us would get together and refuse to give another penny to a school until their books were opened, things might look different.
    'Owners' of schools need to learn that they are Gabba'im, not owners. If they leave their jobs, the buildings and assets are not theirs. They belong to the children and their parents.
    They need to know that they cannot collect money and then take a profit.

    1. They will never let you see their books. 2 guesses why..
      But You don't need to see the their books to know that tuition from every 15 girls or 22 boys fully cover one classes expenses

    2. They will never let you see their books. 2 guesses why..
      But You don't need to see the their books to know that tuition from every 15 girls or 22 boys fully cover one classes expenses

    3. Are you saying they will prefer to give up on the donations of the rich not to show their books?

    4. If gvirim stop giving, tuition goes up. The owners still get theirs, and we the parents pay more.
      Not a smart idea.

    5. there have been more then one philanthropist that have questioned how is it that after tuition they dont have extra money.
      Some have offered substantial donations if they see the books first.
      There has been no one that succeeded in getting clear answers.

    6. Anon 1:57 - they charge as much tuition as they can. If they could charge more, they would. It has nothing to do with how much money they can pull from Gevirim.

    7. Every yungerman should open their own books and bank accounts before gevirim donate the yungerleit. Are the yungerleit really poor? After all their tuition breaks, zero taxes, government programs, lots of side income, the shver, why are they so poor?? Lets see the books!

    8. Why do yungeleit need to open their books? They aren't demanding anything from anyone.

      But fyi, even if a Yungerman is rich, it is a zechus for the rich person to give money to someone learning. The money given to schools, is money to make a rich powerful person richer and more powerful.

    9. The yungerleit aren't asking for anything? How about tuition breaks???

    10. Anon 4:30 - you are thinking backwards. The yungeleit don't receive tuition breaks, they are charged the correct price. They just don't make profit for the mesiras nefesh school owner. They aren't taking a thing from the Tzibbur at all.

      If anyone follows this thread, he will see an unbelievable point. The complaints against the school owners are deflected with people's inbuilt שנאת התורה and denigration of those who dedicate their lives to learning. That is how these choshuve mesiras nefeshdige askanim get away with their shenanigans - through שנאת התורה. Of course, these people love Yeshivos, and support Yeshivos and hold of Yeshivos, but only because Yeshivos also have offices. ANd especially if those Yeshivos have business wings. But the actual Yungerman sitting and learning is an object of hatred in their eyes.

    11. Youngeleit dont get tuition breaks no one gets that in Lakewood

    12. Disgusting, arrogant, hateful and most ignorant comment I've read.
      "lots of side income" are you joking or just poking fun? However little they may be getting from sticking in another morning Kolel or another night Kolel or maybe offering to help your son do his homework and sometimes actually shaping him up - you consider that a lot? You consider that side income All the 24 hour running around to try to make ends meet after a month may not even come close to your weekly income with plenty of time left u your disposal to comment here.
      And btw I don't think by Yungerman would have a problem explaining why he does not have money. And box straightforward non hating informed person can also.
      But go ahead and stereotype the Amudei Oilam with the Torah learning haters views. Shame on you. Utterly shameful. Utterly disgraceful.

  2. This week’s Yated at page 148 reported on the committee members planning to hand out more 35-year property tax breaks to certain individuals.

    1. The committee already voted on the first reading this comes after the committee and MUA got huge raises wink wink

    2. What can we do about this sick corruption? I'm ready to become an activist

    3. U can start w using ur name lol

    4. The entire premise for a tax break for that lot is based entirely on lies. That the they want to exempt is a newly created lot, that was always part of the Albert residential neighborhood.

    5. COVID state of emergency is over, yet the committee meetings are still virtual. Ask yourself why?

  3. that was pretty quick coventry for 249k to 450k. buyers remember you can ask for 10 million but the proof is in the pudding at closing how much it was actually sold for.(assuming no shady business).
    good luck to all the buyers and sellers out there

    1. I saw that also. Did the house really sell for that much? I flipped when I saw the listed asking price. If ppl bought then it's our own fault that house prices wont go down. In a way we cause the demand by buying at these prices and when one person does it others follow. If ppl stop buying maybe prices will go down a little bit.

    2. People are trying to get $650,000 in West Gate for a town house.
      Did anyone get it?
