Saturday, March 12, 2022

Motzei Shabbos Vayikra 5782 News Updates

 Weather: Windy with partly cloudy skies. Low 19F.  Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.
NWS: Be careful for Icy conditions on untreated roadways and walkways.

-Daylight savings time begins tonight spring ahead 1 hour at 2:00am

- Bingo, NPGS, Gourmet Glatt both locations open tonight

- Appeals were held in Lakewood area shuls over shabbos on behalf of Jewish refugees from Ukraine.

- Multiple long range ballistic missiles hit US consulate in Erbil. The missiles were reportedly fired from Tabriz, Iran. Retaliation to Israeli strike that killed Iranian revolutionary guards in Syria last week. There are no reports of injuries and they hit empty fields to send a message.

- Hazorfim silver to open Lakewood store intime for Pesach at the Seagul Square shopping plaza.

- Shiras Devorah high school Holocaust exibit open tonight for women 8:30 pm

- Melava malka for the Skulen B:M of Lakewood  this motzei shabbos at the bM on Park Avenue washing 9:15 pm the rebbe is scheduled to show up at 10:15 pm

- Melava Malka for Bais medrash zichron Elazur of Santov lakewood at the shul 16 Iren court 9:00 pm Admor M'Seret Vizhnitz lakewood will speak

- Parlor meeting melava Malka to benefit yeshiva ohr Torah at Mesoras Avos hall 23 Congress st 9:00 pm

- The annual Kehilla Ishay Yisroel Melava Malka (Rabbi Milstein's Shul) will take this Motzei Shabbos at 9:15 at the Shul 110 Miller Road. Special Guest Speaker Reb Sholom Rubashkin.

-Arlongton shul siyum Hashas at TBY hall 613 Oak st

- Special Feature Shiur given by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a on  עמלק וזרעו – מרפידים ועד בני ברק A comprehensive journey throughout entire תנ"ך in reference to עמלק & his descendants in all generations באגדה ובהלכה אםמןעיא tonight Motzaei Shabbos 9:00- 9:45 PM. in Kollel Ner Avrhom Simcha Hall 104 Arbutus Drive, Lakewood, NJ 08701

- Moadim L'Simcha of Lakewood  Pesach 5782-2022  order Deadline: Sunday, March 13th, 2022 HERE

- Kashrus alert re: Slurpees at Lkwd Quikcheck per letter in TVOL  it does not appear to have a reliable hashgacha confirmed with several local kashrus agencies although there are claims of having kosher ingredients. Check with your LOR


  1. Middle Class Maxed OutMarch 12, 2022 at 6:10 PM

    Bais Rochel is the Nachshon of schools to raise tuition on struggling parents by thousands of dollars. Please list the schools that follow.

    1. On struggling parents? There is clearly a large class of people in this town/s that have a ton of money. Just look at Meatboards the prices are outrageous people don't blink. The expensive takeout the wine stores people are spending like it's water.. What do you expect to happen when an apartment will cost you 20k a year a salary for the teacher has to double food, gas how can one business possibly stay afloat at this record inflation?

  2. I'm not sure where you live but it's becoming impossible to find or retain top teachers in Lakewood. Lakewood has become the business capital of the frum world and women's salaries are sky high in Lakewood in office jobs. Lakewood tuitions have been lower than NY ,Baltimore etc but with teachers leaving the field unless they get big increases,what do you want schools to do ? its either hire incompetent teachers or pay much higher salaries for teachers,secretaries and support staff .

    1. The current tuition covers established schools budgets, with many dollars in surplus. This is fact.
      The school owners will not admit it. But all you need is to speak to some people on the inside, and more importantly a calculator.
      Do the math: You tell me the size of the surplus..

  3. As in thebilden days schools need to fundraise. That's how schools function not by raising tuition from parents that can't afford what they're currently being charged!!

  4. Its time that the mosdos that are funded by the public open the books to the public.
    What do they have to hide?

    1. every 15 girls and 22 boys tuition cover the class expenses

  5. What many don't realize is the class sizes in Lakewood is much more than in other places, with classes packed to capacity, approx. 30 per class. That is what brings up the income of the school. Also there used to be deductions for siblings which now has become less and less, also staff children getting free tuition is in many schools limited to one child.

  6. The raise in tuition is NOT going to salaries unfortunately. I asked. If it was I wouldn't be so bothered...

  7. Give any owner of a girls' school a few Lechaims and he will admit to you that with less than 20 girls in a class, he has broken even. Any children more than that, is profit for him.
    And this was before the millions that they made from Covid, including PPP, food boxes and other programs.

    Don't believe this phony teachers crisis. It is a way for school owners to relieve themselves (pun intended) of the responsibility.

    1. This is not only 100 percent true, but I'm sorry to say its allot worse then that.
      People are starting to question where the extra money that the schools are bringing is going
