Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Tuesday September 6 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 74° Rain likely. High 74F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 100%. 1 to 2 inches of rain expected. Localized flooding.
Flood watch issued

- LPD: Traffic Signal is out at Cedarbridge Ave & Clover Street. Expect delays. Please avoid the area.

- FAANews - Planning board  votes to carry Chemdas Hatorah application to the November  15th Meeting to cross examine the dean of the school that they had intentions to build there. The board called the application murky and a abuse of the 2018 township ordnance see full story  on FAA

- Tehillim for R' Yanky Meyer founder of Misaskim in  needs of Tefilos יעקב מיכאל בן מירלא

- Manalapan Jewish community will gather! following the kashrus scandal at the Chinese express. An evening of repentance and how to kosher utensils will take place this Thursday at the Jewish Learning Center of Manalapan. 

- BDE: Petirah of R' Yankel Adler ZL was 67. He was a mispalel at Kol Aryeh and a longtime Lakewood resident involved in many chasodim for the community. The  levayah will take place at 5:30 pm at the Seventh Street chapel.

- GKRF Group editor- The investigation into the Chinese Express is by no means over, expect future statements from the OK
- Liz Truss to became Britain’s next prime minister, replacing Boris Johnson

- LPD: Keep Our Children Safe kids are Back To School use caution in school zones
- Girls schools begin with half day schedule
- Gas price in Lakewood at $3.81
-The Mashgiach Harav Don Segal shlita will speak tonight at Telshe yeshiva in Cleveland as he continues his chizuk tour around the US

- Letter from the OK Rabbi Don Yoel Levy Z"L  in 2006 following a kosher meat scandal HERE

- BDE: Petirah of Reb Yidel Weinstock ztl noted Satmar Gabbai of the Beirach Moshe and currently of the Satmar Rebbe Rav Zalman Leib. He died as a result of a car accident on the NY State Thruway near Solatsburg around 1:30am. Two people were killed in the accident, news media report the other car drove in the opposite direction resulting in a fiery crash. Levaya in Williamsburg 11:00 am he was 68.

- BMG purchased several buildings from GCU along Lakewood Ave at 8th & 9th street and  6th street public  records show the purchase for 12 million. There are plans to add new Botei Medrashim and dormitory facilities at those properties. (That is besides the purchase of  42 acres for kollel apartments)

- Today Lakewood planning board meeting at town hall starting at 6:00 watch live stream Here see Agenda Here on the agenda an application  filed under the name Yeshiva Chemdas Hatorah, which could add an additional 500 cars to the Cross and James Street traffic seeking approval to build a residential development at the 17.5 acre parcel on the northeast corner of Cross Street and James Street with 125 homes plus basement apartments.
-B"M Emunas Yisrael of Lakewood application for new building on Clover st

- LDC meeting today will be held virtually due to covid 4:30 pm watch live stream Here see agenda Here. On the agenda resolution to create a shuttle bus liaison for the chasidishe communities of Belz & Satmar in south Lakewood for buses that go to Chemed and other shopping areas. The position will be awarded at a salary of $75,000

- Shiva for Mrs. Shulamis Rozansky at136 Powderhorn Lakewood


  1. Why did tonight's Chemdas Hatorah documents mysteriously disappear from the Planning Board's online files?

    1. The documents were just put back

  2. If all reliable kashrus agencies would immediately require a mashgiach tmidi with full control over the keys and refrigerators, in every certified meat establishment, the public could rest assured that a terrible scandal such as the one that happened in Monsey will never be repeated. Additionally we should collectively work toward implementation of a nationwide tracking system.

  3. The OK has offered a different suggestion to rectify the situation: The only way to prevent such incidents is to require a mashgiach tmidi in every kosher-certified meat establishment. The mashgiach would have full control of the keys and refrigerators. This has been OK policy at meat establishments for over 25 years. In a meat establishment where a reliable mashgiach tmidi controls all the meat entering and leaving the premises, and has sole possession of the keys to the store and refrigerators, a shocking story like this could never have occurred. And as a consumer, you of course have the power to demand, check and actually verify the presence of the mashgiach tmidi.

  4. This is the foundation of giving reliable kosher certification to the establishment and not just to the owner, until now only the owner was certified. With a mashgiach tmidi, the kosher certifying agency can say that they are also certifying the store, which is the most important goal.

    As mentioned above, there is always room for improvement, therefore another upgrade in kosher monitoring, built on the foundation of a mashgiach tmidi, would be a system to track kosher meat from the slaughterhouse to the store shelves. Nowadays, when you order something online, you can track your package’s exact location from the time it leaves the warehouse until it arrives at your home. Millions of packages a day are tracked in this way. A similar system can be instituted to track meat. The technology for such a system certainly exists.

  5. As mentioned above, there is always room for improvement, therefore another upgrade in kosher monitoring, built on the foundation of a mashgiach tmidi, would be a system to track kosher meat from the slaughterhouse to the store shelves. Nowadays, when you order something online, you can track your package’s exact location from the time it leaves the warehouse until it arrives at your home. Millions of packages a day are tracked in this way. A similar system can be instituted to track meat. The technology for such a system certainly exists.

    For example the scanning system at the cash register (already used in the vast majority of stores today) records the exact amount of meat and chicken sold. The mashgiach will have a definite system from his kashrus agency for tracking all the meat that enters and leaves the store, and he will be held accountable for keeping an accurate record of this. The mashgiach will be closely monitored by a rabbi at the kashrus agency to ensure that the meat is being properly tracked.

  6. Adler was an emese baal yisurim for many many years

  7. The ideas people are bringing here are not new, but they are not all possible.

    Imagine a Mashgiach with sole control over the keys. He comes in at 10 am to the restaurant and opens up. What does he do next? He sits and klutzes for the next twelve hours, doing absolutely nothing? Do you know a person who can do that, and is still a reliable person, a yerei shamayim and smart enough not to be fooled? Obviously such a person does not exist. So he gets another job in the restaurant, and people continue to complain that Mashgichim are just restaurant employees.

    The technology-based systems could work, but it probably would not be possible for small hashgachos.

    All hashgachos keep cheshbon of how much meat is sold compared to how much is bought. I heard that in Monsey the cheshbon was also kept. It is just that a real determined Rasha can find a way around that too, as he did.

  8. Wanted to wish everyone allot of hatzlacha and patience sitting in the massive lakewood parking lot especially route 9 while taking ur children to school courtesy if the lakewood zoning and planning board.

  9. One more thing we can thank the planning board is the excess of flooding because of the fact thay our infrastructure can't handle the water run off because we eliminated all yhe grass and replaced with impervious asphalt

  10. Hi can we keep our children safe in the lakewood parking lot ,Lakewood should be designated as a danger zone due to our lack of infrastructure and daily multilevel accidents. Hiw can it be safe when u have dozens of children in a tiny amount of dpace with multiple cars how can schools be safe with our horrible infrastructure

  11. the first rule in kashrus is is the balabus a yoreh shamayim. ahy would a goy seek kosher certification respect for the jews? money.money and money. if profit or stuffing your face is more important than your yiras shamayim....How many establishments in Lakewood owned by Jews are manned totally by goyim? If I who was raised in a kosher kitchen sometimes make a mistake or am uncertain and have to ask a shaila what can i say about the bagel store, pizza store, kitchen in the back at the supermarket manned totally by goyim? how many of us know how to check lettuce properly? yet you will buy lettuce marked checked at the supermarket checked by goyim. are they using s light box? Looking in the crevices?

    1. And the Monsey store was owned by a goy? It's davka logic like yours that led to it - he's heimish! Everything must be great!
