Friday, September 16, 2022

Friday September 16 News Updates

Friday, September 16, 2022 / כ׳ אלול תשפ״ב ערב שבת פרשת כי תבוא
Candle lighting 6:45 pm Shkia/sunset 7:03 pm

- Selichos Motzei Shabbos in BMG an the Yoshon, Princton, Forest, Bais Aaron, Bais Sholom starting at 1:00am.Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita will speak in Bais Aaron at 12:30 pm

- Governor Phil Murphy "I am outraged at Governor DeSantis’ heartless attempt to exploit vulnerable Venezuelan migrants in a political stunt designed only to improve his standing among his right-wing followers.

- Donald Trump Jr. "Seems odd to me that Martha’s Vineyard is allowed to have a border but Texas isn’t! Martha’s Vineyard  residents called in the buses and deported 50 illegal immigrants from the island. 

-Yeshiva University suspends all clubs, which students pay for, as it tries to block its Pride club

- UENJ launches voter registration campaign to  help lower tuition costs for private schools by lobbying for the creation of an Education Tax Fund in which corporations can donate to a scholarship organization and receive  a tax credit for that donation those funds will be distributed to eligible parents  in private schools. New committee formed see full list Here

- New print of Selichos Chonoh Dovid minhag Lita based on the minhag hayeshivos with clear instructions eliminating the guesswork of which ones to say. With psakim pertaining to אמירת סליחות from Rav Dovid Feinstein zatzal. Available at local judaica stores.

-The Ice cream house from brooklyn owned by Kleins Ice cream company will be opening a location in Lakewood down rt 9 south next door to Seagull square

- Gelbsteins bakery on Clifton Aven is now under new management it was sold to Elegant deserts of NY. This is only for the retail business. The store will be selling new products such as gift platters and frozen deserts

-Estreia restaurant anounces re opening with upscale menu and upgraded bar VIP party room

-Perls famous Kisha with beef now available in Lakewood at select supermarkets.

- LPD is Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 - October 15, embracing unity and inclusion in the Hispanic and Latino community. Last night in downtown Lakewood and on Faraday st at the jackson Lakewood border there were several fights due to partygoers; heavy police activity at both locations resulted in several arrests and some sent to hospitals. nearby properties were damaged and some cars had their windows smashed. 

- The township committee meeting yesterday was held virtually with several committeemen participating with their cameras off. At the public comments section the mayor answered questions  submitted via email, about vacating Wynatt avenue saying it will be used for future expansion of the Arlington shul. The mayor was asked about garbage trucks picking up trash early waking up residents he said they have to have the garbage pick up before the buses so it is scheduled earlier but he will look into it for shabbos and yom tov after people complained the trucks are waking them up at 5 in the morning. The committee also approved a land swap deal with the township even though the properties are not buildable the mayor explained that the owner can swap the rights to remove trees on other properties that are restricted by acquiring the lot. 

- The Israeli Foreign Ministry denied reports on Friday that Russia has said they will not be able to guarantee the safety of Israeli pilgrims going to the Ukrainian city of Uman for the Rosh Hashanah holiday as the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues.

- A hakomas Matzeiva will take place this Sunday for R Yanky Meyer ztl at the Beth  Israel cemetery Woodbridge NJ 12:30pm 


  1. בעזהשי"ת עש"ק סליחות תשפ"ב
    A Special
    ראש השנהFeature Shiur
    We are excited to announce that this week's shiur given by
    Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a
    will be given:
    Motzaei Shabbos Parshas כי תבא- סליחות, 5782
    Sept 17,2022 at 10:00- 10:45 PM.
    In Kollel Ner Avrohom
    104 Arbutus Drive, Lakewood, NJ 08701

    This week topic:
    תשעה ראשי שנה
    מבריאת העולם
    ועד בית שני
    A phenomenal journey throughout תנ"ך and מדרשי חז"ל from the first ראש השנה at the time of בריאת העולם until the ראש השנה בימי עזרא הסופר 3,412 thereafter with a focus on the characteristics and סגולות of ראש השנה
    שמעו ותחי נפשכם!
    The organizers


  3. The reason they keep the cameras off is because the are busy with other things during the meetings. When was the last time anyone heard Mika D'Elia speak in the past 2 years? Is he alive? Is it him "attending" the meetings? Does he still live in Lakewood? Is he in a hospital somewhere? When was the last time he liasoned to a department that's under his watch? When was the last time another board member did township business with him? He's the liason to the zoning board, is that why they continue to run amok, because Mike is awol? Why is he still collecting a salary and benefits?

    There's a scam going on and all the committee members, township staff, and many others are complicit (yes Ackerman too)

    1. No one cares. Wg shul wg shul wg shul wg shul

    2. What’s this got to do with WG shul?

    3. That's why all questions are only allowed to be submitted by email, so questions won't be asked of Delia directly. Isn't it a bit crazy that residents can't directly question the township committee? Individual committee members cannot be asked questions in regard to their responsibility. All questions are filtered and reworded, and there's no ability to follow up on a vauge insufficient answer. Hardly a proper public comments forum. Meetings probably do not follow the rules of order, and all voting on ordinances is probably faulty. At what point will the State AG step in?

    4. Keep voting for the cartel.
      Show your hakaras hatov. Do you you realize how much worse traffic would be without them.
      Do you think its easy for them? Do you realize how much time and effort it takes to count all that money?
      Do you realize how much time and effort it takes to find ways to hide all that money?
      stop with all the kafoi tov..

  4. The garbage truck comes 3 times a week to the big apartment building on east seventh between 5 and 6am. And makes a ruckus. It's the way of life. Train horn is a disaster and Mary's lane is decrepit and dangerous. Not enough dor two cars to pass safely. They should pave it wider.


    Man dresses like a woman and gets hired by girls yeshiva to teach girls.

  6. Why did this uenj committee not do anything when all the schools in lakewood went up on tuition this year costing families another 7k a year.
    Why were they silent

    1. Complain complain complain

    2. The answer is: How would they gain? Whats in it for them?

    3. Where exactly do you get 7k a year ? My niece in an established girl's high school only got raised 350 to a little over 5000 per year They dont have 20 kids in school to get to 7k

  7. Average family with 7 kids total tuition increase is bet 5000 and 7000

    1. I'm not sure that's correct. The yeshiveshe schools dodnt raise 800 to 1000.morelike 350 to 500. So avg family with 5 tuitions raise was 1750 to 2500.

    2. The problem is that Lakewoid tuitions in the older yeshivishe schools is still much lower than tuitions in schools out of Lakewood . As the teachers and school secretaries salaries keep increasing closer to NY salaries, the tuitions will have to keep on increasing constantly to keep up with that. Lakewood teachers and secretaries used to be willing to work for less ,but since Torah Umesorah made their big PR campaign, that is no longer the case . They also feel that somehow or other ,not all ,but most parents somehow find the money to send kids to camp,hire cleaning ladies ,go on bein haznanim trips ,make chasunah in the nicer halls not Bais Faiga or Toras Aaron,send kids to exoensive seminaries . So if they manage to find money for those things even though they are struggling ,then they should find money to give the teachers and Rebeim a decent salary.
