Saturday, September 10, 2022

Motzei Shabbos ki Seitzei 5782

- 4 separate car accidents in Lakewood since shabbos was over including one onNew Hampshire and Towers st with serious injuries,partients transported to Jersey Shore hospital.

- Lee Zeldin Governor candidate, for NY "I strongly oppose the "substantial equivalency" push in New York targeting Yeshivas and other non-public education. This is a dangerous road the state is going down here and Kathy Hochulis MIA as usual on this topic, refusing to show even an ounce of courage or leadership.

- NYT hit piece on yeshivos will be published tomorrow ahead of vote by board of regents

- Meeting tonight in Lakewood for the effort to bring tuition relief with the voting power bringing school choice to frum families 

- House of  Sugo pizza open motzei shabbos until 12am located in Toms River at the Stop N shop plaza on route 9

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Baruch Yosef Feivelsohn ztl Rosh Yeshivas Nachlas Naftoli in Tzfas following an illness he was 65 Levaya tool place erev Shabbos he is survived by his Father Rav Shmuel Avigdor Feivelsohn shlita.

-LPD: Traffic Light at Prospect St & Massachusetts is now fully functional. Please be alert and drive safely

- Agudah responds to NYSDE regulations "We also note the Regulation’s inclusion of several alternate pathways described in the Regulations, which provide avenues for private schools to be deemed equivalent and avoid the need for intrusive and subjective local authority inspections."

- Ukrainian forces have retaken territory in the east and forced Russian troops to retreat. Russian Defense Ministry claims forces are "regrouping" toward Donestk as Ukrainian troops advance.

- Mishpachas Meyer (R' Shlomo, R' Yosef, R' Avrohom, Mrs, Ehrlich) will be sitting shiva for their brother R' Yaakov ztl  in Lakewood Motzei shabbos and Sunday at 423 6th street and the rest of the week in Boro Park at 1123 57th st.

-U. S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Friday permitted Yeshiva University to refuse to recognize an LGBT student club that the Jewish school in New York City has said violates its religious values, temporarily blocking a judge's ruling ordering it to allow the group.

- Queen Elizabeth’s state funeral will take place on Monday September 19 at Westminster Abbey at 11am.

- The CDC downgraded the last remaining counties from high to medium risk for transmission.It marked the first time in months that all 21 New Jersey counties had either “medium” or “low” risk for transmission.

- King Charles III, the world's newest monarch, was officially proclaimed sovereign of the

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Saturday morning in a constitutional ceremony that dates back hundreds of years. Almost 700 members of the current Accession Council, the oldest functioning part of Britain's government, were called to convene Saturday at St James's Palace in London, the official residence of the U.K.'s kings and queens for centuries.


  1. Another day, another serious accident in Lakewood. It's time for everyone to step up and figure out what to do to reduce the amount of these often tragic accidents.

    I drive alot around Lakewood, something has to be done.

    1. Can't blame the traffic, this was at night with empty streets

  2. Time to set up DUI checkpoints as well as license checks. Will clear the roads.

    1. Time to enroll drivers in drivers Ed programs...
